VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Forbidden Fantasy [Completed Supporter] [OppaiMan]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Stunning graphics, stunning models, its a visual treat and competes with some of the best such games/VNs I've ever played. One thing though, the main character is bland and his dialogue could certainly be written better, but, eh, its a porn game. Otherwise, I quite like it. 5/5
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    [Reviewed Chapter 4]

    This is a top-tier kinetic novel and visual experience (though light on "gameplay"). This offering seems to be an "entry point" to the dev's full portfolio with multiple places to play and access the game, so it feels a bit demo-ish and really showcasing the gorgeous visuals and technical capabilities. The production value is extremely high with beautiful girls, renders and animations. The story feels recycled from well-trodden fantasy tropes but the familiarity with the context helps you jump right in.

    The Good ((y))
    • Really high production value -- the game just looks great
    • Gorgeous, hyper-detailed models and renders
    • A few love interests with different personalities, body types and kinks
    • You can pursue multiple love interests without obviously excluding the others (so far)
    • Well-executed cinematography and visual storytelling
    • Good amount of content
    • Charged H-scenes with smooth, seamless animation
    The Not-So-Good ((n))
    • The plot / backstory is quite shallow
    • The game feature female voice acting (including H-scenes). It was well done but actually a bit distracting. Your mileage may vary.
    Overall, an outstanding title allows the dev to flex on their capabilities. Can't go wrong.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    The only thing this game has going for it are the lewd renders. I'll have to admit they're pretty gorgeous, really. Outside of the lewds, most scenes feel rather bland and lifeless, though. Pretty, but still quite lifeless.

    What really threw me off with this game is the awful storytelling. Other reviews suggest the dev would have cut down on dialog to be able to provide full voice overs, but honestly, I personally dislike voice overs and have turned them off. What remains are bland dialogues that feel completely unnatural and are allover the place.

    It feels like the dev also dreamed together quite a bit of lore for this game. None of that is explained in the game, though, they just yap about the elves, demon realm, demon queen, etc, without expanding on any of them.

    Seldomly, a game is so bad that I fail to push through to the end, but this is one of them. I'd not recommend anyone to waste time on this.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Easy 5/5.
    High quality game in all aspects. It even has nice voice acting for all the lines in the game (except for the MC's).

    Do note that while this has the "completed" tag this is actually just "Book 1" of this game, so this doesn't really have a real ending yet.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Honestly, a buncha fun. Cool story. Likeable characters. Great renders. Hot scenes. Great voice acting. All in all, I personally feel like this is a solid offering and worth your time. It's always cool to see a game that the developers genuinely seem to give a shit about.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    The Good -
    • Good female character design
    • Good scene renders
    • Dialogs are pretty decent
    • Good sex scenes
    • Interesting story
    The Bad/Mehs -
    • MC facial expression
    • Typical horsedick MC
    • Few sex scenes compare to story material
    • Voice acting kind of got annoying for me
    Overall it was good experience, while I was expecting mediocre lame story, it surpassed there. MC's facial expression makes him looks like a village idiot in most cases. The renders makes it totally worth it.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    excelent renders, and some very attractive characters. I don't know what else to write but it won't let me submit this until I go over 200 characters, please bear with me. oop its still going, it would help if they had a counter on the box to tell you how many you already had.
  8. 5.00 star(s)

    Aurelius Ambrosius

    I have so far played about an hour or so. I got to the point where the MC and the elf have their first sexual encounter.

    The good:
    1. This VN has really nicely rendered scenes. No simple stock objects in a barely furnished room. Every scene looks nice and lively.
    2. The female models are rendered beautifully.
    3. There is virtually no filler to speak of. Pretty much every conversation and scene are straight to the point.
    4. There is actual voice acting. Because there is not too much dialogue, I actually played it out most of the time (sometimes with longer sentences I click the 'next' button).
    5. The music is soothing and appropriate for the setting.
    6. There are (so far) no other males in the game who inexplicably have no sex with any of the females and are totally fine with you banging every female you encounter.
    7. Almost no VN every completes and instead drags on for many years. This VN has actually been completed in a fairly short period of time. Because of the success of this VN, a sequel is currently being considered.
    The meh:
    1. The story is your standard fantasy adventure quest. I personally kind of like those stories, but I understand it's not for everyone.
    2. The voice acting is what you would expect from a VN. It feels a little inconsistent here and there (from sentence to sentence), but I would suggest to at least try keeping it on for a bit to see whether it grows on you.

    The bad:
    1. Depending on what you expect of a VN, there is more story than sex. If you are not a fan of the usual adventure quest, this might not be the VN for you.
    2. The male models are not bad, but their facial expressions are quite bad compared to the female models. For instance, the MC regularly has a really goofy 'smile' which really breaks immersion.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Cool game. MC is a "witcher" with all the "perks", you get an elf and a half-demon in your party to complete a somewhat original "main" quest. Watch a bunch of well-crafted 60 fps beautiful vanilla lewd scenes in the process. I mean it checks many boxes to recommend this, so I shall. Hope it gets updated.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    The developer’s attitude towards the players and the quality of the game are excellent, I wish there were more games like this, I really liked everything
    I liked the plot, facial animation and overall picture quality
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    It's a good game, the story is better than what I mostly see in this site despite being generic it is well-executed. The renders are absolutely fantastic and sex scenes are good. There isn't that many women in this game but I don't see that as a failure because it becomes boring when you juggle that many characters. The whole story isn't that long but I also see that as a plus because of the lack of scope creep.
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    It's a Cringe story voice acting pace, I put that in short.
    There are short VN stories that are better than this, it's a waste of render IMO.
    Go find a good writer first for your next project, the VA they try their best to make sense of the dialog but it didn't help, since the writing kinda sucks.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    I have to say this is a very well rendered game, the graphics are incredible, and the scenes flow well in text and storyline. The voice acting is very well done and even able to use 60FPS is a nice option with this finely made game. Best VN I've played so far.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    high quality graphics and storyline, nice integration of animation into the sex scenes. Loving the characters interactions and always in the mood for monster girl action. Finally top choices in voice acting.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    great game!! Hope the developer make more of these kinds of games... The graphics is overall great, while the story is short but exciting that made me hoping for a second part or maybe a sequel. ...
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Fantastic renders and animations. voice acting was a nice suprise. I also apreciate that it doesnt waste your time. For now i don't know if you can lock yourself out from events but it doesnt seem so.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Forbidden Fantasy has the best animations I've seen in a Ren'Py visual novel, and the story is quite intriguing. I'm definitely looking forward for more chapters to come with scenes that will make me cum :devilish:
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    Honestly, its's a good game for a virtual novel. Storywise, it could have a lot more improvement. The world-building and characters feel to bland, especially the intro, but I do like the twist in the beginning and end of the game. The start really makes me fail to have an interest in the MC and MG since it was forced and felt way to rush, plus the fight scenes felt lackluster overall 3/5 its average.

    In terms of personalities, it does have its moments where they don't feel like robots. Zhara actually felt like a person, while the MC felt like a stereotypical protagonist for a Hentai/Adult game. 4/5, quite good.

    Art Wise and Scenes,Loved the designs and Models. this was heavly carried by the scenes and art style if it werent for the Scenes i felt like it would have been a 2/5 however it surpassed my expectations whised there were more scnes tho. 4/5

    Overall it was short and fun, good scenes 3.5/5
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing art!! WOW! Animations are excellent.
    I'm not overly sold on the voice-overs, but it's growing on me. In fact, this is the first game where I haven't muted the voices.
    I've only completed the first chapter but am already blown away. I can't wait to get to the rest of the story.
  20. 3.00 star(s)


    The game is decent, the best part of is the renders and how amazing all the characters look. Everything else is simply "okay" at best. The story isn't terrible, but it's not very deep or al that interesting for me, and there wasn't a whole lot of content with the love interests. I think the Dev can improve from here, I would just recommend working on story telling, and having more content per chapter, some of them were rather short.