
Birb Skull Fuckery
Staff member
Jul 5, 2017
  1. I can't leave a review on a game, why?
    1. You have reviewed the game in the past and it was deleted. The system only allows for 1 review and this includes deleted ones. To solve this, open a ticket and state what game you are trying to review and the review you would like to have placed on it. The old review will be updated and restored.
  2. I am getting an error when updating my password. PLEASE HELP!!!
    1. Your pass you are trying to use has been compromised. Which means its been found in haveibeenpwned database.
    2. Its too weak. You can use . If it scores a 4/4 and everything comes back taking decades or more, then it’s good.
      1. It also must not contain f95 or f95zone or any derivatives of it
      2. 12 characters minimum
      3. No repeating strings allowed
  3. I can't see anything on the discord server and I have linked my account.
    1. First unlink your discord account and then relink it after reading below.
    2. If you have multiple Discord accounts, make sure you're linking the correct account, you can click the "Not you?" button during the linking process to use a different Discord account
    3. We prune Discord accounts that haven't been linked every 3 days, if you don't want to link your account at this time and get kicked, you can always rejoin the server in the future and link your accounts then
  4. I want change my nickname
  5. I want to delete my account
  6. I can't send links.....
    1. You need 3 posts and don't spam to get them.
  7. I can't send Private Messages (PM).....
    1. You need 5 posts and don't spam to get them.
  8. How do I get the modder badge?
    1. Must have 3 mods released our forum
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