I really like the art style and the story seems good so far. I dig the characters, they have a lot of personality.
Some suggestions and ideas:
Gameplay mechanics need a bit of fleshing out, perhaps the Church's attention to what you are doing which can be reduced by working at the church. Could lead to ever worsening events leading up to a bad end.
Further basic training such as cleaning, cooking, gardening for veggies, hunting for meat, with perhaps different uniforms. Some girls could be better at certain things for instance the elf would be good at gardening and cleaning while the goblin good at cooking and hunting, nevertheless they would still try if ordered. Depending on their skill the better the results.
Girls wandering from room to room along with different dynamic events to raise/lower stats, with also QoL icons to see in which room they are in.
I also noticed the alchemy set in the elf's room, perhaps potion making with different effects? Some permanent some temporary, could also lead into story events. Could tie in with the garden I mentioned before.
Those are my ideas for further development if not already planned and I'm not sure if others already suggested them as I didn't read back.
And lastly I'd suggest adding content to already implemented girls before adding newer additions so there is plenty to grab the attention
and wallets of people.
Sorry for the long wall of text.
Good luck on this project. I see a lot of potential in it and it grabbed my attention for now.