Female Protag Corruption games and what is wrong with them.


Jul 24, 2017
Just, in general, or because you've never found one you liked?
in general i don't like playing as a female cuz well, i am a male. in female MC games, we cannot pretend we are the MC and cannot feel the connection and experience as we play male MC. I only tried eleanor for a while and was not interested at all.. so i never try other female MC games :)


Lord of Passion
Game Developer
Dec 28, 2017
in general i don't like playing as a female cuz well, i am a male. in female MC games, we cannot pretend we are the MC and cannot feel the connection and experience as we play male MC. I only tried eleanor for a while and was not interested at all.. so i never try other female MC games :)
I often find I have a greater empathetic capacity than others, but I still have a hard time with this sentiment. I myself am a man, yet my second favorite thing to play, after incest, is female protagonist. There's no problem, we like what we like, but still, I often feel like there's a bias that isn't fair going on.
Aug 22, 2017
Put plainly, bullshit. He doesn't have to be fucking her to not kill her.
No, but he has to fuck her to take away her fear of getting killed. She doesn't know how to handle the situation, he does. Does she consent? No. Is it thus rape? Sure, whatever. Was it the best thing that could have happened in the situation? Also yes. Because the alternatives are killing her, and having her live in mortal fear, possibly killing herself. Will she come around and appreciate what he did? Yep. Did I just explain that sometimes it's better for all involved to rape a girl than not to? Yes. Mind you, the scenario in the movie is extremely contrived, but there are evo-psych reasons for this. And contrary to feminist hysterics, getting an unplanned dicking is very, very far from the worst thing that can happen to a woman.

I don't know about the Bond movie so I won't comment about that, but from your description, similar mechanics may apply. Also, "It's a bond movie so we have to have some clothes-on PG13 sex scene, even if it doesn't make any sense"

I don't think that's entirely true, yet again, I think you're giving him the benefit of the doubt. Playing as max made me feel dirty. Like I was an animal. To be perfectly clear, from a psychological viewpoint Max is well on his way to being a rapist.
That's a bit of a stretch. Max is a sleazebag and a pansy, but he is always very gentle, and when any of the females tell him to get lost, he does. That's pretty much the opposite profile of an actual rapist. The sentiment of "feeling dirty" that you describe was shared by a great many people at some point early in the development of the game, however I felt it pass once the game developed further and I continued playing and realized some twerp lusting after his hot family members is pretty much the least fucked up thing happening.

As for Kira, I find her protectiveness of Lisa understandable, but ultimately unnecessary. Her main motivation is very clearly not to protect, but to corrupt and to take part in the lewdness, with protection being a very distant third motivation. You're a guy, so, how would you react if say, a pair of your 14 year old hot nieces told you they wanted to get into this whole incestuous sexytimes business, and asked for your guidance. I mean, apart from the first thought being that you're on some kind of show hosted by Chris Hanson, is "Oh, I hope they don't hurt each other emotionally or physically" really gonna be your top thought?

People are programmed to give men the benefit of the doubt.
HA HA HA HA HA... No. Really. No. Nooooo. Very no. Both men and women greatly give women the benefit of the doubt, and men do it to an even greater degree than women. There's studies on that subject, and it's exceedingly clear. Both "Patriarchy" and "Feminism" do that. They punish the same behavior much harder when it's done by men and forgive it when it's done by women. I brought up Roman Polanski the other day, that's a typical example - we both agreed the mothers wrong doing is much more reprehensible, but it's the guy who is threatened with prison and subject to international controversy, while no one ever talks about what a horrible cunt the mom is. This is actually rather typical. Consider your average spousal murder: The guy who did it is a horrible monster who needs to be locked up for life, on the electric chair set to a "slow cook" setting no less. Meanwhile, the woman who did it is a poor oppressed innocent girl who was probably beaten and also had mental problems. You like to post videos, so I'll post one that I like on the subject, by a woman I respect more than any other woman in the world:
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Lord of Passion
Game Developer
Dec 28, 2017
I think maybe something is getting crossed, because you're not wrong about what is said in the end, about how men and women are punished by society for their crimes. I absolutely agree that we tend to explain away and even minimize the impact of female on male crime. Too many women, especially if they're attractive, are able to get away with things. We are much more likely, also, to give women the benefit of the doubt in cases of mental disability, mothers who kill their kids, teachers who fuck their students, etc etc.

However, when it comes to the subject of questionable consent, men and women both find it hard to sympathize with the women. We all say that we would never freeze up, we would say something, we would do something. She wanted money. Look at the way she dresses, she was asking for it. Even in rape, we have a tendency to victim blame, putting the fault on her, she should have known better, she shouldn't have dressed like a slut, etc etc.

As for Kira, I find her protectiveness of Lisa understandable, but ultimately unnecessary. Her main motivation is very clearly not to protect, but to corrupt and to take part in the lewdness, with protection being a very distant third motivation. You're a guy, so, how would you react if say, a pair of your 14 year old hot nieces told you they wanted to get into this whole incestuous sexytimes business, and asked for your guidance. I mean, apart from the first thought being that you're on some kind of show hosted by Chris Hanson, is "Oh, I hope they don't hurt each other emotionally or physically" really gonna be your top thought?
I don't disagree with this, in fact in the Kinetic Novel, Funfiction, Rich, and I just released a few days ago, I have our Alice remark to Kira that had Kira been born with a dick she'd be just like Max. And I also have a lot to say on DS' writing being very poor, and the reason why I see BB as a molestation game, rather than the romance he wants us to see. Had he been capable of writing good characters with their own motivations and goals the grind elements that make you into the peeping tom harasser would have been replaced by mutual respect and sexual tension. I judge the game not by its written outcome, but the path it took to get there.

In another thread I talk about this fact in more depth, and I told the guy there, grind, especially in Life sims, is what happens when the developer can't come up with a compelling reason for a relationship to occur, for the two characters to want to fuck. If you remove the grind scenes from BB completely, you have a bunch of subsequent sex scenes with no context, but you also remove all the elements that make Max into a predator. If you rewrite Lisa and Ann specifically to have their own reasons for having sex with max, then you get rid of the grind and you remove the dark overtones of his actions. Lisa technically has it in the sex lessons thing. What needs to change is 1, she needs to go to max, or, needs to be enthusiastic when max approaches her. 2, the yoga requirement and the money need to be removed as barriers to have a relationship with her. 3, a rewrite of how the training progresses, Lisa can be apprehensive and wait, but there should be a confirmation that the next night they are moving forward then, in the room, from her, without coercion.

I mentioned before, I think, that Alice is fine, she essentially uses Max as a dildo. However I'd also rewrite her a bit to where the idea to swap her blog to lingerie and to later become a camwhore should come from her. Where and how Max becomes involved could be multitudinous. Maybe he stumbles on her blog, maybe she comes to him because he's a computer geek *or would be in my version, or something, but it makes Alice proactive in her own corruption, and reinforces the idea that she's using him, at least for me. Ann neds a complete rewrite from the ground up... seriously she has multiple personality disorder.

And I admit that it wouldn't be my top thought, but as I feel with all teen sex, and most incest, I'd definitely care a lot about their feelings. I would almost certainly not outright reject them, as they are just developing their sexual confidence, but I'd force them to think it through.
Aug 22, 2017
However, when it comes to the subject of questionable consent, men and women both find it hard to sympathize with the women. We all say that we would never freeze up, we would say something, we would do something. She wanted money. Look at the way she dresses, she was asking for it. Even in rape, we have a tendency to victim blame, putting the fault on her, she should have known better, she shouldn't have dressed like a slut, etc etc.
"Questionable Consent" is a deeply feminist reading. And wrong. See, feminism is based on Marxism, women are an oppressed class, and because of the power imbalance, all heterosexual sex is interpreted as an exploitation of the woman, something that vile men do to poor oppressed whamen. Regardless of consent. And don't give me "But this isn't REAL feminism", this is exactly the realest feminism there is - All deviating "feminists" are simply bad at feminism.

But this reading obviously doesn't fly outside a small circle of fat green-haired lesbian (not by choice) college students. That's why it is typically downplayed, in the sense that the meaning of consent is blurred until it has lost all meaning. You can have a notarized and a filled out consent form (in triplicate) before sex, and in contemporary feminism, it can still be rape. Telling a girl she's pretty and in doing so arousing her is unironically judged as duress in such a situation. This is the "female hypoagency" Karen talks about (if you haven't seen the video, seriously, do it, also watch and read everything else from her, she's the most brilliant woman I have ever witnessed) insofar feminism in particular denies woman all agency, the capability to make any decision of her own.

Compare this to say the reading of the "Patriarchy" - Women who aren't prostitutes simply aren't comfortable with explicit sexual situations with strangers. They're either virgins or the only man they ever knew was their husband, so naturally, lacking experience and confidence in such a situation, they might freeze up. What else are you going to do? Sex is mighty scary, especially when you lack experience with it. At the same time, it is socially expected of the guy to go for it, otherwise he's a fruit. Thus "Patriarchy" solved the problem by simply telling women that it's indecent to bring yourself in a situation where you're alone with a man, and certainly drinking with him. If you drink and/or bring yourself in a situation where you are alone with a man, and you freeze up and "let" him fuck you because you don't know what else to do, it's your own damn fault - Staying in control and confident and assertive in such a situation is, indeed, what a prostitute would be more capable of.

Mind you that this reading of "Patriarchy" is itself less than 200 years old - mostly initiated by Charles Darwins works on human sexuality, his second "great book" after the origin of species. Before that "Patriarchy", we (in the west, and in most of the world) had a completely different, much more biblical understanding of sexuality. Women are lewd succubi who will try to fuck anyone and everyone, and it is the job of the man - who is capable of rational thought and withstanding the demon (the desires of the flesh) to reject the advances of such a girl. For marriage was, for most people, not a matter of great ceremony, but in itself the result of sex. A traveling bachelor merchant who'd take the lewd barmaid up to his room after a few drinks would find himself obliged to feed and clothe her for the rest of his life as his wife. And exactly bedding a man not a serf, would also be the easiest way out of the life of quasi-servitude for many young girls born into serfdom or otherwise utilized as menial servants. Womens sexuality was considered dangerous, their powers of seduction bordering magic. And this began to change in the 19th century, and I'm told certain areas in the american south have sexual mores that are closer to the "biblical" interpretation than the "1950ies Patriarchy" interpretation. Devout (non-westernized) muslims hold a rather similar view of women today - Hiding them in ninja costumes mostly serves to neuter their sexual powers, yet holds unsatisfactory sexual performance by the husband a reason for divorce, for not only does the woman need sex much more, in ways unfathomable to a man, she is also entitled to it.

Where I am going with this: Of the various interpretations of human sexuality, the one where you end up with constructs such as "Questionable Consent", i.e. the modern feminist one, is by far the most retarded and most removed from the reality of sex. And despite being a full blown atheist, I personally think the "biblical" interpretation of Sex is the one most closely approaching reality - with women as the absolute rulers of sex. Thus I do not see women blamed "too often" for their questionable activities which may result in fornication, but instead, far too frequently attributed with this feminist hypoagency, where no matter what the girl did, it's always the fault of the guy. And I believe to have hard science on my side. Watch more Karen if you doubt it.

I don't disagree with this, in fact in the Kinetic Novel, Funfiction, Rich, and I just released a few days ago, I have our Alice remark to Kira that had Kira been born with a dick she'd be just like Max. And I also have a lot to say on DS' writing being very poor, and the reason why I see BB as a molestation game, rather than the romance he wants us to see. Had he been capable of writing good characters with their own motivations and goals the grind elements that make you into the peeping tom harasser would have been replaced by mutual respect and sexual tension. I judge the game not by its written outcome, but the path it took to get there.

In another thread I talk about this fact in more depth, and I told the guy there, grind, especially in Life sims, is what happens when the developer can't come up with a compelling reason for a relationship to occur, for the two characters to want to fuck. If you remove the grind scenes from BB completely, you have a bunch of subsequent sex scenes with no context, but you also remove all the elements that make Max into a predator. If you rewrite Lisa and Ann specifically to have their own reasons for having sex with max, then you get rid of the grind and you remove the dark overtones of his actions. Lisa technically has it in the sex lessons thing. What needs to change is 1, she needs to go to max, or, needs to be enthusiastic when max approaches her. 2, the yoga requirement and the money need to be removed as barriers to have a relationship with her. 3, a rewrite of how the training progresses, Lisa can be apprehensive and wait, but there should be a confirmation that the next night they are moving forward then, in the room, from her, without coercion.

I mentioned before, I think, that Alice is fine, she essentially uses Max as a dildo. However I'd also rewrite her a bit to where the idea to swap her blog to lingerie and to later become a camwhore should come from her. Where and how Max becomes involved could be multitudinous. Maybe he stumbles on her blog, maybe she comes to him because he's a computer geek *or would be in my version, or something, but it makes Alice proactive in her own corruption, and reinforces the idea that she's using him, at least for me. Ann neds a complete rewrite from the ground up... seriously she has multiple personality disorder.

And I admit that it wouldn't be my top thought, but as I feel with all teen sex, and most incest, I'd definitely care a lot about their feelings. I would almost certainly not outright reject them, as they are just developing their sexual confidence, but I'd force them to think it through.
In my headcanon, Lisa is far more lewd than is let on. Her transformation from "OH GOD WHAT IS MORNING WOOD" to "Imma tie up my bro and play with his wiener" is far too quick. She's a 14 year old girl - certainly, she would be obsessed with sex in much the same way Max is, but she is just much more subtle about it than Max. We don't see Lisa spying on him. We don't see Lisa play with his ding-dong while he sleeps. We don't see Lisa "playing" lewd games with other boys from school (where does she go every Sunday anyways?) but in my headcanon, all of those things actually happen, and Lisa is mainly putting on an act to frame Max as the offender, to maintain control, all while happily teasing and flaunting her sexy bits in front of him, fully aware what it is doing to (big) Max. In the relationship between Lisa and Max, it is very clearly Lisa who is wearing the pants - She absolutely decides what goes when and where, any and all of her inane requests are performed by Max immediately, and his requests are always in the form of supplication, while hers are decreed. Her dominance goes so far that she manipulates max into fulfilling her masochistic BDSM fantasies while still maintaining full control over him. I'm basically hoping for a "fan mod" or fan game, where you get to play Lisa and get to see what an acute, lewd & shred little minx she was from the start. If only I could run Daz3D...

The thing where she demands outright money from him is specifically culturally russian, I think - It is uncouth for a Russian girl to sleep with anyone without receiving financial compensation for it, or something like that. I'm not a great expert on Russian sexual mores however, so a "sexual philosopher" with a more intimate understanding of Russian sexual mores may elaborate on that. I agree with your readings on Kira and Alice, btw.


Lord of Passion
Game Developer
Dec 28, 2017
"Questionable Consent" is a deeply feminist reading. And wrong. See, feminism is based on Marxism, women are an oppressed class, and because of the power imbalance, all heterosexual sex is interpreted as an exploitation of the woman, something that vile men do to poor oppressed whamen. Regardless of consent. And don't give me "But this isn't REAL feminism", this is exactly the realest feminism there is - All deviating "feminists" are simply bad at feminism.

But this reading obviously doesn't fly outside a small circle of fat green-haired lesbian (not by choice) college students. That's why it is typically downplayed, in the sense that the meaning of consent is blurred until it has lost all meaning. You can have a notarized and a filled out consent form (in triplicate) before sex, and in contemporary feminism, it can still be rape. Telling a girl she's pretty and in doing so arousing her is unironically judged as duress in such a situation. This is the "female hypoagency" Karen talks about (if you haven't seen the video, seriously, do it, also watch and read everything else from her, she's the most brilliant woman I have ever witnessed) insofar feminism in particular denies woman all agency, the capability to make any decision of her own.

Compare this to say the reading of the "Patriarchy" - Women who aren't prostitutes simply aren't comfortable with explicit sexual situations with strangers. They're either virgins or the only man they ever knew was their husband, so naturally, lacking experience and confidence in such a situation, they might freeze up. What else are you going to do? Sex is mighty scary, especially when you lack experience with it. At the same time, it is socially expected of the guy to go for it, otherwise he's a fruit. Thus "Patriarchy" solved the problem by simply telling women that it's indecent to bring yourself in a situation where you're alone with a man, and certainly drinking with him. If you drink and/or bring yourself in a situation where you are alone with a man, and you freeze up and "let" him fuck you because you don't know what else to do, it's your own damn fault - Staying in control and confident and assertive in such a situation is, indeed, what a prostitute would be more capable of.

Mind you that this reading of "Patriarchy" is itself less than 200 years old - mostly initiated by Charles Darwins works on human sexuality, his second "great book" after the origin of species. Before that "Patriarchy", we (in the west, and in most of the world) had a completely different, much more biblical understanding of sexuality. Women are lewd succubi who will try to fuck anyone and everyone, and it is the job of the man - who is capable of rational thought and withstanding the demon (the desires of the flesh) to reject the advances of such a girl. For marriage was, for most people, not a matter of great ceremony, but in itself the result of sex. A traveling bachelor merchant who'd take the lewd barmaid up to his room after a few drinks would find himself obliged to feed and clothe her for the rest of his life as his wife. And exactly bedding a man not a serf, would also be the easiest way out of the life of quasi-servitude for many young girls born into serfdom or otherwise utilized as menial servants. Womens sexuality was considered dangerous, their powers of seduction bordering magic. And this began to change in the 19th century, and I'm told certain areas in the american south have sexual mores that are closer to the "biblical" interpretation than the "1950ies Patriarchy" interpretation. Devout (non-westernized) muslims hold a rather similar view of women today - Hiding them in ninja costumes mostly serves to neuter their sexual powers, yet holds unsatisfactory sexual performance by the husband a reason for divorce, for not only does the woman need sex much more, in ways unfathomable to a man, she is also entitled to it.

Where I am going with this: Of the various interpretations of human sexuality, the one where you end up with constructs such as "Questionable Consent", i.e. the modern feminist one, is by far the most retarded and most removed from the reality of sex. And despite being a full blown atheist, I personally think the "biblical" interpretation of Sex is the one most closely approaching reality - with women as the absolute rulers of sex. Thus I do not see women blamed "too often" for their questionable activities which may result in fornication, but instead, far too frequently attributed with this feminist hypoagency, where no matter what the girl did, it's always the fault of the guy. And I believe to have hard science on my side. Watch more Karen if you doubt it.

In my headcanon, Lisa is far more lewd than is let on. Her transformation from "OH GOD WHAT IS MORNING WOOD" to "Imma tie up my bro and play with his wiener" is far too quick. She's a 14 year old girl - certainly, she would be obsessed with sex in much the same way Max is, but she is just much more subtle about it than Max. We don't see Lisa spying on him. We don't see Lisa play with his ding-dong while he sleeps. We don't see Lisa "playing" lewd games with other boys from school (where does she go every Sunday anyways?) but in my headcanon, all of those things actually happen, and Lisa is mainly putting on an act to frame Max as the offender, to maintain control, all while happily teasing and flaunting her sexy bits in front of him, fully aware what it is doing to (big) Max. In the relationship between Lisa and Max, it is very clearly Lisa who is wearing the pants - She absolutely decides what goes when and where, any and all of her inane requests are performed by Max immediately, and his requests are always in the form of supplication, while hers are decreed. Her dominance goes so far that she manipulates max into fulfilling her masochistic BDSM fantasies while still maintaining full control over him. I'm basically hoping for a "fan mod" or fan game, where you get to play Lisa and get to see what an acute, lewd & shred little minx she was from the start. If only I could run Daz3D...

The thing where she demands outright money from him is specifically culturally russian, I think - It is uncouth for a Russian girl to sleep with anyone without receiving financial compensation for it, or something like that. I'm not a great expert on Russian sexual mores however, so a "sexual philosopher" with a more intimate understanding of Russian sexual mores may elaborate on that. I agree with your readings on Kira and Alice, btw.
Put simply. You're wrong. The first paragraph and the idea of marxist feminism is great, as a marxist I wholly agree, that the true feminism is the version that sees the status quo of sexuality as being something that is forced on women by men, where I might deviate from your interpretation is that I don't think women are thusly trying to say they wouldn't have sex with men if it weren't for the patriarchal society that oppresses them. Instead I would say that the goal of feminism is to assert their own freedom of sexual expression. They should be able to enter a room with a man, drunk or not, and expect not to be molested.

No woman I know expects the consent signed in triplicate bullshit. In fact, almost all women I know expect a more body language version, with maybe an "are you sure" thrown in for the first time. You see, that's why in that video I showed you he actually took the time to point out her posture and body language, in each scene. See, here's where there's a new problem. Masculinity. We as men are raised to hide or deny emotion. We suppress our feelings and keep things close to the chest. This was originally on purpose, we needed to be strong warriors, and emotion got in the way of that. Over the centuries the need for men to be strong warriors has died down but the social and cultural identities of Masculinity haven't shifted.

What this means is that men's emotional maturity is stunted. We, typically don't understand or empathize well. That's where the whole "I don't understand women" and "how am I supposed to know somethings wrong if you don't tell me" mentality comes from. Women of course are taught to revel in their emotions and more importantly often communicate empathically. They don't understand that men don't read body language and emotion the way they do, and so what they think is an obvious expression of their feelings and intent doesn't translate to our inferior emotional maturity.

So, because men can't understand intent they tend to misread signals all the time. And here is where we get to the most disturbing part of your misunderstanding. Freezing. We have all heard of fight or flight, but these are actually only two ways that someone might instinctively react to danger. Among women, freezing has actually evolved to be a much more effective method, often, than fight or flight. Fleeing can get you killed, as the men will chase you and you'll piss them off and they'll kill you for the trouble, no use for a woman who runs. Fighting will get you killed as well, as now you've become a threat. Freezing however, will keep you alive long enough to bare child, and that means that the freezing reaction is more prevalent in society. Natural selection at work.

So, when cornered by a powerful man in an office or an elevator or a bathroom stall, its a lot more likely that a woman will freeze than fight or flee. Again, having sex for survival isn't consent, its rape. You don't need to put a gun to someones head to threaten them. Each time you make a rebuttal you solidify my point of your upbringing teaching you that things I'm saying are rape, are simply how things work. In fact, whats most disturbing about your rebuttals is that you're not disagreeing with the sentiment, not really. You're acknowledging it and implying that it is not wrong. You're saying that yes, this is what happens and here's why, so it's not wrong.

In the end, we both agree that women aren't giving consent in any of these scenarios, the point of contention is whether or not the man should be expected to recognize this and stop. The masculine training all men receive from birth says says no, it says you're a man take what is rightfully yours. The fact of the matter is, the masculine mindset is wrong and its something we as a society have evolved past the need for. Eventually we as a society will be rid of it entirely. But until then this debate will rage on. I think the one thing I'd say to put this in context, is that Donald Trump would agree with your view on what's acceptable. So think of that for a bit.
Aug 22, 2017
Put simply. You're wrong. The first paragraph and the idea of marxist feminism is great, as a marxist I wholly agree, that the true feminism is the version that sees the status quo of sexuality as being something that is forced on women by men, where I might deviate from your interpretation is that I don't think women are thusly trying to say they wouldn't have sex with men if it weren't for the patriarchal society that oppresses them. Instead I would say that the goal of feminism is to assert their own freedom of sexual expression. They should be able to enter a room with a man, drunk or not, and expect not to be molested.

No woman I know expects the consent signed in triplicate bullshit. In fact, almost all women I know expect a more body language version, with maybe an "are you sure" thrown in for the first time. You see, that's why in that video I showed you he actually took the time to point out her posture and body language, in each scene. See, here's where there's a new problem. Masculinity. We as men are raised to hide or deny emotion. We suppress our feelings and keep things close to the chest. This was originally on purpose, we needed to be strong warriors, and emotion got in the way of that. Over the centuries the need for men to be strong warriors has died down but the social and cultural identities of Masculinity haven't shifted.

What this means is that men's emotional maturity is stunted. We, typically don't understand or empathize well. That's where the whole "I don't understand women" and "how am I supposed to know somethings wrong if you don't tell me" mentality comes from. Women of course are taught to revel in their emotions and more importantly often communicate empathically. They don't understand that men don't read body language and emotion the way they do, and so what they think is an obvious expression of their feelings and intent doesn't translate to our inferior emotional maturity.

So, because men can't understand intent they tend to misread signals all the time. And here is where we get to the most disturbing part of your misunderstanding. Freezing. We have all heard of fight or flight, but these are actually only two ways that someone might instinctively react to danger. Among women, freezing has actually evolved to be a much more effective method, often, than fight or flight. Fleeing can get you killed, as the men will chase you and you'll piss them off and they'll kill you for the trouble, no use for a woman who runs. Fighting will get you killed as well, as now you've become a threat. Freezing however, will keep you alive long enough to bare child, and that means that the freezing reaction is more prevalent in society. Natural selection at work.

So, when cornered by a powerful man in an office or an elevator or a bathroom stall, its a lot more likely that a woman will freeze than fight or flee. Again, having sex for survival isn't consent, its rape. You don't need to put a gun to someones head to threaten them. Each time you make a rebuttal you solidify my point of your upbringing teaching you that things I'm saying are rape, are simply how things work. In fact, whats most disturbing about your rebuttals is that you're not disagreeing with the sentiment, not really. You're acknowledging it and implying that it is not wrong. You're saying that yes, this is what happens and here's why, so it's not wrong.

In the end, we both agree that women aren't giving consent in any of these scenarios, the point of contention is whether or not the man should be expected to recognize this and stop. The masculine training all men receive from birth says says no, it says you're a man take what is rightfully yours. The fact of the matter is, the masculine mindset is wrong and its something we as a society have evolved past the need for. Eventually we as a society will be rid of it entirely. But until then this debate will rage on. I think the one thing I'd say to put this in context, is that Donald Trump would agree with your view on what's acceptable. So think of that for a bit.
Oh dear. I disagree strongly and/or take great offense at literally everything you say. This starts with your identification as an unironic Marxist, a murderous, wrong and evil ideology that just can't stop killing people dead to this day, and ends with your opinion on Trump, who is - from my european outsider perspective - the most hilarious and entertaining thing that has happened to american politics in living memory.

We will have to agree to disagree - And mayhaps, in 20 or 50 years or so, when we both have finished our femprotag games that we both should be working on instead of arguing in endless and pointless discussions on the internet, we can see who "nailed" it more.


Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2017
As far as Female protagonists are concerned, I enjoy playing them. Sadley most of them seem to involve corruption to the point where there is nothing but for you to get drugged up and raped in all manner of ways.
I see a nice pair of boobs or pecks, a well toned bum or full lunchbox and appreciate them, but if the personality isn't there, they may as well be covered in a sack cloth. I do love it when there are well written strong personalities in a story. So often the good guy is a drip and the bad guys are arrogant bullies. Imagine a female MC and her SO both being charmed to bits by a really pleasent antagonist...:hushedface:
Too often they are written -
Woman see's big cock and falls in love/lust (guess that's the same for both protagonist sexes).
Women bow to the requests/demands of men often getting in situations with the thinking "I can't say no/stop now" and the dev therefore not putting in the option, one partner I was with changed her mind after penetration and asked me to stop, it for me, was really a no brainer, we stopped and cuddled the rest of the night and talked about it. Obviously in some situations the request could go ignored, but then this leads to other thoughts and reactions.
Women protagonists must be bi-sexual, so rare that male protagonists are (I played through one over the weekend and it was refreshing to see men having sex with each other and probably threw many off, MC falls into a bunch of tropes - drugs, oops I tripped and landed on it, I'm only doing it to protect my husband/job/etc. which was very sad as it could have been very interesting exploring the motivations of both the main interests.


Engaged Member
Sep 30, 2017
So, I started this section with GGGB, and I'm ending it here too. That's because GGGB also has the solution to this problem. CHOICE. All of the other female corruption games make us act like we still care what the boyfriend thinks. Ashley is able to stop giving a fuck about Eric as soon as he makes his first mistake. You have the choice even to fully break up with him. This enables Ashley to be her own woman, make her own decisions, because she isn't stuck in this paradox of loving someone who we don't have any reason to love.

Now, in most of these games, you're not a virgin. You've had sex a few times before, and you're not opposed to sex. And that is the key. GGGB allows you to corrupt Ashley as you see fit while Ashley maintains agency and power. When faced with the possibility of having forced sex with gangsters or getting your friend/love interest beat up or worse, you can choose not to give in and not have the game force you to fuck them anyways. Srue, David gets his ass beat still, but you warned him and he fought them off.
Only got to this thread now. So a bit late, but yes.

I enjoyed GGGB because I never felt forced to do anything.
Most Male MC games I just try play the way I feel like playing and GGGB was the first FM where I felt I controlled my female MC.

I disagree slightly with Lily from the Valley. You could if you want to complete it without fucking anyone except husband. I played it through as flirty and excepted being objectified by the male NPCs, but was never forced into sex.

An example of forced sex etc for me was Zoe's Temptation. I kept on feeling forced to do certain things and go in certain routes.


Lord of Passion
Game Developer
Dec 28, 2017
Only got to this thread now. So a bit late, but yes.

I enjoyed GGGB because I never felt forced to do anything.
Most Male MC games I just try play the way I feel like playing and GGGB was the first FM where I felt I controlled my female MC.

I disagree slightly with Lily from the Valley. You could if you want to complete it without fucking anyone except husband. I played it through as flirty and excepted being objectified by the male NPCs, but was never forced into sex.

An example of forced sex etc for me was Zoe's Temptation. I kept on feeling forced to do certain things and go in certain routes.
That's odd, I put Zoe's Temptation in the same camp as GGGB. Except for the initial demon rape, all of it was her choice. To be clear, yes, she had to have sex to complete the demon route, but that was the point, if she wanted to be a demon she had to choose to be that person. With the fae the sex was more optional.


Lord of Passion
Game Developer
Dec 28, 2017
Oh dear. I disagree strongly and/or take great offense at literally everything you say. This starts with your identification as an unironic Marxist, a murderous, wrong and evil ideology that just can't stop killing people dead to this day, and ends with your opinion on Trump, who is - from my european outsider perspective - the most hilarious and entertaining thing that has happened to american politics in living memory.

We will have to agree to disagree - And mayhaps, in 20 or 50 years or so, when we both have finished our femprotag games that we both should be working on instead of arguing in endless and pointless discussions on the internet, we can see who "nailed" it more.
Capitalism kills more people in 5 years than communism ever killed. And I'm counting famine. But to be clear, I'm not a totalitarian tankie. I condemn Mao and Stalin and all the other tinpot dictators who claim to be communists even more harshly than you, most likely. But meh. As for Trump, yeah, he's hilarious, when he's not running your country, encouraging literal nazis, and blatantly flaunting his misogyny. But meh, I don't want to fight, I rather like you.


Dec 27, 2017
ok even regarding the fact i call me closer to marxism, than to capitalism. this disscussion is beyond my actuall english
skills to grap everthing in detail.

But i guess the dissussion is gettin a little off topic. As fun as it could be to discuss politics and social systems i am afraid this isnt the best place for it. Sorry guys no offence!

Little more back to topic, and my point of view:

I hope we all agree that rape in reallife is a serious crime that has to be punished.
I do not know if i am older than others, younger or on average. But with my mid thirties i have some life exp. And i have had even my share of sex.

If i see female MC like the girl in Roadtrip, i kind of like to vomit. But although i would like to puke when i see the behavoir of the male npc. Its flat its awfull and its at its best dull

On the other side a prudent mid twenties girl that is only looking for mister right, only to have sex with him in the wedding night wont make a good porn game.

So i guess it will be impossible to make a realtisc game in porn. But even Movies are (if not some sort of historic) normaly not realistic. Superhero saves maid and world. Like Peter Parker who isnt recognized by his love, but his love fell in love with his alter ego spiderman. Nothing like this is any realistic. Or some guy whos a antihero turns to be the worldsavior and get the girl he disired for most in the end... all crap in an realistic approach

BUT, i am sure you can make good porn games with female MC that without giving her the navieness of an 7 year old boy.

For an example, one of my former girlfriends used to be a Manager in her comapny, she was strong willed and sometimes a real bullyhead. She was although an intelligent women i admired. But when it comes to our sexlife. She first was very inexperienced in my like of lovelife. I like to be the dominant part, and have some stuff done no game has provided to me yet. I got her into it and she became my bedroom sub. I called her like that, cos in every way thats not sex we were totaly equals. And to train her i did not rape her or let her beeing raped by others. No i trained her, bit by bit. TBH in MotH with the older sister is the most realistic apporach i have seen so far. But again, inviting someone other to lick her... it would destroy all trust you have build up. Things like that are no goes. And the vareity you can train a sub are only ruled by 2 things. The boundaries you and your sub are setting, and 2nd the creativity of the dominant part. And there so many toys you can youse. And its not about creating an obiendet slave, its only about creating trust. The more your sub trusts you the more you can do with her/him. And punishing is sometimes a way to get further sometimes it is the disire beeing punished. And i have had my exgf having oralsex and handjobs with other man, but i couldnt share her totaly, she was maybe ready for it but i didnt want to share her that way. But you can play so many fun things when your partner is a sub. Teasing is sometimes more arousing than any direct action. But thats enough of this for now, i have to stop or i am telling to much ;P

I am totaly sure that if someone would produce a game/story like that it would sell of.
Hope you understand my oppion and what i tryed to explain this way

Greetings Parmenion
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Stupidity Exterminator
Jun 5, 2017
Beside mentioned, what's wrong with those kind of games is that they're full of old, ugly and fat male npc's which can't be avoided, and almost all content is forced.
For example, they could make female highschool MC to be corrupted by guys from school or whatever, but noooooo it has to be some old creepy boss.
Second thing - story is fast forwarded. They go on job interview and there is gropping, ass spanking, boob touching like that is completely normal thing to do on first sight. Full sex probably come on first workday(never went that far in any of those games).


Engaged Member
Sep 30, 2017
That's odd, I put Zoe's Temptation in the same camp as GGGB. Except for the initial demon rape, all of it was her choice. To be clear, yes, she had to have sex to complete the demon route, but that was the point, if she wanted to be a demon she had to choose to be that person. With the fae the sex was more optional.

In Zoe's temptation if you decide to go a certain route in certain places there is not always an op out of the sex. Sometimes you would make certain choice and then without option to opt out of sex when it gets to the sex. (Not always rape) I also did not like they way the game treated the girl that stayed with Zoe(Forgot her name).

In GGGB you could within reason always opt out of sex if you think the guy is a sleaze ball and using common sense.


Lord of Passion
Game Developer
Dec 28, 2017
In Zoe's temptation if you decide to go a certain route in certain places there is not always an op out of the sex. Sometimes you would make certain choice and then without option to opt out of sex when it gets to the sex. (Not always rape) I also did not like they way the game treated the girl that stayed with Zoe(Forgot her name).

In GGGB you could within reason always opt out of sex if you think the guy is a sleaze ball and using common sense.
You weren't supposed to like the way they treated her. That was the point. And again. I can't think of any time that sex was forced unless you went demon route, and if you went demon route you're the one that went demon route. All the fae sex was optional. In fact, in Fae, you spent a lot more time trying to convince other people to have sex with someone else, than you did having sex yourself.


Active Member
Jun 16, 2017
I enjoy everything that has a well written story. Sadly, most devs are so incompetent that they don't write scenes around the plot, but the plot around the scenes.

Games that give you choices are usually created with a high degree of planning. Eg, any Japanese visual novels with 3+ endings all have complex dialog and requirements for triggering each endings.

This high degree of planning doesn't go well for the Patreon induced model of game development. Where authors aim to please a huge crowd in order to keep payments monthly and consistent. This means that each "flavor" or "fetish" that the author has in his game must be worked on together, lest some Patreons leave and the authors lose motivation.

I would say GGGB is probably one of the few only games that knows how to write. I strongly disagree that you need to be a woman to make a woman MC game. Such thinking is laughably ignorant. The distinction here is that most people don't know how to write or they're too stupid to see why their writing is bad and makes no sense. Hollywood does it, regular Joe Patreon does it, everyone does it.

One example of idiocy is Elena's Life. The basic premise of the game is "Yes I wanna see sex" and "No I don't". There's an illusion of choice and hence, the story and the protagonist is dumber than a 10 year old. The devs NEED to push out scenes, so they make her do dumb shit. Here's a trick that a dev, or anyone really, can employ to make the writing make sense a bit. And let's take Elena's Life as an example.

If the gender is reversed, what would the MC do. Or what would YOU do.

If the dev cares about his quality, and actually think about this, then everything is clear. O your buddy owes your fat ugly sack of shit boss some money? You quit. And he's not your buddy anymore. I mean, how many men here would actually fuck an ugly fat, morbidly obese bitch whose 50+. And even if you DO fuck her, would you ever EVER enjoy it? Fuck no. Same for women. It's not hard. It'll feel nice yes. But you won't lose yourself in it. The smells, the sight, the idea of some fat sack of shit raping me, yikes. I would quit in a heartbeat. It's not like my husband is unemployed.


Dec 3, 2017
I enjoy everything that has a well written story. Sadly, most devs are so incompetent that they don't write scenes around the plot, but the plot around the scenes.


If the dev cares about his quality, and actually think about this, then everything is clear. O your buddy owes your fat ugly sack of shit boss some money? You quit. And he's not your buddy anymore. I mean, how many men here would actually fuck an ugly fat, morbidly obese bitch whose 50+. And even if you DO fuck her, would you ever EVER enjoy it? Fuck no. Same for women. It's not hard. It'll feel nice yes. But you won't lose yourself in it. The smells, the sight, the idea of some fat sack of shit raping me, yikes. I would quit in a heartbeat. It's not like my husband is unemployed.
I heartily agree. I think I already elaborated on that, but it eludes me, why female MC must be a dumb bimbo. Can't an intelligent and smart girl be sexually curious and active? for the sake of erogames, must she be a total dumb slut to enjoy socially risky behaviors involving sex? From my life experience and from countless novels and movies, I say there are more interesting things happening when the MC is pressing on her own, led by intelligent and educated curiosity.

But all in all I agree, the low level seems to come from lack of writing skills and need to push as much porn scenes as possible.
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Game Developer
Nov 10, 2017
I heartily agree. I think I already elaborated on that, but it eludes me, why female MC must be a dumb bimbo. Can't an intelligent and smart girl be sexually curious and active? for the sake of erogames, must she be a total dumb slut to enjoy socially risky behaviors involving sex? From my life experience and from countless novels and movies, I say there are more interesting things happening when the MC is pressing on her own, led by intelligent and educated curiosity.

But all in all I agree, the low level seems to come from lack of writing skills and need to push as much porn scenes as possible.
Make smart female MC that isn't dumb fuckdoll. Just the pure approach of tackling sex events when you have to figure out how to do it is interesting on it's own.
Girl turning into whore after being forced [x] times to do sex is one of the porn games tropes that's boring as fuck.
Same goes for weird """tricks""" like she is mentally handicapped and can't figure things out.

And I agree with @cleanfeel , branching does affect it a lot, when you have to figure out how game world/story would change depending on choice and not just an ending of the game. Choices should have visible effects quite fast, not only end of the game, to make replaying it interesting and not mundane task to get 100%
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Active Member
Jun 16, 2017
I heartily agree. I think I already elaborated on that, but it eludes me, why female MC must be a dumb bimbo. Can't an intelligent and smart girl be sexually curious and active? for the sake of erogames, must she be a total dumb slut to enjoy socially risky behaviors involving sex? From my life experience and from countless novels and movies, I say there are more interesting things happening when the MC is pressing on her own, led by intelligent and educated curiosity.

But all in all I agree, the low level seems to come from lack of writing skills and need to push as much porn scenes as possible.
There's nothing to be alluded. The fact is the game makers are 1. incompetent so they don't see this problem 2. Patreon model of game development hinges on them pushing out scenes.

These 2 things along with the lack of technical capability to do branching and conditions within their games means dev can ONLY write shallow as fuck games. Elena's Life, for example.

Now there ARE devs who can write good shit, like GGGB. I also would say that Lancaster Boarding House and My Girlfriend's Amnesia who can actually write or attempt to write. Seeds of Chaos is not bad either, but suffers from the problem of overly large scope and the Patreon problem. Selena One Hour Agent is actually pretty good. beWilder has some interesting stuff but still under development.

I tend to see a correlation between people who can actually code using renpy vs people who don't do anything with it.