Steam wouldn't let the game pass the check, the cgs are made with Illusion Honey select 2, and they retain all the rights to all content made in their game, and steam is not touching anything that might involve legal trouble with a ten foot pole. The Illusion is dead, but the rights are still theirs. Chances would be low, but not zero. And I certainly don't need that on top of everything.
I honestly couldn't get myself to finish chapter 1. It should have ended on a sad note, with a tinge of hope, and it hits too close to home right now, knowing that it's all in vain. I got so depressed that I couldn't do anything for a couple of days, had to dig myself out of this pit. Drowned myself in work to stop thinking. I was hoping to make an updated version but the life thought my collection of lemons is incomplete, but it seems like I will not finish that as well.
Maybe I could have done it with a bit more time, who knows. The game was indeed rough, in many aspects, the list of things that I wanted to redo was quite long. You can see from the most upvoted reviews that there were many people who couldn't get into it, and I get why. I think the game fairs much better after I had a year of experience making it, early events compared to the start were day and night.
Sucks that it all came down to money, but it's like oxygen. When you need it, you really do. And the patreon support has been on a single person's shoulders the whole time, barely budging.
I'm just as devastated as everyone else here, clinging to it till the moment I can no longer go on. For the first time in my life I though I was onto something.