As someone who's had a Giantess fetish for quite some time, I can confidently say that this is one of, if not the best Giantess games that I've ever played. This is the first game that I felt really nailed the Giantess theme without relying on shrinking the MC through supernatural means in an otherwise normal environment. The devs built up an incredible world that actually feels lived in, with plenty of lore to experience.
Great Storytelling and Worldbuilding - As I said before, this game actually tries to be something more than
just a porn game. There's a story to be told, and it's up to the player to discover it through the routes of different characters. This is a world where Giantesses and Humans can actually live together in harmony and function as a normal society... but of course not everyone gets along. In fact, there are plenty of conflicts between the two in the story, some political and some personal. Depending on which location you end up in, you can either live (relatively) safely or be on the verge of death with one wrong choice of words.
Plenty of Characters/Love Interests - There are a respectable amount of characters in this game that have their own playable routes, and that's not even including the plethora of side characters that don't (at least not yet). There are also many hybrid Humans and Giantesses of various races, and some of which even have unique abilities to spice things up a bit. I feel like there's at least one girl in this game that will somewhat suit your tastes. Don't be complacent with just one or two girls, try to find as many paths as you can and see what they have in store. You might be pleasantly surprised.
Choices Matter - Believe it or not, your choices as a tiny and insignificant Human in this world can actually affect not only your own life, but also the lives of the Giantesses around you. This game is by no means linear. Depending on your choices, you will end up in completely different locations and with completely different girls than you would have otherwise. Choices can add or remove 'relationship points' with the girls and possibly set off certain flags that can be good or bad. Even if a certain choice doesn't currently matter in this version of the game, it may very well affect things in a later version. Not every choice has a huge effect on the story, but you might just help save a life (including your own). Choose your responses wisely, and make as many saves as you can so you can try different paths.
Various Fetishes - I know some people may wonder, "how could they possibly keep this game interesting when all the girls are so big?" Well my friend, you'd be surprised. There are both gentle and cruel Giantesses; some fall madly in love with you, and others see you as nothing more than a pet. Some like boob stuff, some like butt stuff. Some like foot stuff, some like mouth stuff. Some like growth stuff, and some like... crushing stuff. Certain girls are more closely tied to certain fetishes than others, so that's another reason to try many different routes. (But most of the time, you can find a little of everything in each route).
Detailed Artwork - Each girl has several detailed art pieces for romantic and/or lewd scenes, and the MC is often featured in this art as well. These art pieces are also slightly altered depending on the girl's emotions or what's happening in a scene (i.e, girl gets added blushes or sweat to her body, MC falls in her breasts, etc.)
Art Style - The promotional art for this game might've been accurate at one point, but currently it's quite misleading. Many of the scenes in the screenshots have been redrawn and are much higher quality now, and the same goes for most of the game's scenes in general. However, I know that art is subjective, and most people might not like the current art style compared to the old one.
Game Overs - In this game,
it's possible for you to die, depending on your choices
. I wouldn't recommend spamming through all the text/choices without saving frequently, or else you might just end up at a dead end where you can't use the Back button to save you.
Blood and Violence - Since there is crush-related content, that in turn means there is also blood in this game. Nothing overly grotesque like entrails or anything, just some red ketchup splatters on hands or feet. Also, text in certain violent scenes can go very in detail, so be warned. Not every route has these things, and you can usually cause/prevent it based on the choices you're given, making it optional.
Lack of Diverse Body Types - Women in this game are either thick, or
insanely thick with no exception. If you're a fan of petite body types and were hoping for Giantesses on the slimmer side, I'm afraid you're out of luck. At the very least, there are a few muscular women here and there.
Complicated Routes - Some routes are more complicated than others to reach or navigate through, and will require trial and error or a walkthrough in order to get your desired outcome. Some fetishes may be completely excluded from a girl's route if you failed to pick a specific choice at a specific time. This can be especially annoying if you plan to 100% the gallery. I know that some people like it this way, but some may not, so be warned.
Limited 'Back' Button - Anyone who's played their fair share of visual novels is aware of the existence of the back button. In this game, you're only able to go back by about 2-3 screens when advancing. I'm not the type of person who spams through all the text anyway, but this can be annoying when I want to go back and change my previous decision or remind myself what a character said a short while ago. Just be sure to save often, especially when you reach choices.
Typos/Broken English - English isn't the main language of the devs, so you'll find some typos and grammatical errors as you advance. They're usually not too bad and are easy to interpret, but there are a few moments here and there where I had to really think about what was being said.
Very Little Gay/Lesbian Content - The MC is male, and all love interests are female. While there are a few female-on-female scenes in the game, the majority are only female-on-male and vice versa. If you were hoping for more than that, you'll probably be disappointed.
Uneven Route Lengths - One of my few gripes with this game is that the content is heavily imbalanced. Some girls have plenty of content in their routes and receive frequent updates, while other girls have comparatively shorter routes and don't receive updates as frequently. This could be a good or bad thing depending on which girls you're interested in, so I'd recommend savoring each scene you have with them because their route may end faster than you think.
No Animations - This game features entirely still-images and sound effects, and has no actual animations besides the basic Ren'py camera panning. Personally, I think the game is perfectly enjoyable without animations, but since there's an 'animated' tag on the game page, I thought that I should clarify this.
NOT ENOUGH CONTENT - Yeah, I'm being petty. I want more. I NEED more. This game is too good. There's just never enough content for me to feel satisfied. But alas, such is the pain of playing a game before it's finished.
Overall, I'd say this game is more than worth your time, even if you don't (currently) have a Giantess fetish. Who knows, maybe you'll awaken fetishes you never knew you had.