VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Fetish Locator [Week 3 v3.6.9] [ViNovella]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Well, isn't that lovely! This game have great stuff for all of us - nice sense of humor and good plot twists . Pleased with the availability of trans content, because it is rare. Good quality graphics. I look forward to continuing. And of course I expect more naughty futa on male scenes!!!:love:
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    Wide as a lake, deep as a puddle. If you're here for any one specific fetish, you're out of luck; most fetishes in the game(s) only have one scene, and thanks to the fetish scoring system, there's a pretty good chance you'll be forced to deal with some fetishes and characters you don't like.

    A game like this should've focused more on either overdoing it with the content, so that the player can tailor-make their run through the game how they like, or trimming back the number of fetishes so they can flesh them out more.

    My own personal attempt was trying to do a blind run, ran into several major turnoffs, then reached the end of the game, having missed both of the actual fetishes I was looking for.
    I was flaccid the whole time, bah humbug.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    Game version: [v1.01.09]

    This game is a fun time, but ultimately kind of disappointing.

    The presentation is great, the renders look good, there's nice music and even decent animations. The writing is competent, dialogue flows effortlessly and the overall plot is a nice wrapping device.

    But the game is basically just a kinetic novel with some extra bells and whistles. Most choices boil down to "do you want to see this scene or not?" and even if you have choices within a scene, they rarely do more than barely tweak the dialogue.

    The fetish content in the game, which is its main gimmick, is actually surprisingly tame and never explored to its fullest potential. You lick a girl on her period and all you get is like one sentence about how she slightly tastes like blood and it's not so bad and other than that it's just a bog-standard cunnilingus scene, never actually showing anything taboo and the characters never really commenting much about the situation. Half the fun of a fetish is the mental aspect and the dirty talk, but this is chronically neglected throughout the game.

    It's not even that it's not "extreme" enough, it's more that nobody really has much to say about what you're doing. You go and do your business and some of these scenes are actually pretty hot, but then you collect your points and it's off to the next adventure. There's no real sense of progression or relationship building.

    It feels like all the relationships in the game are static, except for those the game wants you to care about. You are into Lydia and you want to fuck your sister, whatever you do with these other girls is just some fetish version of Tinder, so don't get attached, because they sure won't.

    I don't need the MC to profess his undying love to any female he has sexual relations with, but there needs to be some intimacy or continuity. It doesn't have to end in romance, but it's just weird when you do stuff with girls multiple times and they barely acknowledge what has happened before. Like you have this pretty nice foot worship scene with Dahlia early on (which could have been a lot hotter if more time was spent, there was no smelling at all for example) where you submit to her in front of people and call her mistress and all that and then later you finally get another scene with her and there is barely any mention that you did stuff before. That's just a waste of hot story potential. Also, she asks you what your favorite part of her body is and you don't get to pick her feet? Come on. This is just writing 101.

    At least you get to finally be with AmRose, even though you don't actually get to pick her over Lydia, she's just condemned to be a side chick. But I was almost convinced the game was oblivious enough to not realize that players would want to be with her.

    I want to rate this game higher and I feel with some more effort put into the writing it could be a lot better than it is. Put in some actual choices, let us build more meaningful relationships with side characters. Write out the sex scenes more and take your time. And let us pick AmRose over Lydia. No secret girlfriend bullshit.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    High quality game! It looks awesome and plays well.
    I don't particularly enjoy all the fetishes and all the options in the game. But I do appreciate that they are there! And as far as I can tell, I can skip some of them and still continue the story.
  5. 5.00 star(s)

    RC-1138 Boss

    Awesome ren'py VN.

    Play as Mike during the course of a week using a sex app to get closer to his dreams crush while meeting many other interesting women along the way (which i hope cure his Lydia's crush..hehe). All that while trying to figure it out who is the person behind this app.

    Most characters are well fleshed out, specially AmRose and Lydia.

    Renders are of good quality and so are the animations.
    Game also has some ambient sounds and a few musics (not many).

  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Awesome game. Easy 5 star for me.

    - Includes many fetishes
    - Likeable characters
    - Pretty 3D models
    - Good and easy to follow story

    - Not so fluid animation
    - No mother-son content so far

    Keep up the good work!
  7. 4.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1882281

    Please Delete Please Delete Please Delete Please Delete Please Delete Please Delete Please Delete Please Delete Please Delete Please Delete Please Delete Please Delete Please Delete Please Delete Please Delete
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    I really enjoyed playing this game. I opted out of foot fetish, futa and one more I don't remember, but still had 72 points (50 needed to end the chapter). Maybe some people here are challenged by actual gameplay.
    This game isn't perfect, but IMHO it is one of the better games on this site. I would have given 4 stars but will give 5, because it has been downvoted by some in an unconstructive manner.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Fetish locator is a 3D adult VN that delivers exactly what it promises and a bit more for that extra cherry on top for the discerning.

    I’ve seen quite a few low rating attributed to not liking some of the fetishes you have to play through to continue and criticizing the plot but I think they miss the point of the game.

    A lot of adult VN’s are simple point a click smut that’s easy to enjoy quickly but equally easy to get bored of. I started playing Fetish Locator for one particular fetish, but I stayed for the rest of the game.

    The game has a beautifully rendered set diverse of characters that are all different and interesting in their own ways. Making a 3D character physically attractive is difficult enough in itself and making many with distinct personalities, wants, ideas, and kinks with believable interactions is a big job and I commend Vinovella for doing it so well.

    The plot isn’t an award winning masterpiece for ages to come, but I don’t believe that’s why any of us came to this game in the first place. It is a surprisingly interesting premise delivered well and driven by a masterfully choreographed cast.

    You can’t skip all the fetishes except your one and continue without a game over, but variety is the spice of life as they say. I don’t personally mind skipping a fetish I’m not into to keep going and I understand the necessity given the game’s story and the sheer amount of kinks present. If you’re a little open minded you’ll be fine going through some warmup fetishes in preparation for the one that really gets you going. I came for one specifically but I managed enjoy almost all of the others alone the way.

    Once again I must comment the developer for a wonderfully entertaining piece of work, and I eagerly await the next release. I’ll be getting a Patreon for this as soon as I can to add my support to this project.

    TL DR:
    I give this game 5/5 not because it’s a perfect game but because it delivers its own goals spectacularly with a wide variety of fetishes to choose from, a well executed plot, and a super cool world of people to see. That’s 3 stars right there.

    It adds more to that with one of the best ensembles of characters I’ve ever seen in any game, very decent animation for a VN, and beautiful 3D rendering for you watch it all through.

    You might not like/love/be into every person or kink in Fetish Locator but you will certainly find the ones you do ;)
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Why anyone interested in fetishes would rate this anything below a 3 is completely mindbogling to me.
    The game offers a wide variety of Fetishes you can opt in and out of. On top of that the dev is continuously integrating more.

    Updates are at a nice pace and the content that gets delivered is balanced between progressing the story and adding lewd scenes.

    I made a Patreon account to support the development of this endeavor and I would like to see how it grows.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    This is not a strong story based game more like a fun game where a mobile app tells you what to do and this will lead interesting situations. Renders and girls are nice. Lewd scenes are average but because the fetish locator always something new and interesting situation going on.
  12. 3.00 star(s)

    Tragic Princess

    This game has a lot of fetishes which means some people will be satisfied and some won't depending on how much content for that said fetish your into. When I played this I thought it was gonna be another BAD type game. That would've been cool, I guess, however, this is much different. You start off trying to get points for the fetish app which meant observing everyone including your roommate get some action while you did nothing but watch.

    It took the last couple of updates for the MC to finally get laid. One of my gripes is you have to do certain fetishes in order to get content with certain girls which is kinda lame. Like one chick wants you to worship and lick her feet and if you refuse she gets pissed lol. MC started changing as the game progressed, his dick size started changing(which I didn't like) I don't know if the devs changed it because of complaints or if it were their decision. The points system is annoying because once again you can be forced into certain fetishes that you may not like in order to get them. Like I wanted to ignore Chloe because she isn't attractive to me but I need the point so I took one for the team. But yeah, those are my gripes. The story is okayish, the Renders for some models are pretty good, other models not so much.

    Overall this game may be a gem for others with love for multiple fetishes, but it's not for me. Anyways, good luck to the devs.
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    Judging by the title, I expected this to be a game where many different fetishes are presented to you and you get an actual choice in participating in the ones you like. I was wrong. This game might as well be a kinetic novel since it pretty much forces you into playing/participating in fetishes you don't care about. If you refuse to participate in a fetish, it generally leads to a game over. One of the fun things about choices in a game is that they're meaningful and allow you to pursue content that you're a fan of, whether that be a character route or a fetish route. You don't want to lick period blood in this game? Well too bad, it's game over. So unless you have eclectic tastes, you might as well avoid this game.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    This is one of the games I thought started with "bang them all" style but I invested more I play the game. Story so far not exceptional, but intriguing if develop well, it could something else. Characters good. Not all one dimensional. Overall I suggest this one to my buddies.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent game, hits all sorts of marks and always keeps you on your toes. Good story and truly does have something for most anyone. you should check this out if you are looking for a great visual novel! Thanks!
  16. 2.00 star(s)

    Andrew Espinoza

    Imma be honest, it's not that the game is bad or that it has issues. Simply, there is not a compelling story for me to engage. The graphics are good, but the fact that everything revolves around a girl I do not find attractive enough and forces you to persue her, is a huge turnoff for me. I'd have loved it if I had the option, after the party, to persue any girl I liked (I swear Daisy is a fucking tease and is so hot).
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    I didn't make the party. Didn't feel like I was missing out by not attending. There is a competent story thread even if I didn't care for it. I didn't like any of the women in the game. Not recommended unless you're willing to say yes to just about anything.
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    I really wanted to like this game more than I do.
    But sadly It seems as though my journey is going to end on day 7.
    Which kinda sucks considering how much time I put into playing it as far as I did.
    But it seems that according to the walk through and everything that I read that there is no feasible way for me to make it any farther than this point.
    Because It appears that all of the fetishes / scenes I refuse to do also happen to be the fetishes / scenes that I am or will be forced to do if I want to proceed any farther.
    As much as I liked what parts of this game I did like I am not going to pretend to like a certain thing in this or any game that I do not like in real life.
    Which means that it seems that day 7 is where I cut my losses and just accept that I won't be finishing this game.
    Which sucks because I liked the models, the story at least to me was something original and there was a multitude of options to choose from.
    The problem however being that the options that mattered were apparently the options I won't do.
    I guess in hindsight the fact that I initially got a game over screen for not having enough points for the party on day 3 should have been a red flag for me.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    This VN is really amazing with a concise plot, stunning models and renders. I must say that it will make you yearn for more. In fact there is a plethora of text, with the possibility of shaping your own path, as there exist choices. It's up to you the way the mc progresses in his journey. As for the updates, they include lots of content and are available on a regualr basis. It's pure hardwork. Trust me, you will not be disappointed. Well hit the download and enjoy. ViNovella is an awesome game developer.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    This vn is criminally underrated. The fetishes have been relatively vanilla so far so it's definitely not too hardcore and I have no idea where the misconception that the mc doesn't really participate came from.

    I find it lame that most reviews on this site are 5 stars 9/10 times while a good chunk of vn's don't deserve it. Imo, this vn is better than a lot of vn's with more reviews and higher averages (I'm not going to point fingers because I consider tearing something down to build something up to be pretty shitty).

    There's also a Black Mirror esque twist about the dangers of social media and your user data that's really compelling (even if you have to suspend your disbelief a little) compared to the run of the mill plots most of these vn's have.