In the new Tomb Raider games Lara is 21,22 and 23 - each game with a year older,you can even check it in google and see by yourself! Only in the last game "Shadow of The Tomb Raider" Lara's face it's a bit better and she look one idea better then in the previous two games but still there's nothing really feminine in her - except may be her voice that you've mention and may be her hair! She may be a girl but that doesn't mean she is feminine - there are also guys who look feminine and girls that look more like a boy then a girl if you catch what i mean - and Lara in this new games looks more like a feminine teenage boy then a girl,the only way you can say she is a girl it's because of her long hair and that some oufits make her tits looks not so small,otherwise you can really mistake her for a boy and like i say it before she doesn't even look like 21-23 years old but more like some teenage girl that is no more then 16-17 years old. Probably if she was made to look like a 21-23 years old she was gonna look feminine and sexy,may be even a bit curvy(with bigger tits and ass/hipps) but instead they seems to decide to make her look like a teenage girl that doesn't have anything feminine except her voice or i guess you can also say like a feminine boy

Yes,everyone has personal preference but i think a girl/woman should look like girl/woman and be feminine so when you see her you will not mistake her for a boy - look at the movies with Angelina Jolie playing Lara Croft,she looks hot sexy and feminine while been a bad ass girl that fight and use guns - if Lara in the new games was made to look something like her it was gonna be the best - yes,the games are still really good,i've already say it that everything else in the games is made really good and it's really fun and enjoyable to play them especially on PS but it was gonna be much better if Lara was looking like a real 21-23 years old hot sexy girl!