Ren'Py - Four Elements Trainer [v1.1.3f] [Mity]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Game has excellent writing capable of being funny and sexy at the same time, both the slave and love routes have plenty of content but also it can get really grindy at times
    Seing this project evolve from the very simple trainer game it started to the fully fledged game that is today shows how much the devs improved and care about this project
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    For 1.0.0a

    Honestly, it's amazing. My first H game I tried and now I feel like my standards may have been effected by this. There's just so much in the game. So many options and so many characters and scenes. The writing and humor is great and feels natural. Too many people seem to awkwardly put jokes into things like this and it doesn't land right, but it lands perfectly here and I think that's due to the protag being written consistently

    It's sad that the end seems to be coming soon as it'll be sad when there's no more content for the game.

    For criticisms, I do agree that it does get grindy at parts. It rarely gets bad for the grind, but there are some bad parts. I also think Book One is a bit rough. I get that's where it all started and it was the first attempt, but that doesn't mean it isn't rough. I think it should be remade with some more polish and maybe a bit more content as B1 is pretty bare.

    I'm also not a fan of all the incest stuff in it. Sure, it's mostly optional, but the love route for Book Two really tries to force you into it.

    As others said, it could really benefit from a gallery where you can reexperience scenes. It's a big and long game so having save states of all the scenes is really difficult to organize

    I really hope that more gets put into it before it gets finished. Maybe add some spirits, comic characters, LOK's Red Lotus girls, and just more in general. Some characters can only be screwed in certain scenarios and I think it would be better if more options appeared for them

    There's a lot of gameplay in the game and lots of replayability. Overall it's a great game and I'd highly recommend it
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    So after a long journey, 200 broken hardware pieces, dying pets, sicknesses & multiple times of cbob ghosting marty its finally coming to an end.

    This is probably the best hentai game ever made mixed with the best and diverse cast of girls and has probably one of the biggest content with absolute satisfying animations.

    Even pricey AAA hentai VNs cant compare to FET when it comes to the content of sex scenes, kinks/fetishes, different heroines & proper animations.

    Its an absolute MASTERPIECE! with the greatest art, sticking close to the original work, a great story with lots of different characters with a lot of humor & inside jokes that never get old or on your nerves.

    Its an overall MASTERPIECE! and if i have to nitpick a thing on this than its the amount of shitty minigames that no ones wanna play more than one time in a porn game.

    Four different books, split in love & slave routes which amounts to 8 different routes with lots of different girls, choices and sex scenes.

    Art: 10/10
    Humor: 10/10
    Characters: 10/10
    Story: 10/10
    Animations: 10/10
    Sex Scenes: 10/10
    Content: 10/10
    Times you will Nut: 1000/1000
    Bonus: Many fetishes & almost all kinky ones are also avoidable if you want.

    This right here is peak porn/hentai game & i dont think any other work will ever reach this absolute Gem.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    [Review of v1.0.0a on 4/4/2022]

    Here it is. We made it. Mission accomplished.

    This game has quite the history. The first Patreon post of MITY goes back to October 2nd, 2016, but it's development likely had earlier roots, probably during the criticisms of Akabur on 4chan earlier that year. That mean little movement ended up becoming the spawning ground for countless Ren'Py titles, some of them really good, but many of them dying out as the amateur developers realized how hard game development could actually be. Only a few developers actually managed to stick it out for the long run.

    If I remember correctly, MITY was among those early developers, sharing their artistic mock-ups and trying to stir up interest from among those disaffected 4channers. At the very least, 4chan was aware of MITY. Of the many developers cropping up in that bubble, MITY was one of the few who were ready to put in the planning and work necessary to see something come to light. Of course, I might be misremembering all this, and I doubt that many people would be comfortable being remembered for their time on 4chan, but it's hard not to draw a causality line between this game and that particular zeitgeist. It's also hard not to be impressed that MITY didn't quit or fall to the wayside like so many of those other developers.

    In any case, here we are, roughly 6 years later, and now that we're here, the more important question is this:

    What does Four Elements Trainer have to offer?

    Content. CONTENT. This little game is absolutely PACKED with content.

    Four Elements Trainer is brimming with it. There is so much sexual content in this game that it boggles the mind. This is essentially four or maybe five full trainer games packed into one. It's a shit ton.

    Now, that wouldn't mean anything if it wasn't good content, but my opinion is that this deserves passing marks. The artwork is great. The dialogue and story are good; I only counted maybe one spelling error over 8 hours of play, and the writing leans into parody humor and its sexual themes well when they aren't playing off of your nostalgia for the series. Characterizations are on point, with specific references to the issues developed in the original show impacting the intimacy and desires of the primary partners. Most "books" have two routes, love and slave, which determine the nature of the relationships you have and functionally spice up or even change the sex scenes. There's also an overarching story -- it's not mind-blowing, but it is a sufficient catalyst for wrapping everything up neatly without overstaying its welcome.

    The gameplay is... well... okay, it's a Ren'Py visual novel, so if you don't like those, then this won't change your mind. All of the usual gripes with Ren'Py as a game engine and the typical gameplay mechanics implemented in those games apply here as well. And I'm sorry, but Pocket Crabs is awful.

    But it's hard not to acknowledge what a behemoth Four Elements Trainer is. I'm frankly shocked the the file size isn't bigger; 658MB is cheap for the amount of spank bank material available here. It's also hard not to point out how rare it is for a western animated series to receive a thorough porn parody treatment. Oh, sure, MrPotatoParty has put out plenty of Avatar artwork, but how often do we see games or comics of the quality or quantity of Japanese doujinshi or games? Touho has hundreds of doujins and a couple of games alone, not counting the dozens of text-based games. It's rare to see that amount of love for western animation or IP.

    So do I recommend Four Elements Trainer? Yes. Totally. Of course I do. There is a caveat, though; if you haven't watched the Avatar series, you might not find this enjoyable. There's some time travel in this game's plot, a lot of characters who get name dropped, and some background information that might go right over your head if you haven't watched the show. Some important context will be missing. But why would you be reading this without having watched Avatar? Go watch it, ya dingus.

    Fans of the series, though, I would strongly recommend playing this for a chance to dive back into the waters of Avatar's world, get your rocks off, and maybe even warm your heart a little.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    - It's time to go.
    - Was I a good game?
    - No, you were the best.

    I follow the game for years, since book 2 was still in development. So much time has passed, so much has changed. A lot of stuff happened to this game, but it has finally made it to it's end. To here. It is time to close the book and remember all the things that the game has had to offer, all the content created, the scenes, characters, minigames, and, of course, all the sex scenes. Let's go!

    The setting.

    This is the universe of "Avatar The Last Airbender" and "The Legend of Korra" series featuring a world where 4 nations once lived in peace... and you know the rest, you wouldn't be here otherwise, right? Anyways, without the reader's knowledge of this universe the game won't make much sense, so I am definitely not recommending playing this game before watching both series. If you haven't yet, know that I do really evny you, as you are about to have a great time with those series first, and then - with this game.
    But, for others, the setting is familiar, so, let us move on.

    The plot.
    There are several other adult games on Avatar franchise (which I am not allowed to name in this review), however, all of them have the same problem - the timeline of Avatar series is so vast it covers over 70 years of main plot, making it practically impossible to cover the entire thing in one game? Or is it? Turns out it can be done, and this is the only shining proof of that. There are 4 chapters featured in this game, each having 2 routes, so there are in total of 8 sub-plots to chose from. And they are set in the way so they cover almost the entire 70 years of plot. How is that even possible? Well, I cannot answer that without severely spoiling the ending, but beware of some Nolan-level of trickery which does make sense when you make it to the end. In details:
    * Book 1 covers book 1 of AtLA.
    * Book 2 covers book parts of books 2 and 3 of AtLA featuring antagonists of the series.
    * Book 3 covers book 3 and part of 4 of AtLA.
    * Book 4, Slave Route covers book 1 of LoK.
    * Book 4, Love Route covers book 4 of LoK.
    So, as you can see, only books 2 and 3 are not covered, and, well, there isn't really much to cover there as no new characters get introduced (except 2 female antagonists in Book 3) and existing ones don't get much of a development.
    What amazes me even more is how this all is tied into a single story, referencing past parts and combining them together into something bigger than just a set of disjoint parts.

    The gameplay.
    "Trainer" in the name tells us exactly what to expect. And, it does deliver. The first chapter was almost the exact replica of early Akabur's works (which, again, I cannot name), however, to my relief, towards book 2 and later this game developed its own unique style not seen anywhere else. It was always nice to see devs experimenting with several mechanics, implementing new types of content into the game. This not only greately raises originality and final quality of the game, but also provides a remarkable variety in gameplay for the player going through the game's books. One may see a turn-based RPGM style combat in book 1 and traditional "corruption/love" gauges, different levels of inhibition the main heroine goes through, then it is all changed in book 2, where new mechanics start to creep in. By book 3 it is entirely different game, which once more changes in book 4.
    I cannot say I liked absolutely everything the devs experimented with, this is the point of experimenting, right? However, so many good things made it into this game I bet there will be something for everyone.
    This is all just a fancy wrap for the core "trainer" experience, which doesn't go anywhere, but is more tied to the plot in later books and less to grind and repetitive actions of the player, which I greately appreciate and am sure anyone who played this game would as well.
    The biggest flaw for me in this game is it's simplicity, by 2022 I expect more from the games - more thorough menus, more stuff on screen etc, as the bar for standarts has risen greately. Many devs remake old games, rewrite old code, redraw old art. Will it be done here? Likely not. However, the next project is bound to be marginally better and more complex.

    The art.

    Like the gameplay, which is result of coding skills of the developer responsible for that part, art has also underwent serious development throughout the years, which is clearly visible in the comparisson of the very first chapter and the very last. I will therefore rate chapters 2 and 3 for art as they hold somewhat a middle ground for what you would expect. Keep in mind though, it does get better.
    With 2DCG game based on the pre-existing universe the first thing you expect is the characters to be drawn very close to the original. Here it is achieved not only with characters, but with environment, landscaping, clothing, clutter etc. The biggest praise here is earned by the consistency of everything. Only consistently good art allows for the player to immerse oneself into the world and the setting presented. Here it is achieved throughout the entire length of the game, only maybe lacking in the first chapter.
    The scenes themselves consist of the main heroine drawn separately just for this scene, together with custom background, which is usually plain, but unique nontheless. Usually a few variations of the position of moving parts is drawn and they change each other in a loop, as if it was a low-frame animation. The highest amount of "frames" I have seen in a scene is like 5, 6? It works for most of the "animations" composed of such frames, but sometimes there is either not enough frames, or they have too much difference inbetween, that I have noticed my brain failing to "fill the gaps" which is what is intended when looking at those. Not really a bad thing, just, not perfect.
    The art style is also not ideal. I can understand the artist unwilling to draw the protagonist, however seing a plain skin-toned cylinder entering and exiting the heroine's body sometimes doesn't look too appealing, idk. Maybe some more detalisation could solve the issue?
    Some of the scenes I have seen were clearly rushed and underdeveloped. Like, when you see a closeup of some particular body part and you see 2 black lines which should connect on body (the outliners) actually don't connect, leaving some pixels inbetween. Remember when you drew in MS Paint and didn't fully connect the lines and then applying color fill colored the entire canvas? This one.
    However, this is mostly nitpicking. The quantity of sex scenes (significant part of which being "semi-animated") is in hundreds, many - with several variations depending on the player's actions (like, where to finish). The scenes are not generic!!! I have to point this out after making acquintance with one popular DC universe game which shall not be named, where scenes actually are generic and it ruined the fun for me. Here each scene cannot be described with just "CharacterName - SexualIntercourseName", as there are variations to this. Some depend on surroundings, some depend on the plot, the point is - they are not bulk-made with the intent of checking every box, they appear natually as the story progresses and this is great.
    Another thing I want to say about the scenes - is that some of those come out exceptionally good, for me at least. All are good, but some - oh man, I remember first time seing Opal's final sex scene and thinking: damn, this couldn't even be better.

    The writing.
    I HATE the games with lots of text. If I wanted text, I would go and read a goddamn book instead. Here though, the amount of text is just enough to get everything you need from it, understand what is going on, but also not too much that you would just fast-forward everything. Even if you sometimes do, this is RenPy and you can just scroll up and see what the fuss was about if you change your mind.
    One giant achievment of this text is the writing style. It can be informative, it can be descriptive, it can be fun, but here it is all of above. There are lots of jokes in text, about breaking the 4th wall sometimes, it feels that the writer doesn't take it seriously and wants the readers to do the same - relax and enjoy the story, and laugh sometimes. Don't we all want this?

    The bad points.
    There are a few of those, so I have decided to unite them here. Some I have already expressed above, but I don't feel like those are significant.
    What is significant though is:

    Lack of gallery. All the hundreds of the game's scenes can only be triggered if the conditions are met, many - just once, some even require alternative routing and some of the choices lock them. That said, what if I just wanted to re-experience a certain scene? Can I do it? No, I can't. Not without the mods at least, as there is no gallery. Why though? It doesn't look that difficult. There is a mod though, doing just that. I highly recommend this mod.

    Loli and granny stuff. Idk about you guys, but I am not really into that thing. However, the devs surely are. What started as a requirement for setting plot in book 3 (Toph) grew more and more towards book 4. The reintroduction of the AtLA characters in LoK in their 70s-90s is ok, but they can be fucked "as is", which is avoidable, but requires careful menuing. However, there is a "youth potion" which magically transforms them into their prime age, which they can take. What I don't really understand is already young girls taking the same potion to become literal kids, which are still available for sexual intercourse. There is a choice for that, so I cannot really blame the devs for including that content, but I swear, each time it was pushing the limit more and more and I don't like where it is going. Luckily, we ran into the end sooner.

    Crab games. Yes, crab games (not squid games, it wasn't even planned then) - a pokemon ripoff with crabs being placed instead of pokemon. Like, why? This was present in Book 2, but it's tumors spread wide in book 3, where almost every pokemon mechanic is present. Let me tell you this: I got all my crabs to legendary max level and beaten all encounters. What did it cost me? Everything? Nah, just a few hours of unenjoyable grind. Thank god the crabs are no more in book 4.


    This right here marks the end of the era of "Classic Trainer Games" started long ago and ending just now with its last major remnant now finished and released. The bittersweet gameplay so many devs have tried and yet only a few having mastered. Four Elements Trainer is one of those few games where you not only see the mastery of this genre, but also how it went there and how it developed throughout the ages. The game I would recommend as one of the shining examples of a trainer game done right, one of so few 2DCG games scoring perfect score on character mimicing, the game of 8 games somehow tied in one story worth experiencing for yourself.

    Can this be less of a 5/5 mark? Certainly not.

    For me it is finally time to replay the entirety of this game 2 more times, spanning all 8 parts of the story. Which is exactly what I recommend you to do.

    Thank you for reading, and enjoy the game!
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    I've been closely watching the development of this game for the past years. It has a lot of content and is faithful to the original show. I've truly enjoyed going through it. Therefor, I highly recommend it.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Game is very grindy in the first book or two
    First book is basically identical regardless of path, with only minor dialogue changes
    Some girls are OCs by necessity

    A lot of women available to have sex with (if you can name her, she's probably in-game in some capacity)
    Art is high quality
    Animations are decent
    Good humor
    Callbacks to earlier books
    Good emotional investment in love routes from Book 2 onwards
    The game actually completed without long hiatuses

    Overall, a fantastic game whose only major downside is the early stuff when MITY was just starting out.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    one of the best porn game I've played, with a funny story, with very good drawings, at the end I could see its beginning and end in all these years that was developing, thanks minty for all these years creating this game.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    one of the best games i ever played i don't think i can experience something like that again once you start playing you just get lost in game i hope mity make another game based on some famous work like avatar but i can't think anything as big as avatar
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the greatest games to have ever been developed, let alone completed on this website. My congratulations to the incredible development team for their hard work and great creative and technical success. Hope you secured the bag, boys!
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Lots of girls, great humor, good art. The pacing is pretty good and it's one of the few sandbox games you don't need to cheat in or ctrl your way through. Though some of the minigames can be a bit of a pain. Tons of choices and no choices that lead to unintended consequences. Definitely worth a try.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Mity as always delivering god-like content each patch. I trully believe this game to be the best trainer of 'em all, no doubt in my mind about it, if you haven't played it yet, please make yourself a favor and play it now (or wait till is finished, this review was written in patch 0.9.9a so only one or two more patches till the final version i hope). The game is full of humour so you won't get bored reading the text and the most importan aspect of the game, the sex, is top notch, mostly animated and really variated.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    This game made me watch Avatar, so just imagine how good is it. I joined for the footjob scenes, and stayed for the story. It has it all, and I enjoyed the 4 books. Now I'm watching the Korra's series but this is by far the best game I played here
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent game! I've known Avatar TLA for years but never really paid any attention to it. I didn't really know what to expect aside from cute girls. I finished this before actually watching the show and god damn I love this even more.

    I usually just download the game and play it blind. I just check the tags for some unbearable content. I assumed that this was one of those parody games using popular characters in a newer setting and I'm glad I was wrong. I just love every bits of the game referencing the show, from helping out Katara to doing side quests and the show has a lot of side quests.

    The art is really well done and it totally captures the feel of the show. The music is pretty good too. The side quests might have had a lot of grinding but I abused some of the cheats just to skip some of it. The girls are top notch. I love every one of them.

    -Spoilers Ahead-

    My first ride, I went straight love route. I hated seeing Katara cry on my slave run. In the show, it really shows how much Katara wants to get it on with Aang but the game delivers it.
    Azula (best grill for me), on the other hand, I think slave route is much better for her but I was hoping Zuko was the one enslaving her. My first time watching the beach episode of the show, Azula wanted to be intimate with someone and I really thought she was gonna go after Zuko and I really wouldn't have been surprised with her hinting some incestuous desires.
    Mai was pretty cool but I love Ty Lee more.
    And how could I forget about loli Toph and her sass. I love it when the parody matches the source material. Even the extras; Jodie, June, Jin, Jinora, Pema, naked storekeeper, Ajala, the masked guards, swamp girls, spirits, Kyoshi, Shady, etc. were excellent addition to the harem.
    Last but not the least, Korra. Like I said, I have not watched Avatar TLA but I recently played Korra's action game and it was pretty cool. Korra's pretty cool and hot and when I started her arc, seeing her on a wheelchair cracked me up.

    Anyways, I just want to say I love the game and thank you for the experience.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Very good game! I love the series, and the characters. The renders here are pretty nice, and it's nice that there is variety in the girls you can be with. I like the love paths the most, writing is decent, the minigames are also okay, though I don't like them too much. Toph is best girl! If only could make Katara have smaller breasts in all scenes.
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    There's much grinding for too little payoff. E.g. some scenes just show the MC as a disembodied dick. WTF, did I grind 1 hour for that?!
    I assume the high rating of this game is due to the nostalgia of the fans of the TV series. However as a porn game, it's a rather poor one. Could have been better with either less grind or better payoff, but in this state, I definitely don't recommend it.
  17. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 4639732

    This is one of the first adult games I've ever played so I didn't know what to expect, but I have been totally blown away. The writing surprised me with its take on the original stories around Avatar, and as a big fan of anal in particular, I have loved how much of that has been part of the story. It's definitely fun to see the characters of the shows unleash all sorts of kinks and do so in an engaging story. There are also tons of choices to make, so you're constantly wondering where things will take you. The first book is a lot more linear, but after that things become more complicated. And while the first book is more linear, it was still very enjoyable. Looking forward to finishing off the rest of books 3 and 4.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    A solid 4 star lewd "game" with a great art (simulate the artstyle of the original), a somewhat good writing. But hey, wanking while reading? that's your choice. Maybe can cut a little on minigame, it's tideous rather than fun (and i finished all of it, including collecting the crab on book 3 island thing).
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    I love this game. Toph is such a cutie. The art is great, and the writing is pretty good too. It's a shame that you can't make Katara a loli as well, that would make things even better. I actually enjoy most of the minigames and such as well.
  20. 1.00 star(s)


    Interesting how this game gets a pass for being grindy while other trainers dont. Overall, worth a play.

    - MASSIVE amounts of content
    - Looks similar to the cartoon art style in the TV show
    - OG trainer

    - Too little or crappy animations
    - some scenes look kind of dated at times.