Apr 11, 2017
"Problem" is the high standard of the first versions. :biggrin:
This version felt like a little slowdown, compared to the first 3.
But it still is one of the best (if not the best) of the actual Games/Novels out there.


Nov 13, 2016
Great Visual Novel. One of the best right now.

Sexy good quality art, freedom of choice with real impact, a meaningful story with many branches and believable characters, and a committed and caring developer.

Can't ask for much more, specially in this mostly chaotic, lazy, milking erogame scene.


New Member
Aug 8, 2016
Surprised by how much I enjoyed this. Definite change up in feel with other games, like has been said it's a solid story with multiple paths and a real sense of choice regarding them. Ended up playing it multiple times to try and find all the different outcomes. Looking forward to the next update, and hopefully more games/novels like this in the future from the developer or other devs who might end up influenced by it. This and Humbling Experience have ended up being my favorite games (for different reasons)


New Member
Nov 5, 2016
Damn, i never been in this section of the forum(novels), but the lack of the games i tried ~15 in this section, most of them (well 13 of 15) went to the trash in first 1-2 minutes like i imagine, but this one is just awesome!
I mean, it's even better than most my favourites games i tried.

Awesome story, awesome girl without stupid huge boobs and overall stunning, greate story and even paths in this kind of game.
Definetly supporting this girl. She just deserve this. It's like to find a gem in stock of shit and this shit get's supported to a huge amout, because lack of these kind of games.
I hope, when people will understand that shit is shit and they stop support trash games and more like this one, developers will bring a better product's overall.


Jun 1, 2017
Hey, this is almost decent.

On one hand, the characterization for Ashley through the different decisions is thought out, which makes you empathize with her a lot, if a bit predictable, and the artwork is a breath of fresh air, but on the other, I just don't seem to like any of the other characters, at all. There just isn't anything remotely attractive or redeeming about them at all. Contrasting Ashley, they all seem like cardboard cut outs at worst and stereotypes at best.

I mean, you got the nice, you got Shazam, you got the slut, you got the black, you got the queen, you got the artsy fartsy, you got the chick with a dick and the perverted dad/s.
Maybe just throw all that in a blender, and just make it all one character, and focus on that. I think this too many options thing stretched the characters too thin. It'd be a lot more believable.
Dialogue's fine, but needs more color. It says a lot about the lens of the writer, who's probably a fairly young she.

Well, considering we're all drowning in a sea of shit, with all these unfinished, broken, and barely comprehensible excuses of games, as of late, credit where it's due, for trying something new and nearly succeeding. That ought to count for something, somwhere.
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Well-Known Member
May 19, 2017
I must admit I rather like this one. The choices feel much more meaningful than most of the games on here. Sure there are some misteps, like the massage rape or losing good-girl points for declining sex, but on the whole it is an interesting experience. The author clearly has an agenda but I am willing to let that slide.


May 26, 2017
I must admit I rather like this one. The choices feel much more meaningful than most of the games on here. Sure there are some misteps, like the massage rape or losing good-girl points for declining sex, but on the whole it is an interesting experience. The author clearly has an agenda but I am willing to let that slide.
The author has an agenda? what do you mean?


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2017
The author has an agenda? what do you mean?
Maybe agenda wasn't the right word. She has a philosophical position that is imprinted on the game and the decisions you make. Being a "good girl" is (so far at least) portrayed as the loser option. Ashley becomes depressed and unfulfilled and is seen to be "wasting" her life. As I said, I don't necessarily object to that, but I would have personally prefered a more positive spin on it. It would have been nice to see some positive aspects arise from being a "good girl", but it may be that this comes a little later in the story.


May 26, 2017
Maybe agenda wasn't the right word. She has a philosophical position that is imprinted on the game and the decisions you make. Being a "good girl" is (so far at least) portrayed as the loser option. Ashley becomes depressed and unfulfilled and is seen to be "wasting" her life. As I said, I don't necessarily object to that, but I would have personally prefered a more positive spin on it. It would have been nice to see some positive aspects arise from being a "good girl", but it may be that this comes a little later in the story.
I don't see it that way, I think the game gives you "incentive" to become corrupted as to make Ashley seem depressed, but I think that's the nature of corruption: you can either choose the easy way or endure the hardships and stick to your guns and make the honorable choices. If you stay good she has a nice relationship with her boyfriend and some good sex scenes. But we like playing bad, it's more fun because we can't behave like that in real life I guess. But it's cool the game gives you the choice of behaving however you like insted of only letting you go bad (which seems to be the easiest path). I don't know maybe I'm reading too much into it, but I think both ways have interesting and very different events and who know, probably the payouts will be different.
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New Member
Jun 16, 2017
Hey, this is almost decent.
Honest question - what's your standard of comparison when you say "almost decent"? I'm new here, I haven't played a lot of these games, but the sense I get from most comments is that the whole approach of this game is a step above most of what's out there.

Do you know of other games which take this same kind of approach but are, in your opinion, *actually* decent? If so I'd be glad to hear of them.
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Jun 1, 2017
Honest question - what's your standard of comparison when you say "almost decent"? I'm new here, I haven't played a lot of these games, but the sense I get from most comments is that the whole approach of this game is a step above most of what's out there.

Do you know of other games which take this same kind of approach but are, in your opinion, *actually* decent? If so I'd be glad to hear of them.
Hey. Sure thing. Let's see...

Firstly, we're all here, giving all these sort of games a try, for the purpose of immersion. It's all about immersion.
See, most, whether they're conscious of it or not, wish for a more direct involvement in the porn itself. Now, watching porn, regardless of the reason for that, is fine and dandy, but at the same time, limiting. Think of it like the comparison between movies and videogames. With movies, you're sitting back on your couch, easing yourself into the role of the passive witness all of these cinematographic stories demand of you. With videogames, you leave that behind, as what's required of you is more involved, and you become an active participant of the action, rather than a bystander. You're no longer merely witnessing the story, but directly influencing it, however artificial that feeling may be, as, in the end, you still follow a set path.

Closely following what I said, it's the same with porn. All about the immersion in, not the story itself, really, but the context of the sex. You give context to something, it becomes something else. Something more, something colorful. It's why written erotica is so popular with women.

Now, returning to the task at hand, yeah, it's almost a decent game, barring the qualities I mentioned it lacks.
In the grand scheme of things, however, I can't really say that says much, as a bulky 90% of these so called "games" are absolute filth. Hence why I commended the developer for their effort.

Tapping back into the context thing from earlier, that's what makes a decent game. Plausibility. Believability.
When you're into a situation, if the slightest thought of "this shit's ridiculous" enters your mind, it breaks immersion, taking you out of the experience. And that fucking sucks. Think about those times you fuck a woman and she just lays there, like an abandoned starfish, her reasons for it being irrelevant. It just kills your mood. You look at her, and you start thinking. You put effort into wooing the woman, and she wasn't even decent enough to either stop you before starting to fuck her, or at least put some heart into faking it. You think to yourself, that if you wanted to fuck a corpse, it sure as hell would've been a whole lot cheaper, just running down the local cemetery and tipping the digger and extra ten.

See what I mean? Thinking. Cock killer. Once you start thinking, attraction fades away, and your carnal instincts log off.

If your porn, whatever it may be; movie, video, scene, comic, visual novel, game, book; gives you a window to actually think about it, even for a small window, it failed. At least, it failed for me. That may sound a tad hypocritical, but the only time your porn ought to make you think should be either before, or after it. Never during. Ugh.

As for some recommendations, I'm uncertain as to the existence of any decent branching path porn games out there (and not just porn games, but games in general; choices are a headache to write competently), so if you're seeking that, you'll probably be disappointed. If you merely requested tips in vein of quality, what you thought I might consider that, then sure, there's a few decent ones I've gone through.

- Summertime Saga. You need to play this. Right now. It's glorious.

- A Humbling Experience. It's the misadventures of a woman just a hair past her prime, confronted with rediscovering herself. Sexually, 'course. Might just be my favorite out the bunch. Top notch writing, believable situations, and beautiful artwork. The main character is smokin'. Plenty of laughs.

- Dreaming Of Dana. I'd say it contains one of the most well presented incest stories I've gone through. Brother - sister.
The core of the game is the relationship between the two, and it's handled well. Surrounding it, there's plenty of good fucking and relationship developing with other women, as well, which further embelishes the main conflict of the game.
Awesome renders, snappy dialogue, and a plus for the visual novel style. Yay for not being required to pointlessly walk around for twenty minutes to see a goddamn tit.

- Lily Of The Valley. Plenty of similarities to be found with "A Humbling Experience". Not as colorful and lively, narratively speaking, but I can say I've enjoyed it for pretty much the same reasons. I'd say, even though the porn happens more quickly, with not as much build up, it feels kind of stretched out. Like it's not pieced together as well as it should be. Regardless, a good time. Hot art, passable writing, and another smokin' main character.

- Redemption For Jessika & Finding Miranda. They're HTML (not a big fan) romance (good porn though) visual novels sprinked with a few choices here and there. They're part of a trilogy, with the first being "Dreaming With Elsa", which while fine, I didn't enjoy as much as its pseudo sequels (they're loosely connected). The writing is good, the stories are cool, and the renders are sexy enough. Third one, FM, has really good ones.

- Noble Privileges. Corruption of different chicks through debauchery for the purposes of enslaving them for your personal kinks, set within a medieval backdrop. Kind of a visual novel. Not much of a game. The artwork is well done, and the writing is almost fine. If corruption's your thing, this'll get you off.

- Officer Chloe. I think it's my favorite corruption game I've played, even though at times, it gets somewhat ridiculous. It's a combination of the smokin' main character, with the delicious renders, and an actually working system for "corruption points". It gives you just enough freedom to make a couple choices, and it deserves bonus points for the fact that you can give into the corruption, or, well, not. So, there's actually two different paths you can take. Though I can't say anything about the white picket fence pathline, as I didn't take it.

- Princess Trainer & Witch Trainer. Hella grindy, but hilarious. Loved the writing and the artwork.


New Member
Jun 16, 2017
Hey. Sure thing. Let's see...

Thanks for the suggestions, I will look at some. I largely agree with you on your theories, and in the particular context of these games, interactivity matters to me - I don't want to simply be asked to push a button now and then as a formality along a largely predetermined path. That's what I'm enjoying about GGGB - there are many many branches, and it can be interesting whether, as Ashley, you choose none, some or all of the "bad" options.

In principle I quite like the approach of summertime saga, which I downloaded, but it seems as though its content so far is largely incest-themed, and that is of not the slightest interest to me. A game with that kind of mechanic but pandering more to my tastes would be good.
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