Ren'Py - Abandoned - God among Kings [v0.27] [SolidDoc]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Okay, to kick off this review I want to say that I really dig the fire emblem inspired combat in this game. It's a cool concept, although the combat can get a bit annoying at times, especially in the earlier versions where the balancing wasn't that great. But hey, the developer is working hard to make it accessible to everyone and not let it ruin the enjoyment of the story, and that's awesome.

    Anyways, I've been following this game since the beginning and played every single update so far. The story is decent, although it hasn't been explored much yet since it's still early in the game. There are only a few main missions, with most of the content being side stuff you do with the girls, like getting to know the new ones and all that.

    The main character is pretty cool. He's got a unique design and I love his personality. But that's where it ends. You don't really have any input in his character at all. He's already an established person and you basically have no control over his story. Instead of feeling like you're playing as him, it feels more like you're opening a book and watching his story unfold. There are no choices, so it's definitely a linear experience so far. Maybe the developer will add some choices in the future, who knows? Also, you can't even name the main character. He acts on his own, which, while it may work in certain games, isn't handled that well in this one.

    Most games on this platform allow us to insert ourselves into the character. It can be as simple as letting us change the main character's name or making some basic choices. But hey, I won't be too hard on the developer for their decisions so far. They've clearly put a lot of effort into this project. However, I'll still give my criticisms because I genuinely like this game and see its potential to be great. Although, the biggest issue so far is the sex scenes.

    Now, I just want to say that it's totally fine if the focus is on the gameplay and combat for now. But let's not forget that this is a porn game on a pirating site, and it's mostly meant for, well, you know, porn.

    Many people here play these games solely for the sexual content. They often skip through the dialogue and story just to get to the sex scenes. Unfortunately, this is where the game falls short. The sex scenes are brief, with minimal dialogue and only 1-3 renders showing the main character engaging in sex with other characters. It's quite disappointing, as there is no real sexual tension or anything that would genuinely arouse me. While the female characters are attractive and their models are unique, they only have a few lines of dialogue before the scene abruptly ends. It's like reading a romance novel that censors the intimate moments. It's definitely not a good sign. Most of the game revolves around combat, and outside the side content, the interactions with female characters are limited to these short sex scenes. There is no build-up or anticipation.

    The developer should really invest more time and effort into improving the sexual content, considering that this is, after all, a porn game. Yes, the combat is important, but most players come here for the sex scenes, with the story being a bonus. If the story were truly engaging, it could make up for the lackluster porn, but right now, the story is mediocre and the sexual content is almost non-existent. The game already has several sex scenes, but they are all disappointingly short. This aspect definitely needs more attention.

    I apologize for the rant, but I genuinely feel like I've wasted my time coming back to this game, only to be let down by the underwhelming sex scenes. Despite this, I will still give it a three-star rating for its solid foundation and the potential for a great story. However, the sexual content is where it truly falls short.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Finally, a game that stands out!
    I really enjoyed playing this game, for its story, characters, MC, combat, kingdom management and quests.
    As far as the story is concerned, the only complaint I'd have is that it's sorely lacking in an intro; as soon as you launch the game, you're thrown into a fight, but you know nothing about who, what, how or why.
    I really liked the characters, from what I understand, most of the roses were rescued, each with their own story, and I can't wait to find out more about each of them.
    I like the MC's character, even if he's arrogant at first glance, he's not a jerk, he knows his strength and loves his roses a lot.
    As for the fights, I rather like the principle with the skills, but the balancing needs to be reviewed for me, some sound much too strong and others too weak.
    City management, with upgrades and construction, remains simple for the moment, but well done.
    The quests are still few and far between, but I really enjoyed the assassin's quest, even if it's not finished yet.

    Anyway, I'm looking forward to future updates, and good luck to the developer.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    the concept is solid,
    the MC is too androgenous for my taste, Honey select is not really my thing,

    but with that being said, the concept deserves a fair chance!
    in terms of mechanics it resembles another game i enjoy greatly,
    but that one is mostly cloak and dagger spy stuff, this one seems a more political games with battles,
    but i do enjoy the entire manage a kingdom make it evolve, hire warriors and counselors so it gets 4 stars

    on the hopes that the game develops properly and we get to enjoy some much need intrigue good plot points and ofc power plays!
  4. 4.00 star(s)

    Paul Kagame Superfan

    Game is in a very early stage of development (0.1), but what I saw impressed me enough to write a review. I fell this game has some potential.

    The story follows young lord, who fights and conqueres lands and beauties on his way. He is charming, brave, flamboyant, little fruity, quick-tempered, but otherwise quite smart and reasonable, reminds me Alexander the Great, I like him. Power fantasy part is probably the best and the hottest part, sadly all the scenes and interactions with other characters now are too short. Usually this kind of games overwhelm you with ton of dialog about nothing and lore dumps, but this is step too much in the other direction. I would love to see longer and more sensual sex scenes, deeper conversations and character development, get to live in a MC skin a little bit and not just being thrown into a short vignette.

    I usually prefer to follow pure VNs, without sandbox or other game elements, because porn devs usually don't have what it takes to make both good game and good porn, but the game mechanics here actually work quite well. We have simple tactical turn-based combat with diffrent classes that balanced on the "Rock Paper Scissors" principle and xp-leveling system. You have to think how to position units on the map, who and how to attack, quite simple and fun (although I don't know why it square, and not hexagon-based). There is also strategic layer, gathering resources, upgrading units and buildings to open new scenes and progress the story. With some polish and quality of life improvements it can create quite an engaging gameplay loop. Visually game uses frankly outdated HS models, but I like the designs themselves, so won't complain there.

    So in conclusion I will say I have high hopes for this project and will continue to follow it.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    Version 0.05

    Sorry, man, but this turn-based battle system sucks. It's not well done, limited attack options, and the machine always has the upper hand. I lost in the first battle. This game should have a visual novel mode to skip these battles. I know some people like it, and I do too to a certain extent, but in this game, it's just not working for me. I hope the game keeps evolving, and good luck to the author.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    version 0.05

    This is a good start, I can see the Dev put a lot of thought and work in the combat system and combat scenarios. I wish it was hexagons and it feels weird that I can't attack diagonally and that archers can shoot point blank but those are just personal preferences. Also this game does formation battles better than in most media I've seen, during some of the scenarios it's like watching an action movie in my head if that makes sense. The sex scenes are nice, I enjoyed the casual theme where MC does it with everyone at any time. The kingdom management is not developed enough to comment on.

    Here is some feedback:
    - combat requires too many clicks, is clunky and lasts longer than necessary at least party because of the UI, if I select a character I should be able to left click an empty square in range and move there immediately without extra clicking, same with attacking into an enemy square, just this would speed up combat considerably, also do we really need 3 waves for the last bandit fight, 1 or 2 should be enough
    - would be nice if combat was "sexyer" more animations more poses etc.
    - sex scenes should be significantly longer and more elaborate, perhaps sprinkle some extra surprise sex scenes during combat - once you reach an objective or something

    I hope the Dev sticks with it and continues to improve, because I really enjoyed the relatively unique (for a ren'py) direction this game is going so far. I think there is a lot of potential.