I have a few thoughts regarding how this game ended, off the bat, I'm not saying this game is horrible in any way. I liked the game (except for the ending).
To start about the game in general. Fate is paced very, very well. It drip feeds you information and you as the player get to unravel the story along with Maive. I liked that, personally, I think this game suffers from not knowing what it wants to be, and what I mean by that is the love and corruption system. Aside from locked choices, there wasn't a narrative reason for any of the choices. As someone who loves lesbian incest involved games, I thought it was dope how it took a realistic approach to these more taboo topics. So through the first 12 chapters we get to know Maive as a person we have molded her into. I think the reason why the ending doesn't work for most of us who played is 1. the choice system ultimately didn't matter, and that takes agency from your audience. 2. If you played the corruption path like I did, the husband's ramblings about how much he loves MC doesn't hit the same way as, let's say a love route (which I assume it might be the same). When I got the 3rd door, I was confused and disappointed about the payoff of your choices, especially when it's not explained what the doors mean in the scope of the narrative. I am one for a solid bitter sweet ending, but the ending felt as though CN wanted a clean break to start all over again. I think this game would've been better as a kinetic novel as that is a solid way to tell a story. Since *and this is a personal preference of mine* the next game will feature a male protag I'm not going to play it. Lastly, in terms of paying money, (and this might come off as harsh) but I will play again on here and I like it, I will either sub to the site or buy it on steam, because a good game, is a good game. Looking at the story as a whole, I would've wanted an entire refund. That's because the ending as a whole feels like everything is stripped from you, and it doesn't explain why it's doing it, meaning, in a choice game, why do we have no agency to the outcome? Hell, even a choice if we were to side with Hanz or walk away from him would have been better.