Seems like the person who was doing the English translation for this Game isnt doing so great right now, in April on another Website he wrote "I quit. I won't go into detail because I don't want to upset anyone.
I quit translating this game, and I quit translating everything I planned to translate.
You'll have to find someone else to do the deed now.
I'm sorry. I won't be coming back."
Later he wrote "It's actually something REALLY FUCKING WORSE, like tossing a pebble at a tin can only to unintentionally hit a nuclear reactor levels of worse.

So no, it's not my eye.
I literally have a death clock over my head now. I won't be among the living soon...
*(Cries in unlife)*"
So i dont think he is coming back to this Game and wejust have to wait and hope the Dev finds another Person who will translate this Game.