
Genesis Creator
Game Developer
May 31, 2020
Hey there Dev, not to sound annoying but does the latest version have the list of tracks you have used in the game, we did talk about it earlier you said, you'll look into releasing the list of soundtracks or maybe it was after this update? Though playing the update I didn't find any such information, so just wanted to ask if I was missing something. as I had limited clarity on that?

Overall as I said before it is such a nice game and the music makes it even better which got me curious in the first place, completely understand though if you are busy and didn't do it, a humble request would be that in case you haven't added the list already and if you plan to do so in the future would you be kind enough to mention this on the game thread here? Would be a huge help!

Also thanks for the update its quite good, though the content feels a bit short because you can't get enough of the game already, it is that good personally :)

Thanks for reading and best wishes for ahead :)
Hello there!

Yes, I remember you asking me about it but I didn't do it yet as I actually focused on removing the music files that were not used in the game so far first. :geek:

I will try to do that before I leave for my vacations (26th of June) and if I have time, I'll even pop the youtube links in the file for easier access ;)

Best wishes to you too and I hope you'll continue enjoying the game! :giggle:


Apr 7, 2018
I actually modified in a previous update the possible answers for those questions allowing a bigger flexibility in answering them so for exemple, instead of "The Future/the future", you can now answer "The Future/the future/The future/the Future/future/Future" which is quite a lot of flexibility for a specific answer and for those who don't want to guess or who can't find the answers, they are all on my discord in the walkthrough channel so everyone can play as they want.

As someone mentionned, you not having your keyboard sound like an issue that only concerns you as far as I know and even if there was more players like that, I wouldn't change it since you're supposed to be on your desk when you use a pc.
That may be so, but it should only take you one look at the comments in this thread, to tell you that people don't like it

Not that I expect anything to be changed for me specifically, I only brought it up as a consideration. But you don't get to tell me how to use my computer, it's common practice to use a TV as a monitor.
I give the player the choice to ask questions to the character to enhance the immersion actually because it makes you partake into the story instead of just reading things.
Yes well, it's not really working, mainly because they aren't choices, you have to select them all. When you break up conversations the way you have, you take out all the organic flow, which is what removes the immersion you're trying to create. Honestly whenever you bring up a list of options that I have to click through it just pulls me right out of the story, it only makes it worse when every section of dialogue is ended with "Any more questions?"

Dialogue options should be options, as in pick one or the other. Giving me a list of questions to click through is pointless when you could just write a cohesive flowing conversation that doesn't interrupt me every 5 minutes to move on to a new topic.
As for the battle system, it is not random as there is an actual pattern to the ennemies attacks. It's based on the position of the enemy and if you can't see it, you can just go with trial and error so you literally need to miss two times to memorize the pattern since there are only two choices in normal fights. Mashing your way through a fight will not work most of the time. It's not called trolling, it's called making the visual novel more interactive.
I know it's not random. I was specifically referring to the scene where you're dodging sniper rounds, because if I recall correctly you didn't give us the visual cues you usually do, forcing the player to choose at random. I could be wrong about the one though and just wasn't paying as much attention as usual. If so I'm sorry for bringing it up.

As for the rest of the battle system. You've completely missed my point, the problem isn't that it's difficult or hard to figure out the pattern, it only takes one look at the first pose to figure out the rest of the fight. That's what makes it possible to button mash your way through, literally every battle with a perfect score. So now instead of having something interactive, you're just making me do the same thing 5 times for some reason.
If you wish to play a Visual Novel that is purely text that you scroll to, there are a lot of good kinetic visual novels on this website that you will definitely enjoy but Genesis is not one of them ;)
See overall, I don't have any issue with you wanting to make things more interactive, I just think that interactive elements should have purpose, and when they don't it really forces me to ask the question "What was the point of that?".

I don't really like just attacking someone's work so I do have to say that while the things I'm bringing do bother me a little. I can definitely see that you've gone to some effort to make them not to tedious for people. Like I don't like the fact that you have to manually type in answers but at least the riddles you used were easy. And the battle system, I don't like the fact the I have to basically do the same thing 5 times in a row, but it's an easy pattern to figure out so it's not as grindy as it could be.

As I said earlier. I don't expect anybody to change or tailor their game to my preferences at all. I'm just giving feedback on my play experience with the game. What you do with that is up to you.


Feb 2, 2022
Genesis [Ch.5] Solensis

Original Size Win/Linux: 2.27 GB
Original Size Mac: 2.26 GB

Compressed Size Win/Linux: 155 MB
Compressed Size Mac: 137 MB

Win/Linux: MEGA

This compression is unofficial. Compressing process reduces image/audio/video quality and can break the game, be aware of that.

You can find all of my Walkthrough Mods content here:

Or you can:
I don't see this anymore.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2020
Ok... dev clearly have read so many Light Novels with that much special attack names you use, especially with them being sword techniques. I can already think some titles at the top of my head like Blade Dance, World Break, Magika no Kenshi, Asterisk War, Rakudai Kishi and some others I've forgotten about.


Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2019
Sono bloccato nella parte dell'indovinello nel gioco qualcuno può aiutarmi, per favore, quali sono gli enigmi?
Piano 01: Q1 - Il futuro / il futuro Q2 - Una promessa / una promessa Q3 - Un'eco / un'eco Q4 - Oscurità / oscurità Q5 - Silenzio / silenzio ovviamente scivi in inglese


Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2019
dice per il 1° indovinello Cosa c'è sempre davanti a te ma non si vede? non so cosa sia
1 Il futuro
2 Una promessa
3 Un'eco
4 Oscurità
5 Silenzio
piu chiaro di cosi non si puo ovviamente il gioco e lingua inglese anche se lo giochi nella tua lingua devi dare la risposta nella lingua inglese io o sbatuto 5 giorni per le soluzioni ciao.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2020
i tried putting the stuff u want me to put in the riddles in the game its telling me Wrong Answer


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2020
Some of the Riddle Answers are not really obvoius. The Thing you could break without touching it could also be "trust"
(as in breaking somweones trust" or breaking a heart.
The thing which lets you see less the more of it is there could also be somehting like "mist"...
So it took me quite some tries to get it right.
I guess i was polarized in my mind towards breaking trust by the conversation of valentina with her parents beforehand...
Can someone please explain this asshole of "a higher being" that the very fact that he was killed by a human is simple proof of the bullshit he speaks? - well... as for me i think this slave-selling merchant bitch got what she deserved.
Nice game overall Solensis, altough a bit long-winded some times. As if the battle of the suitors would not be enough, the mc has to track down his captive friends, watch over louise and go on trials in his mind...
By the way, Faust seems to not even trust his own judgement in a successor? - and what if the successor would not succeed in the trials... what would happen to Faust'S legacy and his poer then? - keep it locked forever until the successor dies and then ther eis no one to follow up at all? - not really thought through i guess...
Do you no wat the 5 Riddles are cause i am stuck on them?


Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2019
ho provato a inserire le cose che vuoi che metta negli enigmi del gioco, mi sta dicendo Risposta sbagliata
Prova maiscule e minuscole togli l'apostrofo ora non ricordo e da un po che l'ho giocato


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2020
They are meant to not be too obvious so people have to think about it, that's the concept of a riddle after all ;)

For the MC having to find his abducted friends, it's because that will lead to the next part of the story since it was foreshadowed before too and the tower as well.

Watching over Louise is the task of Valentia.

The fact that Faust put a trial on his heir is a very common trope in that kind of story to be honest and no, if MC wouldn't have been able to do the trial, he would have just left the tower and not fixed the issue as I never mentionned that he is stuck inside of it but since it's a game and not a movie or a real life thing, obviously the player will succeed in going through the tower.
They are meant to not be too obvious so people have to think about it, that's the concept of a riddle after all ;)

For the MC having to find his abducted friends, it's because that will lead to the next part of the story since it was foreshadowed before too and the tower as well.

Watching over Louise is the task of Valentia.

The fact that Faust put a trial on his heir is a very common trope in that kind of story to be honest and no, if MC wouldn't have been able to do the trial, he would have just left the tower and not fixed the issue as I never mentionned that he is stuck inside of it but since it's a game and not a movie or a real life thing, obviously the player will succeed in going through the tower.
Can You please help me with the 5 Riddles please


Active Member
Jul 24, 2021
on the top right is a neat little search bar. if ur to lazy to use that, just look at the post literally above yours. it was answered multiple times already ;)
3.30 star(s) 38 Votes