This review is for Friends in Need v0.22
=== Writing ===
+ good dialogue, surprisingly; there's so much cringe autismo dialogue in the games on this site with people saying crap like "whom" "musn't" and so on.. people DON'T talk like this, so thank you dev for actually making a real effort with the dialogue
+ likeable characters for the most part; maybe a little cliche here and there (nerdy sci-fi girl that watches cartoon with you, for example), but good overall
+ great pacing
+/- no incest in game yet, but hopefully the incest will be properly paced; way too many incest games just go straight into the sex with not nearly enough buildup, and I feel like incest really needs build up more than any other genre really; so, hopefully the incest will be built up enough and the other girls can make up for the wait with their own content
+/- the premise is a little unbelievable to me tbh, but who cares really, once you get past the setup, the game sails smoothly
=== Graphics ===
+ good looking models overall, especially the two blondes (2nd girl and MC's sister), though the black girl's face looks altered to a fault, i.e. her face looks like a doll rather than a real person's face; it's not ugly or anything really, just would look better imo if it looked more realistic
+ beautiful environments
+ great lighting
+ good atmosphere
+ great animations, actually, though they're not that common (which is fine for me, but others might want more)
- basically every render in chp 1 except the sex scene is lacking in quality; models, textures, facial expressions, etc. aren't so great and the MC's hair changes from blonde to black in chp 2 onward; however, rest of scenes in game are great looking as already mentioned and thankfully all of the sex scenes are great looking
=== Audio ===
+/- no comment (I played without audio, sorry)
=== Gameplay ===
+ no mini-games, stats, or other things that weigh down fap games imo, entirely story & choice
+/- currently game's on chapter 3 and there's only 3 girls with one scene each, one with a much more limited scene than the other two, all of which clearly have more content coming along with a 4th and 5th girl that have been introduced who also have content coming; keep in mind that even though there's only 3 total scenes so far, they are very long scenes with a ton of choices and they are extremely satisfying; I mention this character/scene count as neither a pro nor a con only to inform reader how much content there is; I don't have a problem with slower content or lower breadth as long as the content there is quality, and I think it definitely is
+ there are basically three routes per character, one of which is provided by the game's patch; there's nice guy romance, bad guy blackmail, and deranged guy r@pe; so far, I've only played blackmail and grape and they're both very, very satisfying and well-executed; based on writing quality, I'm sure the good guy romance route is also good; there are plenty of choices to make during the scenes and they are built up to and last long enough to give you a good fap
- no anal grape for the 2nd girl

hah, this won't affect my score, but hopefully author reads this and includes more anal

=== Playability ===
+ bug free during my playthroughs