Fetish locator is a 3D adult VN that delivers exactly what it promises and a bit more for that extra cherry on top for the discerning.
I’ve seen quite a few low rating attributed to not liking some of the fetishes you have to play through to continue and criticizing the plot but I think they miss the point of the game.
A lot of adult VN’s are simple point a click smut that’s easy to enjoy quickly but equally easy to get bored of. I started playing Fetish Locator for one particular fetish, but I stayed for the rest of the game.
The game has a beautifully rendered set diverse of characters that are all different and interesting in their own ways. Making a 3D character physically attractive is difficult enough in itself and making many with distinct personalities, wants, ideas, and kinks with believable interactions is a big job and I commend Vinovella for doing it so well.
The plot isn’t an award winning masterpiece for ages to come, but I don’t believe that’s why any of us came to this game in the first place. It is a surprisingly interesting premise delivered well and driven by a masterfully choreographed cast.
You can’t skip all the fetishes except your one and continue without a game over, but variety is the spice of life as they say. I don’t personally mind skipping a fetish I’m not into to keep going and I understand the necessity given the game’s story and the sheer amount of kinks present. If you’re a little open minded you’ll be fine going through some warmup fetishes in preparation for the one that really gets you going. I came for one specifically but I managed enjoy almost all of the others alone the way.
Once again I must comment the developer for a wonderfully entertaining piece of work, and I eagerly await the next release. I’ll be getting a Patreon for this as soon as I can to add my support to this project.
I give this game 5/5 not because it’s a perfect game but because it delivers its own goals spectacularly with a wide variety of fetishes to choose from, a well executed plot, and a super cool world of people to see. That’s 3 stars right there.
It adds more to that with one of the best ensembles of characters I’ve ever seen in any game, very decent animation for a VN, and beautiful 3D rendering for you watch it all through.
You might not like/love/be into every person or kink in Fetish Locator but you will certainly find the ones you do