VN - Unity - Completed - Flirty F [v1.0] [Oppai Comics]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    All the girls have the same exact body.
    The dialogues seem to be written by a 12 years old guy.
    No story at all.
    Lots of "Image not found"
    Not even a game. no choices or paths, is just a visual novel that require a lot of clicks.

    Is ok if you want a quick fap with you brain off
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    - Renders & Animations are good
    - Coding is a mess; more Bugs than I could count!
    - Story is non-existent.

    The game is a mess... I played it about a year ago, but back then, there was very little content. Now I played again, multiples updates later, and I'm asking myself what the dev actually patched in all this time.

    The renders and animations are well made... IF you get to see them, since a lot of those only show a black "Image not found"-Screen. The coding is an absolute mess!
    If you play windowed on anything other than the 16:9 widescreen the dev seems to use, the images (and even the menues) get scaled so everything is either overlapping and/or pushed outside the display. So the game not only crashed on me (multiple times), I also had to Alt+F4 because I couldn't press Menue-Buttons.
    And don't even get me started on the whole "Why you no use RenPy"-Topic... It IS the best choice for VNs, and this dev (of course) chose something else.

    Now to the story:
    It's the boring and nonsensical "story" about a naive 21-years old virgin, who suddenly get's all the action, without any need to do anything himself. For some reason, all the woman suddenly see how fit and ripped he is and want him. It's strung together like a series of porn-plots. Not much to think about or to get invested in.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    7.5/10 so far. Game is great! Animations are great as well. Covers most types of ladies from submissive to the exact opposite.
    The story is actually good. Was easy to follow and it had me hooked for a couple parts for each lady. Wish there was more positions for each action we could "perform" with them.

    Took off points due to main character being drugged by 2 crazy girls and milked til his nuts were empty.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    This game have really good animation and model
    have really high potential
    Look like have route for NTR but developer might not let the game go that way

    This game have the best animation and model

    The only negative for me is this game can't skip word with right CTRL can only skip with left CTRL
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    I wanted to like this game,but there's just to many problems.

    Pros:Good looking renders,and its not a slow burn at all.

    Cons:Coding wise its a mess that crashes way too much. The MC is so freaking passive. And Quinn,let's not talk about Quinn.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    Just like the rating says... A poor game. I don't know the exact time of development but I think the game is pretty short. I was expecting some more content. You can finish the game in very little time.

    Speaking of visuals, renders are 6-7/10 , although animations are above average. The biggest problem for me is the uncanny valley. There are major quality issues with some renders and they just ruin it a bit for me, but this is way too subjective because I'm very exigent...

    Nothing to mention about the story, it is completely irrelevant. Sometimes it gets in the way with the MAIN GOAL :^) but it's pretty lightly-implemented so it doesn't kill the game.

    This might be only me but I can't endure "pink holes" in 3d games... and this game has plenty of them...
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    this is the first game i play for vnovel or unity i dont know.. and this game is why i stuck here at f95zone.. im not rich and definitely got no good income too during this pandemic.. all i can say that i appreciate the dev and whoever post this game here.. kudos..
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    Great renders somehow completely ruined by
    • unlikable and insane characters
    • cringey and unnatural dialogue
    • and a nonsensical plot
    I know you're thinking "surely, it can't be that bad." It is. This game really sucks. And normally I'd give a creator the benefit of the doubt; I don't expect a Shakespearean masterpiece out of a porn game, but Flirty F goes above and beyond when it comes to Awful Fucking Writing.

    Don't bother playing unless the whole plot is rewritten by someone else.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    I had to kick this game from my drive, after giving it another chance and hoping the poor puberty humor would get better.
    Really liked the Graphics and the little animations. For a Unity game it is also satisfying to be able to save often, hide the GUI and take screenshots. Even the grinding is at low level, because via Continue you can focus on the important events that drive the game itself.
    But what is the fun in seeing the MC played like a child's flute. Pushed and made fun of in every possible way. Worst about that is THE FAMOUS J-SAMA. There is no chance to chose a way to not beeing scolded and of course our MC is just swallowing it. Event wants to get near to her. FOR WHAT?
    If that kind of game is your kink, go on and you will be fully satisfied.
    IMHO there is absoltutely no fun in it and all the other qualities do not counterbalance that.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    Overall this thing is solid. It's essentially a visual novel with some sandbox elements, but the game never wastes your time and gets you to the extremely high quality artwork in short order.

    Gameplay - gets you to what you want quickly. You won't get much feeling of accomplishment, but then again it's (essentially) a visual novel so that's standard. I generally find branching choices annoying, but in this case you can fly through them to experience everything this game has to offer. I really love games that don't waste my time.

    Artwork - some of the finest shit around. Especially good work on the texturing of the 3d models

    Characters - Mostly standard fair, but a few of the sisters are real stand outs and I genuinely love when they're on screen.

    If this is really the artist's first game I'm in shock. This is really solid, especially the work on the 3d models. Honestly people should be tracking this artist down to contract them, cuz this looks better than 90% of the 3d modelling on this site - and on this person's FIRST GAME
  11. 2.00 star(s)



    • The models are good to great.
    • The animation is smooth and feels like there's actually some force behind it.
    • Julia


    • MC is reeeally unlikable
    • MC is weird looking
    • MC is a simp weakling
    • The women are unlikable (expect Julia but that's borderline rapey)
    • Forced into bad situations without alternate paths.
    • Story is trash


    The mechanics and action are fine but the rest is so trash I couldn't even finish the game. The characters and situations were making me dislike playing.
    The tag isn't there but "Humiliation" should be up there.
    Maker should try and collab with a better writer and focus on the action (animations).
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    Where do I begin... I didn't even get far into the game. I just couldn't handle the incredibly stiff dialogue. It's like it was translated from a robot. There's no passion in it. The quality of the images aren't that great either. Albeit, the animations are fairly smooth, compared to most VN's, but who cares if the rest isn't on par. Personally, I can't continue with this one. Hopefully, one day, they'll revisit and rewrite the dialogue but, for now, I'm going to pass on this one.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    the animations are unreal. the plot stories and gameplay excellent. house is a bit confusing to navigate and wish it just played itself instead of being a sort of half open world type thing combined with a menu u have to go every time to select which story you want to play then having to find the place that will trigger the scene is somewhat annoying.
  14. 5.00 star(s)

    memes memer

    really good. satisfying and decent pacing. love the chesty models, like the personalities of the girls (they feel like they sufficiently have some distinction from each other in a way that also adds to their sex content, they also look how their personalities are while still being attractive) and also this is probably one of the best game on f95 if you're looking for something that isn't as rape-y as a lot of other games. overall a light/easy/fun experience.

    writing/dialogue and characters could be optimized to really exemplify what each character is going for but nothing is immersion-breakingly bad. pretty much everything is sufficiently good and the various elements work together harmoniously
  15. 1.00 star(s)


    [Edited Oct 02, 2020. My old 5-star rating for 0.1.7 quoted at the bottom of this review]

    Reviewing version 0.1.8 - Or: How to kill a game in one update

    I loved that game. Funny, great lewd animations, mostly light-hearted, one word: Fun.

    Unfortunately with the update the post needed a new tag. Rape.

    MC gets raped by his sister, who drugs him with a cocktail of paralyzers and viagra, so he's 90% paralyzed, conscious, and has a raging erection. She and a friend of hers then proceeds to rape him, and he even thinks "Rape. This is rape. They're raping me."
    But only a few seconds later his thoughts are (literally, these are the words of the game) "They're raping me, but under these circumstances... I should just enjoy it!"

    At that point the game died for me.

    In my opinion that is a very toxic mentality. Rape victims all over the world have been belittled and dismissed with words like "I'm sure you wanted it" or "I'm sure you enjoyed it". That shit ain't funny!

    Some games have rape, that's ok, it's a thing, some people enjoy this genre, I'm not judging that, but this game was so much fun before, no rape tag, just another older sister who was a bit bitchy/dominant, but everything in a playful manner. And now this. MC gets really into it afterwards btw - when he's no longer paralyzed - and the next morning everything is peachy.

    I hate giving out 1-star ratings, but I just witnessed the cold-blooded murder of a good game. With an update I was looking forward to, no less.

    [Addendum/Update Oct 20]: I am aware that v0.1.8a softened the words so that it isn't rape anymore, and that there is a (partial?) rework of the game in process. I have not played v0.1.8a, and I don't think I will. The dev/author already has shown that they though this kind of rape and especially MCs reaction to it as well as no negative consequences the next morning were somehow a good thing. The fault lies never with the characters, but always with the author. At this point I am not willing to give the author another chance, because - as far as I'm aware of - they never apologized for this toxic mentality or even tried to explain why they were thinking this was a "good" outcome for Quinn and MC.
    Sorry, not sorry.


    Old review:
    Today dropped v0.1.8, which reminds me that I wanted to write a quick review for v0.1.7, so here it is:

    The Good:
    - A lot of animated lewd scenes. Almost all of them are repeatable.
    - KISSING! Too few games include passionate kissing during sex. I love it!
    - The graphics and characters. Made with love.

    The Confusing:
    - The story, at least when you play the incest version - which I usually do. MC returns to living with his mom and sis and seven years later two other older sisters come to live back home, about whom apparently nobody ever spoke before.

    9/10 - downloading 0.1.8 now.
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    2 Stars only because of Julia, everything else is below subpar:

    The story is more the bad - also the dialogues are crap. I couldnt even play the "Main Story" till the end before i started skipping all dialogues in hope of good scenes and even then it was a huge let down..

    Thex overall quality of the scenery is grainy and low
    - The animations as well as the quality is mediocre

    The game basis is more than weird and i dont understand why it was chosen...
    - Every story dialogue is seperated by the free roaming - Its like questing within instances...

    If you want to save to fast after you saved the last time you get crashes like hell.

    I dont understand how this game got 4.5 Stars. Its below average and i cant find a single reason to play it again.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    The rendering and animation is amazing for this type of game.
    I also really like the most of the story line (despite the somewhat outlandish parts. that's even a bonus for me) and every single character is great!
    Likes: 5fly5
  18. 1.00 star(s)


    Version: v0.1.7a

    I don’t know how it got my attention or curiosity, maybe it’s because of the good reviews, so I went to test it thinking it would be a great game that almost nobody notices, but I was wrong.
    The story or the background story is not interesting, I didn't really have the interest to follow it to a certain point, because it is a lazy and silly script, without any impact or anything that showed interest.
    The gameplay is terrible and poor, I will tell the reason. The game is a point-n-click with several empty places to interact and the interaction with the characters has limits, you talk to them and then spend a day. The story of the game basically follows like this, you go to your room to "continue" so that the story of the game can continue. You have to searching in the rooms where the characters are to interact with them, but it's not that bad, right? wrong, it's tiring. Keep clicking on a completely empty game without many interactions is boring.
    Graphics & Sexual Content:
    The graphics are reasonable, but sometimes strange. There are some blurred, badly polishing, when there is a scene or animation. It's weird and at the same time I thought it bad, but some renders of the girls are even good. The animations are reasonable to be honest, I didn't think it was so amazing but it wasn't too bad either. The sex scenes I also thought were reasonable, could be better, but it is acceptable. Anyway, I didn't think it very satisfactory, because there is very little sexual content.

    So, why I did gave 1 stars?
    I didn't like the game, doesn’t have comfortable gameplay, an interesting story or backstory and very little sexual content. Anyway, I didn't find anything interesting in this game, unfortunately. It’s not a stupid game but a really bad game to play. Even if I don't like the story, I could enjoy the content, but the content is also not very pleasant, so I see no reason to give more than one star.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    The animations are very good, the graphs and models are great either, even the menu of the game I find to be very well done, dont know why but maybe because other games dont give too much attention to the menu.
    Likes: 5fly5
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Awesome game, cannot wait to see more content! The animations are smooth, the atmosphere is nice and the music fits the background and events as also the characters. I would love to see the completion of the game in the future.