A lot of times the hints are so vague they're not help at all, they need to be more specific because I have a:
-Possession hint that just says "Progress", Progress what????
-Have Lillian study at the library, Well I have her working at the library and there's no button to study what should I do?
-Garden Meetup with Victoria, but she never goes to the garden even after a full week of skipping.
-On the Millie Quest I have to "Check up on her with Kacey", well they're both not working, I can't check on them at night, I can't check on them while they're working, I don't have the option to start anything with Millie so what hint?
-I think I skipped a full month ahead on the Elsie quest and it just says "Thinking...." And the hint is just "Give it a moment", well I gave her a month what more should I wait?
And those are just the side quests, I was going through options in the game to exhaust all options of something that I missed and I kept stumbling through main quests that If I didn't just go through them there was no way I could've started them.
The hint system needs to be reworked to be more accurate or just remove the absurd amount of prequisites to get a quest to fire, or at least add a cheat mode that can just tick off the quests done and the one that people haven't done yet, because skipping for a full month for 1 quest and then having it not trigger because I decided to play through the main quests and do the side quests later and now I'm soft locked from there is not good