The game's been rough, time has always been a constraint for me, having to learn most of it as i went. I liked working on combat and it felt fun for me, but he is not wrong. The balance could use some work, the need to move a lot of units when the enemies are a bit far was not so pleasant. Some combat events felt a bit of a slog.
I did not think the game would stand on it's own like a pure novel when i started, it's quite amateurish, especially at the start. Think i got better at it over time. And i didn't know the renpy too well. The event structure i made was a bit hard to adapt to changes, while keeping the saves intact.
Many things needed more work, the most upvoted reviews do tell that many are put off right at the start. I did try to improve things with the prologue update, but time's a luxury these days. I already spent two and a half years of my free time working on it, making sacrifices along the way just to be able to continue.