VN - Unity - Completed - Feline Fantasies [Final] [ThatAverageDude]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    For what it is, it's top notch.

    Sweet little flash game with enough scenes and characters without grind.

    Even the effort to give the individual characters backstory and different personalities.


  2. 2.00 star(s)


    The gameplay and text UI are both pretty bad, the hints are also w´very useless, the story is boring.

    The minigames are pretty generic.

    But the art is pretty good, the furrys are cute and I love that you can switch between classic and the remake whenever you want.

    But it isn´t good sadly but I can apreciate it.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    It's a decent sex game about banging your favorite furry felines from multiple games, and that's it. It's not amazing, but it isn't terrible either. Story is whatever, Graphics are serviceable, especially with it being remade (way better than the classic because it actually shows penetration rather than just the before and after without you showing them penetrating them). There's music, but no animations or sound effects.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    Well, I got curious. So I actually went along with the game, got the scenes and such. If youre curious as well, allow me to relieve you of what is maybe 2 hours of clicking.

    So what's the story? From what I can remember anyway, you are random lucky guy that's thrown into a portal to a land with no males, which have been ravaged by a phenomenon known as a cat-astrophe. Your mission, as apparently the only guy who can save the world, is to fuck loads of obviously copyright infringement felines. And to save the world as well. Basically speaking, the story doesnt matter, despite the best efforts of the game to make you care, you're ultimately just here to bang cats.

    Gameplay is mostly just point n' click, with a few minigames that you'll likely be seething through. To put things short, there's barely any gameplay. If its not a pointless point n' click, then its a fetch quest.

    Sex gameplay is mostly just text screens with a few still images clipped onto one another. No VA, no animations, you get to read a few saucy lines while the image pretends to relate to whatever you've just read. Move from one cat to another, no real subtlety involved whatsoever.

    So I guess the question is, can I recommend this? And Im trying my very hardest to be generous, but I can't. The unfortunate problem this game has is that its entirely generic, with no surprises or nonces, and is at its very base a boring as fuck game. If you're tempted enough to try the game at all, it'll be because you have hots for at least one of the copyrighted felines here, went on ahead to have your sexting with her, and then what? The story is not compeling, nor is there any other reason to push through the cats you either dont know or dont care about.

    The quick and easiest fix is to at very least get the sex right. Its way too linear, the images dont match the text, and quite frankly there's just not enough images. Most of the time youd be lucky if the image shift slightly to the left.

    For now however, might as well just get a save file here, load up the gallery and save yourself at least an hours worth of time.