VN - Ren'Py - FreshWomen [S2 Ep.3 Complete] [OppaiMan]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Damn so far this is amazing! I gotta say that I think that Chloe is probably my favorite. She is just so damn cute, but Susan is such a milf. And Julia too... I'm looking forwards to playing more! Which i'll probably do right now! Cause i'm not far in at all... Also very much enjoying the Dad mystery type of stuff
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    Just finished Ep5. I have mixed feelings with this game, since I really like it, story is compelling but there are some aspects that really need some work on.

    • Tits. Half of the girls have huge tits, like, unproportionally tits. Some may like this, I rather have more "real" tits. Also, it seems like gravity is no-existant because those humongous tits are always weirdly pointing up.
    • Sex. I know this is a game, I know what most people is after, but this guy seems to have the uncanny ability to put his hand on a bag of dicks and grab a vagina. I felt that some scenes were either forced or gratuitous. Like the first time MC meet a girl is "hi, how are you?" and the third time they interact he's already cumming inside. I get that people hate those "blue balls" games where there is no sex until chapter 999 , but I feel this game takes this to the opposite
    • Gameplay diversity. On chapter 1 I think, there was a small free roaming event, and that's it. The rest of the game is choice and text. I understand that not every game can be Being a Dik (which I feel this game also heavily draws from) but still, something else to do would be nice.
    The other aspects of the game are really nice. Renders are good, sex scenes are nice (animated and otherwise), music / sound effects and story are all really good. Nothing to comment on these.

    3.5/5 , looking forward to more chapters!.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Renders look amazing.
    The animation and details are really incredible
    Had a good story so far , the girls are beautifull really look unique and sexy mostly loveable.
    Still lacking of free roaming but is not a big issue.
    Translation to spanish are ... OK , not bad at all , some problems but is nice to have a VN with spanish option.
    Overall a great game.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent game, characters are mostly loveable, the game has very funny moments, deeper and more thoughtful ones and... sexy times. Very good cocktail, keep on the good work, and thanks for your dedication!
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game so far (I'm not done yet). The visuals are amazing and the story is very original. There's choices to be made which seem to affect different outcomes, which is refreshing after playing games that seemingly have no impact from the choices the player makes.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Wow, a masterpiece! Just a 1/2 in and already hooked! The rendering and work is superb! The story is good and compelling; that draws you in for so much more. More than just a "porn" game. There is mystery, comedy, drama, perfectly rendered attractive women; what more could you want! Great job and great game. Really looking forward to see more of what this great developer has in store. Thank you!
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    First time i tried this game was on Gamecore, i love how the renders are so polished, it really feels like a different experience from the lot, and all the girls are so endearing that everytime there's a multiple choice i find myself trying out each different one.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Just started playing a few minutes into the game and I am really liking it. The renders are top-notch, the ambience is great, and I love the characters. Really looking forward to how the plot develops.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is very fine. Translation to spanish are good.
    Don't found any bug or any improvment to apply. Music is fine complement. The narrative like other games of the gender are okey, it could be better and i understand the cost that had to create the game.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    With a set of titillating characters, hijinks of the highest order, music to move the soul, writing to make Homer blush, and wallpaper worthy visuals, nothing stands in the way of FreshWomen's flourishing finish to Season 1. The walkthrough's even included!
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is definitely one of my favorites. Graphics / animations are amazing, and I've been invested in learning more about the... plot.

    Joking aside, the story is a good mix of funny + intriguing.

    Oh, and the music and sound effects is there too (and pretty good!)

    I strongly recommend playing, and would even recommend patreoning it (mostly to support the dev, the member benefits are really kind-of meh for their price point.)
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent game. save before choosing and then enjoy the other positions. beautiful women good graphics. looking forward to seeing how it goes. my favorite is julia. download it and enjoy the game. it's really worth it.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    almost 5 star. currently not much more than a demo but it hints at some very mysterious stuff to be revealed in future updates Cant say anything bad about it, writing is good ( a little too much dialogue for my liking, but thats just me) models are awesome, story is engaging, only disappointment was the "animated" tag seems to apply to everything EXCEPT the H scenes. Really hope this gets changed as that is a deal breaker for me. If you dont mind then I would highly recommend

    EDIT- Apparently the game is longer than it originally leaves you to believe, and yes, H scenes are animated too! Upgrading my review to 5 stars easily. If updates are steady I may even support dev, easy choice
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    play v0.5.100 in french (which explains my poor written English, sorry)

    story: 5/5 Very good, we follow it with pleasure, without unnecessary lengths. The evolution is quite good and the French is almost perfect.

    characters: 5/5 They are very well written, we cling to them well, the variety of faces and personalities is very good, I regret a little the lack of normal/small breasts. The "buddy" is very funny and very endearing.

    sex scene: 5/5 The more the chapters pass the more they are successful, they are sufficiently frequent, not too much waiting time between them, very erotic and of a very good duration.

    renders: 3/5 I find that the breasts are not very well done and it shows even more on the rare small/normal breasts of this game (size that normally, I prefer). I'm also not really a fan of the sex of the mc who has an appearance I find much too "oiled"

    animation: 4/5 We have a little the impression that at certain times the animation avoids showing the penetration (like the images are cut off just above). But apart from this small point, they are generally very well done.

    sound: He is present throughout and I really appreciate that

    gameplay: 4/5 Pretty good for this kind of game which is more story driven, the choices are decent and even if it doesn't upset the story, they still have the merit of changing a few scenes in it
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Very good game, very good images with excellent quality, I like the music and the animations are quite good, the girls are very sexy, and the story caught my attention because knowing what happened to the father who disappeared.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    The rating will be changed as I have only played the first episode.
    The pros:
    a) quality rendering. You can read the book titles in the library.
    b) a Very good story. Cracked me up a few times.
    c) good soundtracks,

    The cons:
    a) lack of animation during sex scenes.

    I liked the fact that in AV at some point it will allow you to free roam. Keep up the good work devs.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    I like this game. Girl models look hot. Story sofar is enjoyable, though not really original. Memory loss, missing parent(s) and starting collage. Did I play this game before? But lets be honest, we do not require original story for these type of games.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Beautyful totally beautiful photorealism is impressive but not only is photorealism what most caught my attention but it is also fully translated al español y se agradece.
    I can not wait any longer to continue the story I hope its continuation soon
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    I love everything about this game, from models to story, to sex scene very well build.

    Woman models are thick! But not overly done they enter between realistic (at least what we have here in the caribbean) and perfect. Really want to travel to the future to see the end of this game, because it look like its going to take years to finish.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    The game is pretty promising. I’ll go over each aspect individually.

    • The Models (5/5): Each of the character models are all very attractive, even the MC which is both pleasant and very rare (especially those typical hideous Honey Select MCs). All the women are attractive and there are some varying body-types — it’s not all women with giant tits and asses. Several of them also look unique from other games out there which is nice, and on one of them I even noticed stretch marks (despite not being a “milf”) which is really refreshing.
    • The Sex (5/5): As with the character models, the impressiveness of the visuals continues with the sex scenes. They are all at least partially animated, and the animation is nice and smooth — often with several angles. I was definitely impressed with the scenes that the dev has made so far and I’m very excited to see more.
    • The Characters (3.5/5): Many of the characters also have pretty satisfying stories at the moment. Their personalities are varied (although pretty cliche). The romance progression is also paced pretty well for the most part — the main exception being Sue. Minor spoilers but she goes from being a bitch to sucking your cock basically instantly. She even has some internal monologue saying “If I knew you were this good, I would have seduced you sooner” — as if she didn’t seduce you like 2 days after you met?? It seems rushed and the dialogue pretends otherwise. Aside from that, I’m pretty happy with the characters (including Sue, aside from the rushed beginning.)
    • The Plot (??/5): The story so far is really basic. Missing dad, presumed dead, son wants answers, etc… It’s not breaking any new ground, that’s for sure. But it’s also early days and who knows what twists or turns might happen (like the one at the end of Chapter 5 that has my attention). There’s also something to be said about not needing originality. If the execution is good enough, a story doesn’t have to be that original to be entertaining. Plenty of classic movies are wholesale retellings of other movies (Fistful of Dollars and Star Wars for example).

      One thing that worries me is missing content. The story has a few choices — namely a very big one at the end of chapter four that appears to have 5 branching results. I don’t know how significant this choice will end up being in the long run, but I think making players go through a game 5 or more times to get all the content is a pretty big ask from the dev, and I’m not too psyched about that. So while I think it’s too early to accurately judge the quality of the story, lacking originality doesn’t have to be a bad thing if the dev writes it well. Which leads to my next point…
    • The Writing (3.5/5): The writing in the game is pretty good. It mostly lacks typos and simple errors, which is honestly a rarity for adult games. It kinda wobbles back and forth between some decently witty dialogue to pretty bland exposition. But overall, it’s pretty high quality compared to most games you’ll find on this site. I already went over the pacing of some of the individual character stories and deduced points there, so I won’t go over that again here. Overall, I think the dev could definitely improve in this regard, but I think it’s more than passable.
    • Comedy (4/5): The comedy in this game is surprisingly decent, but not in the way that you might think. The comedy in the dialogue ranges from bad to decent — with the occasional funny quip or cringy meme reference. But where this game excels is that it leverages visual comedy in a way I rarely see in visual novels. Like when it cut to Alyssa eavesdropping on your conversation and had to awkwardly pretend she was counting coffee beans. Or when a character sprains their ankle and gets carried off in a ridiculous fashion in the background of a scene. Really solid stuff that takes much more effort from the dev than just copying jokes from movies that will be dated in 2 years like most devs do. The mediocre jokes that don’t land should maybe make this a lower rating than I’m giving it, but I’m happy to lean on the higher side because of the effort put into the visual comedy.
    • Music (4/5): The music is unique. I haven’t heard most of the songs before, so the dev clearly isn’t just using the same 10 generic songs from 99% of adult games. That being said, I sometimes find that the songs aren’t really appropriate for the scene in question or are otherwise distracting. But lowering the volume to make them more like background noise usually helps to mitigate that.
    • Content (3/5): For a story that’s already 5 chapters in, I kind of expected there to be a bit more adult content. The story is being handled well and some of the characters are a bit of a slower burn — and I appreciate that. But I think the next few chapters need more adult content if the dev wants people interested in each update.

    Overall, the game is quite good. The story is generic, but so far well-executed. The characters are interesting, likeable, and well designed. The models and animations are beautiful and smooth. It’s a solid game and the dev has impressed me so far. That being said, the lower amount of fap content in each update means I’ll be throwing this one on the backburner for several months to a year to let it get far ahead of me. There just doesn’t seem to be enough there to bother playing each update, but maybe that’s just me.