Sorry, guys. There's a big overhaul of stuff on the way, many code/plugins have been removed and many added/updated/edited. Which may break older saves. 0.54.2 (current public one) was a few steps on the way. And 0.57.4 in particular will pretty much nuke all older saves and break them more than you can ever imagine. But after that one, things will be more stable.
so i finally found out why the game lags: stupid google chrome is refusing to use the graphics card; all animated renders are done
software on the CPU, which results in the CPU choking, even with the compressed version, because stupid google chrome wants to do a million things not even related to anything of the game in background, too, because it just wants it.
as a result, the fps drops down from set 60fps to 1-digit numbers for each animation. it was low numbers before in canvas mode, now it's worse in webgl mode, and i found no way to force the game into fullscreen, which would hopefully force the use of the graphics hardware. it's still google chrome and would use a stretched window, with everything inside slightly out of proportion; no hardware usage for renders. if you know a way, i'd be glad to learn.
right now, i can't really enjoy playing, i'm forced to jam the spacebar for any animation, and hope to not miss anything important of the conversations while skipping.
the sad truth, the late, 'modernized' RPG game engines are in fact google chrome in disguise. it does browser things, which real game engines won't do. it loads, and keeps loaded in RAM,
all existing fonts as example, not just the fonts used in the game, no, all fonts that are on the OS. there are countless other things it does which have nothing to do with the game.
oh another thing.. on game start, google chrome wants to do a
multicast udp connection to which supposedly seems to be chromecast saying "
this is my ID, running on this OS, with these settings, and found these items" and who knows what else, like a damn radio station broadcast, out to anyone who listens. there are over 150 subdomains on that IP whose origins and owners are nigh impossible to find out, among several of the known big tech trackers.
highly advised, make sure you have no existing network connection when playing MV games. i found this habit with each MV game i've tried out.