Life is a grind: wake up, exercise to get out of bed, wash up, eat something, and drink plenty a water - expressly and specifically and exclusively water with or without hydrolites, which make water absorb better, quicker or at all in your body.
Rinse and repeat, rinse and repeat...
is the sandbox that bad? or are the reviews just brigaded by sandbox haters?
Sandbox haters, nothing else. Its not really bad at all. Everything is very very clear.
The pitfall sof sand box is timed events that are notwithstanding of the steps in the story: wait
X amount of days/weeks/months - even tho you have the necessary plot and story and game requirements to trigger said event. Plus the RNG random event triggers dev insert in their games just to play pranks on the players - because every once in a while, your luck of the draw will run out and you will be left with a run where every RNG draws blanks and frustration sets in and you have to basically start over, hoping the random engine in the game will not screw you over this time around.
I purchased FL wk1 wk2 wk3 on Steam. I was disappointed it didn't flow in story. Just a series of kinks.
The story is the doom scrolling that MC does and the power his phone has on his ego, his life, his relationships and everyone around him: STOP DOOM SCROLLING AND LIVE LIFE AS YOU FEEL YOU SHOULD, NOT THE WAY SOME APP/PHONE/SITE OR A.I. DICTATES YOUR LIFE TO YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
will this game have futa on male or pegging?
hELL NO! MC is the producer of his vids and the head of his company - this is not Fetish Locator, some app does not run the game any more, MC does - not the devs, not the girls and certainly not you, player.