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- The current segment I am working on is nearly done. I just have one more scene to do with dialogue and stuff. Then, a playthrough will be conducted to ensure they run as intended. There were more scenes in my TODO, but I decided to put that in the next segment since this one mostly focuses on Eldritch. The other scenes do not have that problem because they happen more or less at the Darling Moonshine (which is out of reach of that blast from the Darling Moonshine segment
- Reworked the Gallery and Bios. On the front, it does not look that much different but I made changes in the background, so it should refresh better.
I still need a few more tweaks before I am comfortable releasing it.
- I Also saw some areas that were not translated and set them up to be.
I am hoping it does not take me longer than a week or so to release the content. It depends on how quickly I do this one scene.

Dialogue is the easy part. Rendering takes a bit.
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This week, I completed the Madison Night 2 segment. I started on a few scenes, but I felt a disconnect in my head. So, as a mini-break, I am working on adding sounds to the rest of the hot scene animations. In the next couple of days, I will release those updated scenes.
I am also testing to ensure my change does not cause weird behavior. Long story short: When I did the first animation with sound on the web, I had to do it a little differently when it got to the screen, where you could change the angles or hear two soundtracks rather than one. Later, I changed it to its own label that can be called to play it correctly. In the next mini-update, I will set all the videos to that label so it plays the video correctly, does not play double sounds (basically, Renpy playing two of the same video at the same time), and works smoothly. However, in one scene, I noticed a glitch that was easily solvable. I just have to make sure other scenes with these videos don't have the same problem.
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Darling Moonshine Released
The next segment has been released! This takes place (mostly) in the Darling Moonshine and focuses on Bria/Eric, Cayla/Tori/Matt, Kei, and Constance.

A few changes:
Renpy 8.3
Using a Nightly build currently, and will update it to the released version when that happens (should be soon). The main reason was Text Shaders. The old kinetic text extension would make the text thin and somewhat difficult to read. The Text Shaders keep the same font and apply the movement (it should apply to all translated ones).
New Chapter/Replay Windows
I made each button wider to use an image from the scene rather than build a whole new chapter button.

Also added an alpha when hovering to show the hover. If I put too much alpha, let me know. The same effect (minus the alpha) was added to the Replay menu.
Galleries should be updated more frequently.
Before, the gallery wouldn't update until you closed and reopened the Visual Novel. Now, it should do so whenever you unlock the image.
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I finished the images yesterday for the next segment. Now, it is time to translate, make replays, put the gallery up, etc.

I hope to have it out no later than two weeks.
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Here is the the Darling Moonshine final main screen (well the SFW version). There are total of 4 stories (Matt, Tori, and Cayla will be combined into the same segment). As I am doing a segment based on location this time, I wanted to break it up somehow so it would not change character every 5 seconds and concentrate on one for a duration. Lucia is involved in this scene, but she will appear in different stories (Constance and Cayla specifically).
Bria and Eric: Done.
Kei: Mostly done, just a few ends to tie up.
Constance: I think it is mostly done.
Cayla, Tori, and Matt: Doing that right now.
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Still working on the Darling Moonshine scenes for Night 2. Yes, I am likely going to re-render the room for shadows under their feet once I get all the characters in, but so far I have been working on Bria/Eric, Constance, and Kei. Similar to the classroom scene, you can click on them to play their story.
Done for the most part:
- Bria and Eric's scenes for Darling Moonshine.
Halfway done:
- Kei scenes
- Constance Scenes (need an aftermath scene for what she sees during the completed portion).
Need to Start:
Did it with that screen above because it is complex and that was the best way I could think of to break it down into digestible chunks.
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I just finished a large scene with Eric and Bria at the Darling Moonshine.

A few more scenes, and I will then focus on the other characters' scenes at that location. This scene will allow you to see Bria or Rhia (Bria's fae side) and more interaction between Eric and Neil that shapes the story's future. Before this, I had completed a scene for the Vampire story that answers some questions about the "Men of Sin"
I'm still chugging along with the coding and the rendering.
.48s Released!
Version 0.48s has been released:
- "Preparing" Storyline Segment in Part 2.
- Modified the Gallery with pagination.
- Bug Fixes.
- New UI interface with Clothed, Nude, and Sexy as options except for the main menu.
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Meant to post this yesterday but life caught up.
A few things:
- 3 more images for Duo, and then I work on the Trio Set (and hope I don't take as long on those
- When I cannot focus on creating new images, I adjust older images (from Source PSD) to match the tone.
- Adjusting some UI elements as well.
- I managed to re-render one series of animations (the Subway Snacktern one) to get the tone and also add sound effects. I did this with a few other animations as well. So when the update does come, it might be a big one because it will be new and updated content.
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A few changes:
- "Dealing" Storyline. Similar to Classes, this focuses on a particular theme. This focuses on Tony dealing with certain psychological things with his patients, Aida dealing with what happened the previous night and what it means to Emily, and Dee and Tobias working on the Men of Sin crimewave.
- This uses Renpy 8.2.0.
- You will see a number after 0.46s.xxxx, which is the build time. I am expertimenting with this to let it be the minor version (or when I build a version or fix) to avoid forgetting to do it.

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I have been relatively quiet for a bit. Sure, there were those small updates, but...

For the last month or so, I have been experiencing issues (health related) that made it challenging to focus. I am feeling a little better in that regard now (at least my typing doesn't look like I faceplanted on the keyboard, which is the other half of why I didn't write too much before).
I am trying to finish this one scene as soon as possible so I can get to the next one. I had been stuck on this scene for a couple of weeks because of the above mentioned reasons.

The image above with Bria posing was my attempt to break the "creative" block caused by my health and get the wheels rolling...which more or less it is.
Thank you for your patience.
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Andrei, Bria, Eric, Cayla, Kei, Matt, and Tori head off to class! This story also elaborates why Bria and Eric act the way they do when in proximity to each other (a supernatural reason) .
A few changes:
- New Initiate Screen: That scene with Lily and Fio when you click on Begin. I have moved that to the splashscreen section, and use that for initial set ups and a brief tutorial. That way when you click on Begin, you are going right to the chapter window.
- Continue Button: This will load the last save. I am keeping the Load button (for now) if you have you have another save you want to load.
- Main Menu button (both in Game Menu and the Chapter Screen): This will create a quicksave before you fully exit. This will cooperate with the Continue Button.
- Also changed the Chapter screen a bit. The top bar (Prologue, Part 1, Part 2) makes it easier to switch without doing a "Next Page" mechanicism.
Translations are a work in progress at the moment. When they are implemented, you will be greated with a screen of Flags when you first launch. I have not yet decided how to implement it in the Settings Menu.
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Storyline content is done.
Right now, I am working on a few things:
- Extra Content (gallery images, sex gallery, etc.) Making strong progress on this.
- Bug checks - Making sure I catch them and fix them.
Additionally, I have performed a machine translation into Chinese, Japanese, Spanish, and French. However, I am going to through them to make any possible corrections (as best I can). Caveat: I only speak and write in English due to unfortunate circumstances.

So, this is all best effort within my budget at the moment. Some of the fixes include changing things like [BV] to [bv]. Long story short, I use objects for character names. And in Python, BV and bv are two different things, and would cause an exception screen.
The most likely scenario:
I will release Fire of Life: New Day in English first. Then over the next few weeks following that, work on the translations.
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A few updates.
- I have reorganized a few things to allow for translation. For example, Bria Accent was in a JSON file, but Generate Translation only looks at RPY files. So, I converted what was in the JSON file into an RPY (which will turn into an RPYC) file and made adjustments so it is read similar to before. That way: It will search for strings I marked for translation. Speaking of Bria's accent, I have changed it so if the language is not none (what is in the game folder vs. the tl folder), it will go through the process of changing it as if Bria Accent is off. That way, it will use the translated files. Key note: Translations have not been done yet. I may work on some of those after I get this chapter is done, and hopefully...only have to do it for changes files later. Speaking off...
- I am currently one scene away from being done with the principle content. There are other things I need to do with the conclusion of a chapter (gallery, setup sex gallery items, etc), but that part of the story will be done. It should be done in the next couple of days. Then I will check to see if translations will occur for the whole project this round, and also what additional content is necessary.

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I know I missed last week, but I have been busy with creating content. TLDR: Pollen count has been really high in my area, and been trying to get through the rendering while enduring significant sinus headaches.
Part 2 will work a little differently than Prologue and Part 1. As noted by the image, Bria (fae), Andrei (vampire), Tori, and Cayla (mage) are involved, and on the other side of the Room Kei is sitting near Eric. Integrating the stories as they fit best by what going on overall.
English class: Done.
Art Class: In progress
Biology: Will do that after art
And there will be a few in-between scenes, and the chapter I am labeling (currently) Classes will have it content complete.
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Right now, I am working on Part 2 (or Day 2) that continues where Part 1 leaves off. I am going to handle this a little differently. For example, the first chapter will be Classes, which will have related characters who are in the school attending classes. There will be a moment in the beginning where you can select to play a lead-up scene for Bria, Andrei, Tori and Cayla, and Kei and Matt (currently working on Kei and Matt and will do Cayla and Tori).
Also taking care to make sure choices that were made in Part 1 impact Part 2.
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Fire of Life v. 38 Demons and Mages
This version represents the last of the “remake” for the Prologue and Part 1. Shortly after releasing it in December, there was people who complained (rightfully) that is was very fast pace (too confusing the exact words were) So, I approached it with a different method as you see it now. This chapter shows Madison’s day at work and Cayla/Tori getting orientation done for school.
Bio filters:
There are a lot of characters in this story, so I put in a filter so you can search based on who they are (human, vampire, shifter, etc.).
New Pics for Bios:
I have render new images to serve as Day 1 rewards (it goes based on seeing a particular part of the story). All the ladies are done, and I did some male. I plan on doing more in the future.
I So you don’t have to go into each bio to change the picture, there is an option to change all to the Base Image or Day 1
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I have one more scene to (and quick one at that) left to do for this chapter. Just getting my motivation up to do it.

TLDR: I just finished a scene with Madison and Cayla that had alternate clothing options I needed to render. So brain is a
Also coming up, I am planning to enhance the bio/character profile a little. When you reach a certain point in each character story, it will give you an additional bio pic that you can select and it will stay that way unless you delete persistent. Here is one of them:
This will conclude Part 1...and I will move onto Part 2 shortly after that
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Working on Madison's lunch break.
For those who played the original one:
As you might notice, the scenery is different. The main reason: I wanted plenty of space to get camera angles in without worrying about walls (I know I can make them invisible, but when multiple things are attached...I tend to forget to make them reappear). That would not be such a problem for stills, but would be for multiple animations.
A little preview without showing TOO much, both the bathroom and the prologue adult scenes are progressive. Meaning you can select on the first option (the left) and it will give you the option to go through all three scenes. Not that complicated to program, but does require me to render transition scenes (which isn't an issue).
Right now, I am primarily focusing on the Madison scenes because I have a clear vision of what I want to show. Expanding the Tori and Cayla scenes, I am workshopping it around.

Also, the person Ryan works for (Dee) also has scenes I will doing as well. You might not have ran into Dee because she originally appeared in Day 2. However, doing a bit of intro work before she appears for that scene.
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If any who are not in the Playtest and are interested, let me know and I will open the applications again.
If you are in the Playtest, once I get something resembling a scene done, I will push it to the Playtest area.
With that said, there is no rest for the weary.

The first scene I am working on is the Madison bakes scene. Originally, this was at the end of Night 1 but I am moving it to the beginning of this chapter, adding a little prologue involving the house Madison lives in now, and a little discussions of Succubi in context of the story.

The above is a fresh render with nice glowy eyes.

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Fangs and Claws has been released on next page after the prologue. Both Andrei and Kei’s prologue link to the same chapter. Two months, but did two character worth of a chapter I believe.
Some fixes and refinements were also put in.
The Window 32-bit version is on hold until I figure out a way to do it with Renpy.
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From the scene I am currently working on. Got significant segments of that scene done, but right now working on animations. Those take a little longer, but more importantly, takes some concentration. Concentration I do not always have due to a back injury, but I am progressing the best I can.
Once I am done with this scene, there are two scenes left. One is big and the other is smaller. The big one involves Alex (Kei's brother) in a makeshift camp that explores werewolves in that region, and the other involves a small Darling Moonshine scene.
Once those are done, I will be doing gallery images, checking for codex entries, updating the chapter's UI, and such (those shouldn't take nearly as long). After that and a check for noticeable bugs, it will be released. It will be a significant update at (currently) 97MB.
There was some re-use of images, but they were converted from the base .psd to avif. Since webp can be lossy, I always keep the psd files stored and monitored. Going from Webp to Avif is a risk because it is compressing a compressed file, which means more quality loss. But there were a couple re-renders to match previous scenes. For example, Kei going through the would not make sense for her to go with boots and hose, so took them off. However, the warehouse scene: she had them on. For continuity, I did this:
IMO, It looks atmospherically better.

The Shifters and Vampires chapter will be called "Fangs and Claws" to represent both species.
I do appreciate everyone's patience's while I work through these scenes.

V 0.36s “The Council”
This chapter focuses on the Virginian American Branch of the Council. In previous chapters, there were mentions, so this one elaborates more on it (especially why the supernatural creatures dislike them). This is still Day 1, but it is a few weeks after Ben captured Emily.
Renpy Improvements
Tom had changed the distribution of Renpy Nightly. The channel I will focus on is Fixes, which can fix any bugs or errors from Renpy. So if you go to credits and see “Nightly,” this is still the released version of Renpy 8.1.
JSON Support
I believe I had implemented a bit of this in previous minor updates. I transferred a few things to JSON files and now use them to manage things like the gallery, etc. It keeps the Screens clean, so I can troubleshoot that rather than scrolling through a long list. Furthermore, it updates the moment you launch. It is also a step to reduce errors on my end.
Version. rpyc
You don’t see this file, but I separated critical information, such as buildname, into a new file. This enables me to ensure the correct names are displayed (and I don’t see a visual novel called “Fire of Life: New Day Beta” in the main channel).
As far as I know, there are either no bugs or less visible ones. If any crop up, let me know, and I will fix it as soon as possible.
Update 0.35.5
Eric Day 1
The continuation of “Journey of Knight” where you start in the lobby of the Male Dorm. It continues with different scenes until you wake up in the library. With the completion of Bria Day 1 and Eric Day 1, this sets up the Fae Storyline.
Previous Save Games
The bad news is that critical changes have made previous save games incompatible. However, a lot of the variables are persistent, so it will go with that. If you need a chapter variable to be defined, both Eric and Bria can begin with their prologue and continue onto their Day 1 Story. Basically, if you load a save, there is a risk of “Cannot find Return” error. There isn’t a good fix for this other than replaying.
On top of switching to WebM, I have designed the “Sex Screen” to be able to change the video inside rather than calling the scene itself.
Sex Options For Eric:
As you might notice with Bria, she is open to guys and gals. The same choice can be for Eric, which there will be a menu option to let you decide.
Updated Codex:
Added a more text to indicate which Bio/Codex/Gallery/Sex Gallery was changed.
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Release v 0.34s
The vital feedback I have gotten is that the story is confusing with the constant change of characters in short scenes. The story will tie into each other, so it might be difficult to create a single Renpy game for each storyline (see Such and Such that are common in comics). So, my solution is to develop concrete chapters. When you load your Save, it will take you to an Initial scene where Lily and Fio will introduce you to the new method of storytelling. Your progress isn't lost if you are past the Prologue scenes in the previous version. I am still reorganizing Day 1/Night 1 into chapters (currently on Bria).
When you see "Continue" appear, this is because it is a looping animation, and Continues triggers an action to state you are finished viewing the animation.
What is fixed:
- A prologue focusing on no more than two protagonists at a time. The reason for the two is that Tori and Madison start at the same place, but I refuse to portray infants in a scene. So, the Madison portion takes place 20 years before the current story and goes up to the point she is flapping her wings in that dimension. Tori (who is 18 at that point) progresses from that point. Aside from that, the chapters focus on one protagonist as it runs with their story. Some are short (i.e., Bria), but I try to make up for it with Bria dorm-move-in-day scenes.
- Some behind-the-scenes simplifications have been performed, such as dictionaries. The reason is that I do not accidentally break the gallery and similar items when populating those areas.
- Prologue Scene has items below that say Play/Replay. This will allow you to use Replay without going to the Replay gallery.
- Removed the Renaming of every character in the game. This will still be able to happen when I get the character bios working, but the default names will be used for now. The only time you can currently change is when a protagonist first appears in a storyline.
- On the Chapters screen, it will hold variables as any Renpy game. I have included a save/load for your convenience. The Game Option takes you to the Game menu and the Main Menu will return you the main menu. I advise saving the game before that to continue later.
What Still Needs Work (other than chapters):
- I have taken the Character Renaming (except for the protagonists) offline for the moment. The names of the protagonists will follow the Renpy standard method. The character screen is disabled because I also plan to put short bios in there. That is still a work in progress.
- Images. I replaced some of them with JPG, which looks okay-ish. However, I had to revert Bria because jpg at a reasonable size made her ponytail look…wrong. I did a test with AVIF, and it looks better. However, this game runs on Renpy 8.0.3 currently, and 8.1 has not been released. When that occurs, I will update those images.
- The Lore section has not been developed yet. Still a work in progress.