VN - Ren'Py - FreshWomen [S2 Ep.3 Complete] [OppaiMan]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Nice looking and hot girls. Interesting story. Excelent renders. Maybe add more animations, but this game has a great potential. I like it very much so far. Hope you will continue with this game.
    Keep going!
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    This might be the only VN I've come across here that feels as if it has replay value. Choices feel important, and maybe more importantly, I've actually felt pretty strong emotions over some choices. Yeah sure, the H content is highly prevalent, and good quality at that. Animation is used sparingly, but is pretty decent when included. Sexual encounters don't feel forced either which is rare among these types of games (and that's strange enough considering how quickly you can jump into some of those relationships). The reason though for these strengths is in my opinion because of the characters. The creator has done a great job capturing emotion and making the various people you interact with feel unique and engaging. Frankly, this would be a quality romance VN even without the adult content. There's a lot of editing choices that lend to this from tone-fitting music, to well timed humor and as accurate facial expressions to tell the story in more than just words. I can't even pretend as if I wasn't moved emotionally by some of the scenes (It hit a little too close to home in Ch.4 with Alyssa reassuring the MC). Cannot recommend this game enough, eagerly looking forward to more!
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    Good Points
    + Story was interesting at first, at least some characters still have interesting stories or pasts, Alyssa for example was darn cute when she was trying to listen to our conversation with Chloe, or how she strugles with her life and still keep moving forward, etc, but sadly current story-telling is not good.
    + Art style and visual quality are good and we have hot/cute/sexy looking girls/women.
    + Sex scenes are decent, and have some animations.

    Bad Points
    - DEV told he will kind of remake old episodes (Precisely episode 1) and will add animations for them and that was the reason why I waited until episode 4 to play the game but sadly episode 1 and even episode 2 sex scenes were disappointed... First of all, while we have a lot of animations for some lewd scenes like Lily's bathroom scene or even for the GYM scene for Alyssa's running, we have zero animation for some sex scenes like Emily's dream scene or a sex scene with Mae. And more importantly, some sex scenes like Lily's first sex scene have handjob and titjob animation but do not have an animation for penetration! Adding animation for handjob and titjob but not adding for the actual scene (penetration part) is just makes zero sense and disappointing AF. If DEV didn't have time for making a whole sex scene, then he should choose penetration over HJ and TJ, make them without animations, and animate the penetration scene. And I'm not even gonna start talking about the only scene we had with Lily including episode 4... So her first and only scene being disappointed like this is just unacceptable.
    - Some scenes DEV's choices for adding animations are kind of badly chosen like Sue's first sex scene, he could have choice this one instead of this un-attractive one from a bad angle. And same goes for her second sex scene as well.
    - Some dialogues feel kind of rushed and don't make too much sense like Lily's first sex scene dialogues.
    - Most of facial expressions, especialy that weird ''shocked'' facial expression looks weird, unataractive and bad, especially Chloe looks quite bad with nearly every facial expression she does, the game needs big improvements on this part for sure.
    - For some reason most people treats MC like a shit, that includes love interests, and it's makes things annoying and makes like characters and love interests quite hard.
    - Gabby was looking promising for a love interest, she had kind of unique look and with decent character development she could be great love interest, but right after her introduction her path is ruined by that nonsense job at club and how she wants to have sex with MC for the job, not because she likes him or anything, etc, way to go DEV, ruining love interest path before even starting...
    - That refference about Pokemon was nonsense AF...
    - How some paths are evolving makes no sense at all like Lily's path...
    - Like whole story being terrible is not enough, right after MC's father problem is kind of fixed now we have problem with Vice Principal and all that sex angels thing and now she is gonna hunt down studens who have sex on campus and expel them? Seriously?
    - Voice overs are not bad, they could be better for sure, but aside from that point, why everyone except MC have them?! Why not MC? It's just absurd to other males, even narator have it, yet he don't, cheap try to act like ''For roleplay purposes'' for sure, that thing was popular in early 2000s, in 2024? Hell nah.

    For The End
    Honestly this game started quite well, especially first release had soo much potential that I though it might become 5 stars rate game, but with every update the game went downhill and now it's just a game with pretty graphics, but the game itself is just bad.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Enjoying the story so far. Chapter 4 summary (spoilers ahead)

    I know there's much more to go, but I was a little disappointed not to get a Julia scene yet. The Sue scenes seemed out of place, and the entire conversation with Susan needs to be re-worked. It's rather disjointed at the moment, regardless of whether the MC thinks Susan is the bad guy or not, it turns upside down way too quickly for how the dialog played out. The quick scenes surrounding the girls meeting each other were kinda weird, if there was or wasn't an issue the MC smoothed it over way too easily. I don't really care for the Alyssa scenes, but it was probably the most complete storytelling of the chapter.

    Keep it up, looking forward to replaying this again in a few months when a new chapter or two come out.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    TBH I tried this last year when only 2 ch were released back then i gave up on it cuz i didnt like the premise but just recently i tried it again & realised what a fool i would've been cuz this is an absolute GOLD. I mean it does have a slow start but keeps only getting better with each release especially from the 3rd ch onwards just Phenomenal.
    The Animations are Gorgeous & the Sex scenes are breathtaking
    It also has a wonderful cast to back it up like the hillarious friend Dylan & many memorable girls who r also extremely beautiful.
    The dialogues r very well written & Jokes land perfectly.
    From what ive seen Oppai-Man u guys r doing an amazing Job & based on the last Ch(4) especially with that cliffhanger ending this definitely has the potential to reach Top 5 AVN, All The Very Best
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Really enjoying this one so far. Top notch renders with lighthearted dialogue and decent character personalities. A couple of them in particular are incredible. Looking forward to see how this progresses.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    First 4 chapters review.

    Excellent renders, hot models.
    Animations are good, wish they were longer though.
    Storyline interesting has many paths it can branch into, game shaping up to be replayable with different choices which is good.

    Excellent game and if continues will surely become one of the top games on the site. Good luck to the dev and team and hope the game continues to the high standard so far.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    It's the right kind of silly.

    Ok, reviewed against episode 4.

    The visuals are good, they're quite fresh looking insofar as there's no "oh look, it's character model x from game y". Some look kinda similar but nothing that throws you off. The dev had fun with the tit slider that's for damn sure, they're certainly not paying per cup size. The lad's got a maximum size and by god they're using it on some of the models.

    As I mentioned the whole game is silly, but it's the right kind of silly. The plot is a familiar trope but mixed up enough that you're kinda interested in what's going to happen without the feeling there's gonna be some damn dank ass grime coming up where your family were butchered for their organs or some nonsense. There's mystery, you're trying to solve it but you're not gonna let it bum you out. The tone is very good, it's silly without being absurd or too slapstick. Some of the dialogue and scenes are played for laughs and that's a very good thing and the dev really should be applauded for it. Too easy to ignore it, too easy to simply rely on the fact you've ramped the tits up to 11 on some character and that'll be that.

    The dev even takes the time to throw some music in there. And it's not just your standard here's a 30 second midi file to drive you fucking insane by the second act.

    There's even a freeroam mechanic in place but it's used sparingly. None of this sandbox fuckery where you need to be at a particular place at a particular time at a particular day, it's almost a mini game. You've got free roam of a house and you need to pick up a thing, easy as you like but in the other places are wee collectables which keep the whole thing fresh.

    All in all, a lot to love here. A lot. Definitely one to watch
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    The graphics quality is among the top 5.
    Beautiful characters and realistic animations.
    I really appreciate the hard work of the artist.

    Although the progression of the story could have been made better.
    Graphics & Animations: 5/5
    Characters: 5/5
    Story: 3.8/5

    If you appreciate the high quality graphics content then you should definitely try this out.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Great story and render, overall a excellent game. Really wished there were more chapters, but it seems i was too soon to the party. Will definitely keep following future updates, keep up the good work!
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    Good VN, not much choice tho. very linear and for god sake the annoying dream bits make this a 2* but that to strict so i give 3*. i dont kno why devs insist on having crappy dream sequences! it retracts from game and wastes time and doesnt make sense and not immersive!
    characters are hot and renders are amazing but you already knew that. story is boring.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    Nice graphics, interesting storyline, dialogue and characters interaction could do with bit of improvement and for all that is holly please improve MC as he looks like a doofus most of the time. Oh and while you making improving please add textbox transparency and text size/colour controls
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Really good game, the girls are very distinct from each other, the models are top notch. The updates schedule is actually fast. Interesting story, the main arch is not very original though but i'm looking forward for the next chapters.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Possibly the best upcoming VN out there! Story is good (by porn game logic at least), characters are diverse, renders are phenomenal and animations are fantastic too given that it is on Renpy

    Support this dev!
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    The game's plot is funny and engaging to me.
    Graphics and H-scenes are fine-tuned.
    For me there is nothing to criticize.
    Hope the developer will try to develop a better game.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game, the girls look just amazing! I can't wait for more Julia content, as she's gorgeous. Sometimes the main character's face looks quite weird. That should be fixed. Also, I'd love to see more angela and devilla renders as they are :love::love::love::love::love:. It's nice to see these brazilian hard working guys doing the best they can in order to bring the best possible content!!!! Good luck guys!!

  17. 5.00 star(s)


    The plot's really interesting, the scenes are soo good an OMG those renders, definitely worth to play. All I can say is I'm so in love with Julia xD

    I'm looking forward to the next updates, the story is interesting, hopefully the well developing of the story continues on the next versions.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game.

    The story is great and got me engaged so much that i didn't skip the dialogs.

    The "russian" friend idea was also amazing, it made me laugh a lot, just hope to see more of Dylan and MC friendship and not something like the friend that becomes a vilain or things like that.

    I think that Susan's job could be improved somehow. Perhaps the MC could also work some sort of escort/gigolo so that the dev could have an excuse to create new random characters only for the sake of adding more content.

    The best part of this game are the girls. They are very hot and their renders and animations are awesome, i just hope that this game develops a good harem route, not something like "chose one girl over the other".

    The MC however is not that good. His dialogs is full of cliches, unreasonable behaviors like acting as a horn dog or a bunch of overreactions. Dev should thing about making him more reasonable.

    TLDR: Just play it.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    Based on the (as yet) unfinished v0.4.0 Beta (with the addendum that v 0.4 is actually itself incomplete and so I stopped playing halfway through chapter 4 because it's currently missing a lot of stuff).

    My usual disclaimers when writing reviews on here are that A. I am here for the "plot" not the plot and B. I am very picky with visual novels and think broadly they can be very subpar. So, take both of those into consideration for my review when thinking about this game.

    • Hot, hot leg, leg so hot you fry an egg – I feel like I have to qualify this statement every time I write a review. Yes, I actually think visuals are not one of the main things I look for in an erotic game and put greater emphasis on the writing of the sexual stuff and kinks at play. But godamn… The renders and characters in this game are just INSANELY good looking. On par with the best on this site, easily.
    • SPICY hot sex scenes – The dev (Oppai-Man) seems to have absolutely no intention of skimping on the good stuff and you will be very quickly smashing the hot girls left, right and centre. By the second episode alone there’s already a decent quantity of sexual content and it seems to only be increasing. Plus the standard of the sexy stuff is really VERY fucking hot and very fappable (however, see the “mehs”)..
    • Derek wannabe is also fun – I very much appreciate any game that provides you a “bro” character who is actually your friend and you aren’t out to cuck him and he isn’t a complete waste of space (like the bro-est of bros Derek in Being a DIK). Dylan is this game’s bro character and he is actually a fun addition to the game. He’s completely fucking ridiculous of course, but if you don’t take the game too seriously then he’s a good time.
    • Animations are also great – The first couple of episodes don’t seem to have animations but when they are introduced later they are broadly also very good (however, see the “mehs”).

    • Sex scenes rush positions – So this is actually gonna the first of a couple of very nit-picky and frankly ridiculous complaints. I said the sex scenes are hot, and they are, BUT they also consistently have a few relatively frustrating issues. While the scenes themselves are hot and go on for a decent length of time, Oppai-Man seems desperate to fill each scene with AS MUCH SEX as possible. This means that the characters CONSTANTLY change position, and it’s actually just kind of shit. There will be a render with the protagonist bending a girl over a table (with a line of dialogue). A render of him inside of her (with a line of dialogue). Her moaning and enjoying herself for one render. AND THEN you, out of the blue, change position and repeat this all over again in a different position. Like, godamn dude, let the characters actually fuck each other in a position for a little bit before they switch. This whole thing is particularly noticeable in a car sex scene in the most recent update which genuinely had like 10 different positions before it finished.
    • Rushed penetration and orgasms – The other nit-picky complaint is that the sex scenes feel like they rush initial penetration and the climax of each scene. These are two of the hottest moment of any scene (I think for many guys this is true) and at least are fairly important moments within a scene. As it stands many of the sex scenes will have the protagonist and girl getting into position in one render and then in the next he will already be inside her. Similarly, there were at least a few scenes where the girl and protagonist cum at the same moment and it’s actually not clear that he even cums because of that (no focus on him jizzing buckets basically). I’d really like it if there were even just one or two more bits of dialogue around these parts of the scene, just to linger in those moments a TINY bit longer before rushing forwards.
    • Animations only last for one line of dialogue – Another very weird criticism is that when there are animations used they very often are only present for one single click. It happened at least once that you would click and then there would be (for example) an animation of the MC getting his dick sucked and you click again and it’s immediately the next render/animation. Like I had to scroll back multiple times because I didn’t actually WATCH the animation. Once again, Oppai-Man is rushing through the scene and really ought to take more time over individual bits and pieces.
    • No risk of pregnancy – Come on my guy! Let us choose to cum inside the girls and then make it risky! Just for me…?
    • Writing – The core premise is a tiny bit uninteresting (the whole, your father disappeared and you are making it your life’s work to find out what happened) plus the addition of some amnesia feels a tiny bit silly. Add in some relatively odd decisions made throughout the game (like how quickly you recruit outside help and go from “investigating” to literally spying on people, all over some somewhat shaky leaps of logic. Add to this some dialogue which sometimes feels a bit weird and in general the writing of the game is not its strongest point. I will add, it is for SURE not bad and the English seems generally very good, but it’s nothing to write home about.

    • Facial expressions – Another weird complaint which this time is an outright negative as opposed to a “meh”. Sometimes throughout a scene the protagonist’s reactions are SO fucking over the top it genuinely kills the scene for me. There will be some kind of innocuous reveal where one character will say “Hey I kinda fancy you” and he will go “BUWHUUUUUUUAT???” like a fucking Goofy character. The dialogue is never this extreme but the renders are. It’s ridiculous and actually genuinely kills the immersion a bit. You need to dial it back like 18 to 24% there, bud.
    • Emily scenes – I… I just don’t get them man. They’re hot but they’re also so fucking esoteric and weird. Are they supposed to be dreams or not? Why does the MC act like it’s totally reasonable to not be able to distinguish dreams from reality? Is the whole thing gonna be a dream? Because I’m gonna tell you right now, that’s not okay…

    You might have noticed that I haven’t absolutely slated FreshWoman with a bunch of heavy negatives, and that is because, quite frankly it doesn’t really do an awful lot wrong. Having said this, it also has not absolutely blown me away. It’s sitting quite comfortably in the middle tier of this site and I have to admit I’m a little surprised by how many really high ratings its received.

    Don’t get me wrong, I think it’s absolutely well-worth a play. I’ve also given it a 4/5 because I think it’s probably closer to that than it is a 3. Maybe like a 3.7/5. So it’s definitely decent for a fun and relatively light-hearted fantasy harem fuckfest. And really, a lot of the time that’s all I want from an h-game.

    The story is a bit uninspired and often some of the drama feels quite contrived and like its drama for the sake of drama (without spoiling episode 4 in particular feels very bad for this). There doesn’t feel like there’s many stakes at play and yet people are also massively overreacting to a lot of them. It’s all a bit melodramatic and silly. But again, not BAD, just fine.

    It's also clear, at least to me, that Oppai-Man is taking a lot of inspiration from Being a DIK and is kinda aiming for a similar sort of vibe. Which, again, in itself is fine, but I also feel like by inviting that comparison it means that you have to say it’s really just not quite as good.

    Really the only reason I don’t rate it higher is all those tiny niggles I mentioned that juuuust sort of make the sex scenes not quite as hot as they could be. Because if the game spent just a tiny bit more time over each scene, spent just a little bit longer with positions and animations then I genuinely think the super hot sexual stuff would 100% carry the game to greatness. It’s just being a tad let down because it feels like every single scene is so insanely rushed. Like, the protagonist has to get his dick inside the girl, but then has to immediately get his dick inside her in a different position (and another 4 positions before he can finish) so it just never settles into a groove.

    Again, I realise it’s nit-picky and kinda silly, but I genuinely feel that if these tiny things were changed it would actually massively elevate the game.

    Beyond that there’s not much more to say. It’s pretty decent, give it a go.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    The stroy line is somewhat old-fashioned (missing father / amnesia ) , but there are some intense event ( facing an angry husband whose wife has an affair with MC ) . I vote for 4/5 so far for the story.
    The rendering is absolutely outstanding. It is the first time that I find girls in normal shape are charming. Usually I only prefer the curvy ones. I love almost every female characters in this game , not only for their looking , but also for their expressions and personality. In this way I'd love to vote for 5/5 for the game in general.