Ren'Py - Fashion Business [Ep.4 v10.00 Extra] [DecentMonkey]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    dear god how is the dev so bad at making games... although i have to thank him. since he is so bad it motivates me to make one, because if he can do that then everyone can do that.

    he literally removed the standard "skip" function for unseen scenes. why? for what crazy reason did he need to spend time to removing one of the most useful functions in renpy games.

    just for that it deserves 0/5.

    but it already has bugs. i dont know how he managed to sneak in bugs to the renpy engine, but he is a hidden genius.. if you want to get to menu (normally right click) instead the dialogues disappear... (which should be middle mouse button click)... and if you left click again then you missed out 1 line of text when the dialogue comes back... but wait.. you can instead press right click again. which takes you to the menu.. as it should have originally... but then when you get back you again already missed 1 line of text.

    so genius dev managed to completely break the renpy engine good job.

    the english is bad.

    furthermore it's renpy paired with some click-to-go and explore type of game...worst combination for renpy.

    art is good. H-scenes might be good, we will never know, because ppl have to have high levels of masochism to play this bugfest of a game.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    Given how large the game is, I expected a lot more.

    There's clearly a lot of effort put into it, but its just....ugh.

    For one thing, skipping dialogue is turned off. Which is always a negative for me. Common case with these games is the dialogue tends to be poorly written and redundant. Careful skipping can actually make a mediocre game better because you can skip or get the cliff notes of scenes and exchanges that are needlessly padded or simply unnecessary.

    And Holy Hell is that needed in this games.

    Simply put, at least starting at Chapter1, the writing is atrocious. Imagine the worst, most comically bad porn writing, but now imagine it doesn't come across as tongue in cheek, but rather as if the writer thinks that's how people ACTUALLY talk.

    Secondly, there's too much clicking. Here's how the game Starts:
    Click the sleeping character. Click through the badly written internal monologue. Click the wardrobe, click the option to get dressed. Click the garment you want to wear. OOPS, you picked the wrong one, click the wardrobe again. Click the option to get dressed. Click the Right clothing option this time. Click the navigation to go to the kitchen. Click the table. Oops. You need to find the maid. Click around the house until you find her. Click her. Click the talk option. Congrats not click to go back upstairs. Click the wardrobe to get dressed. Oops, you need to shower first. Click to go to the bathroom. Click the shower option. Click back to the wardrobe, click the get dressed option. Click the Dress option.

    Now you get to click through a side story with the maid and driver.

    I have a fondness for blackmail and manipulation, so this should have been a slam dunk scene for me. But the writing. is. so. damn. TERRIBLE.

    Not helped by the goofy poses and facial expressions.

    I didn't play for long, but the only redeeming quality the game seems to have is the high fidelity renders. The actual posing and scenes are cringe-worthy, and the writing just.. for fucks sake, its bad.

    Just... don't. The game needs a redesign and a rewrite to be half worth the time it would take to go through it,.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    Writing as of Ep.3 v15

    This game started really well, has good character designs and graphics, but having sliced into 3 parts just ruins everything. Starting Chapter 2, it becomes a wardrobe simulator, wear maid clothes to clean, cannot wear maid clothes outside coz you get blocked by Betty (which will be on future updates until now), wear whore clothes to slums and wear dress to work.

    There is no real choice here when you go a reasonable and smart responses in Chapter 1 and Chapter 2, it won't affect the future chapters and she's still locked as a whore. In Chapter 3, skipping has inconsistencies like getting banned from the clothing store whereas you can play as you never stole in the first place.

    Too many characters are getting introduced and events are branching here and there with the same repeating premise as the event before it and Monica's goal or revenge never getting fulfilled since 2018.

    Here's hoping the dev just compresses all of the seasons in one game so the inconsistencies and QOL get addressed and be seamlessly fixed coz this game has a lot of potential.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    I liked this game cause there are excellent renders and many many scenes. MC is such a ... that it looks like fun what happens to her. I hope the developer will continue to support the project. The only thing I don like in the game: sandbox system. I think could do without it.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    Such wasted potential. Clearly there is a talented artist here, Monica (the MC) looks amazing, backgrounds are great, the premise is hot, animations are good, but I can't bring myself to keep playing to see more.

    Episode 1, got up to the end of the jail time where it goes from sexy humiliation to straight torture, complete with a scream so real and jarring that it killed any boner I had at that point. Played episode 2 until I couldn't take anymore of the "man says something that Monica doesn't like, cut to Monica looking like someone just stabbed her child to death, now click through more shots of them making faces"

    Sound is pretty terrible all around, the constant record scratches(yes literally) whenever something doesn't go the way Monica expects and ridiculous music (think bluegrass playing in a sex scene); probably better played with sound off altogether.

    The majority of male models enter uncanny valley territory with their hideous faces, exaggerated expresions and absurd proportions. And again, you have to click through a ton of close up shots of those faces. Like I'm here to fap, not look at the ugliest creations an artist can create... frankly the most impressive part of this game may be just how diverse yet equally ugly the males are.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best games for blackmail/female protag/forced sex enjoyers. Beautiful girl, superb animations and a lot of content. I always come back to this game when I want to enjoy some good quality renders and animations. Yes, you need to endure first chapter, but it is worth it.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    The Good:

    Good character art with decent "fleshing out" of each one's personality

    Great backgrounds with lots of nice detail

    A very fun premise with just enough spin to feel unique.

    The Bad:

    Mechanics. The Mechanics just kill this game. Takes that can only be done on a Saturday get assigned on a Sunday. Purposeless grind. Simple actions that take WAY too many clicks (wanna go to bed when dressed? Well, click away from the bed to face the dresser, click the dresser to change into PJs with a fade to black, reface the bed, then click the bed. Thats four clicks that could be one.) There just so many things that feel like the dev is trying to pad out playtime. It seriously hurts the flow of the game.

    Overall: Decent game, but make sure you have your carpel tunnel supports on.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    It like AAA game in adult VN category. The quality of story, visual and detail is top notch.

    - Visual
    - Detail (map, object, character, relation, NSFW stuff)
    - Story
    - Animation + Sound
    - Goddess class female character.

    - Slow drive story (early chapter MC barely involve in sexual activities and a few in chapter 2 )
    - Grinding
    - Gameplay make it hard to play different path. Easiest way to fix is cheat UI to change many past decisions.
    - Animation is detailed and smooth, but it lacks realism like bumping and motions. It feels like doll collide with each other. I don't understand why male character use only half of their dick to fuck (some just tip). Feel like dip to instead of fuck. If they have chance to fuck these goddesses, they should fuck hard, and deep ball to make sense :ROFLMAO:.

    Overall, it is amazing game. And dev is more than worth to support.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Good game story wise funny and nice UI mechanics, very stylish....Funny and The Monkey Guys made Monica oddly annoyingly loveable also . One scene I was watching I wanted to punch Biff in the face lol....great story telling, engaging (That's not a spoiler I hope) One of my favourite Ren Py Games alongside Hillside and A Perfect Marriage, mostly due to writing and stunning art.

    I will be buying it (or subbing it) along with Special Request, Anna Exciting Affection, A Perfect Marriage and Hillside, so great advertizing F95, wish I'd found this site earlier wowzer, some of this stuff its great and the search engine is actually functional!...Who needs AAA games?
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    The story promised to be great, showing a downfall from rich to slut and the chance to gain it all back, but then it turns reeeeeeeally boring. The quests and paths are incredibly long and repetitive (with no chance of skipping text in the first 2 episodes, mind you). And it also goes against the plot itself, because Monica (and Melanie) end up doing the same humiliating stuff they would have done anyway if they agreed to go to the ranch or whatever, so it doesn't make any sense!

    Graphics are great, and sex scenes are great too, but again... once you saw one of Steve or Victoria scenes, you are forced to watch like 20 more with the same dialogues.

    I sincerely hope the game advances and gives you a bit of satisfaction in the next updates instead of stretching the same paths over and over.
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    Fashion Business? More like - Maid Simulator... Very disappointing.

    Early game is actually quite unique and I liked it, reminiscent of old adventure games from 90s... perfect setting for a TV show: you play as Monica - sexy, spoiled and a super (rich) bitch. Yet even early on there are nonsensical story decisions: you have an option to be nice, which is totally out of character, or be a bitch - only to be punished later on (*more punished, you will be punished anyway). The game obviously wants you to hate her, really HATE her, and that's the biggest flaw: she is actually quite likable in her own way; playing as a villain is always far more interesting than playing as a victim. I wish the entire game was about Monica's Fashion Business, plenty of potential adventures. Unfortunately, there is no much fashion or business here: just another female character to be destroyed and thrown into the gutter. Boring.

    So they ruined MC (and the game itself) with some absolutely ridiculous 'karmic' twist - you instantly lose all your money and suddenly you're worthless trash! That's how the world works: one day you are Elon Musk, next day - police torture you before they send you to a rape farm. Or electric chair. "She is evil and deserves it!" or something. Yeah sure, other characters are totally *not* evil scum, but you have to endure their abuse.... the entire 'story' now is about everyone humiliating MC while you grind and grind, repeating the same actions again and again, worse than point-n-click games back in '90s. Bad design, bad storytelling... all pretentious nonsense aside - it's just an excuse for humiliating porn; but even as a porn game - it's extremely weak: apart from molesting Monica, there are only a few totally random scenes with totally random characters. As the story progress it's even worse... eventually I stopped playing, can't torture myself (and MC) any more. In short: pure masochism both story and gameplay.

    The only reason I gave it 2 stars is because the game looks nice, especially female models (most males are deformed and grotesque). And again, I really liked Monica. What they did to my girl...... ew!
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Characters and animation with nice render
    Voiced sex scenes
    Interesting story with multiple choices. You can create your own Monica.
    Needs more scenes with Victoria.
    After so long, the player is missing to have the satisfaction to see Monica win some battles and also see Victoria lose some and being also humiliated and used like a sex toy, especially with the help of Melanie.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Best Female Protagonist Game on this Planet. And one of the 5 best Porngames i ever played. I love to see how it goes from richgirl to slut. I hope they will update soon and continually . DecentMonkey really deserve a Patreon sub.
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    click - click - click. I just played part One and im now frustrated. I was hoping there is a Point of Interesst but no. My English is to bad to explain how badly i wanna End the Game. Always wondering and asking myself - is there just bla bla and where is the good feeling?
    Nice to see a big game but i dont like the Chars, the Story or the UI. So many unnecessary Dialogue, things to click or torn out of frame in the Story. The most Sex Scenes are non-exciting. The game feels cold and I feel rushed all the time.

    Thanks for the Game but yeah - someone like it and others not.
    ....He was always tring...
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    The game is good and characters are enjoyable. Where the game falters imo is the plot. There's too many arcs and the game feels like its meandering about. It's as if the dev has put too many eggs in one basket and is just dragging it out as long as possible.
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    So, it's been a while since I've played FB. About a year, I'd say. Wanted to check out how the game's coming along, and...

    What an absolute mess this project is, my god. I thought maybe something had changed about the tedious and repetitive grind. Click here, click there, do this, do that. Change your clothes, eat, clean, use the bathroom, earn money doing the same boring things. Every single day, over and over again.

    Art looks good for the most part, which is the only reason I'm giving this 2 stars. The writing and Engrish was terrible a year ago, and it's still terrible to this day.

    The story itself and story progression are a complete disaster in my opinion. Updates are being released regularly, and one would expect that most story arcs are getting somewhere, but to me it feels like I'm running in circles since the beginning of Chapter 2. The first Chapter was actually decent and it looked promising, but since then everything turned into complete nonsense. There's just too many arcs, and even though this project gets hundreds or thousands of new renders on every new update, nothing is really progressing.

    To me it's a complete waste of time at this point. If I want a repetitive and tedious grindfest, there's plenty chores to do in real life.

    What this project needs in my opinion, is the developer to finally conclude many of the story arcs and focus on story progression instead. That, and an English speaking writer. Getting rid of the pointless grindfest would also be great, but I'm assuming that's out of question at this point.

  17. 1.00 star(s)


    -Monica is hot.

    -Male models are atrocious. I get the ugly bastard trope but these creatures are disproportional anatomically.

    -Monica is supposed to be a bitch and the player is suppoes to control if she's A bitch or THE bitch but in the end none of it matters. In one scene you can chose to bully someone or to be polite, but if you chose polite option you'll only be nice to them for that one sentance and the next one will be some bizzare out of place insult.

    -Story is bad. It's about Monica's fall from grace since her husband commited fraud, and now she has to be humiliated and blackmailed by everyone or she will get electric chair!!!!!!! Yea it's that bad, and no, I'm not kidding.

    -Gameplay is so boring and tedious. EVERYTHING has a transition that cant be skipped, text repeats a lot and you cant skip it since the options are so bad and you have so few of them. Even if you hate the story and just want to skip past it to get to the gameplay you cant. Let me describe one day:
    *Wake up
    *Click on the wardrobe tab
    *Click on the wardrobe model
    *Click to walk to it form the sub menu
    *Select home clothes
    *Click on the downstairs tad
    *Click on the maid
    *Click on the kitchen tab
    *Click on the kitchen table
    *Click on the bathroom tab
    *Select the bathtub
    *Click on the bedroom tab
    *Click on the wardrobe model
    *Click to walk to it from the sub menu
    *Select a dress
    *Click on the yard tab
    *Click on the driver
    *Select to talk to him on the sub menu
    *Click "Yes I want to go"
    *Select a place on the map
    These are all the steps you'll need to complete EVERY SINGLE DAY in order for Monica to get dressed in 2 different clothing, eat, bathe and go to her job. That's just the start of the day and not taking everything else into account. YOU HAVE TO DO IT ALL AGAIN WHEN YOU COME BACK FROM WORK
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    I usually enjoyed this game. Especially the first chapter. But honestly, now I find it nonsense. This story should have ended a long time ago. In opinion, at least.
    The renders are very good. And Monica is one of the most beautiful models I've ever seen around here.
    The gameplay is pure grind, but that didn't bother me too much... When the story was interesting.
    It's a shame because this was one of my favorite porn games. I understand that the designer wants to get as much profit out of it as he can, and will continue to stretch the gum until the cow gives no more milk. It may be a good commercial decision, but it is lousy as a design.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Pretty characters, animation and the blackmail theme is a lot of fun. Not a huge fan of Sandbox but the Dev provides a cheat menu to remove the tedium of grinding. The photo shoots are also very exciting as the angles get more and more lewd. Especially liking the new more extreme content added recently, can't wait to see even more.

    One minor piece of feedback is Monica has an entertaining personality and always believes she's the smartest person in the room. Still waiting to really see that from her as generally the only interesting story progression comes from continuing to be blackmailed and become more corrupt.
  20. 2.00 star(s)


    Decided to review this after trying it a couple times.

    - Nice art
    - The MC is interesting I think
    - Lots of content
    - The story is sort of interesting

    The cons of this game are very disappointing, because it didn't have to be this way.

    In the first chapter, I really enjoyed it. Good story. Good art. I wondered "How does this not have a better rating?"....and then I found out....

    From Ch2 onward, it's a pain to play. Why the developer decided to go down this route baffles me. I'm not sure how to explain it other than you have to grind "actions" instead of points like most sandboxes. Although there are some points to accumulate too.

    What I mean by that is you have to dress a certain way for most events (can only change clothes in MC's bedroom). You have to click around to go anywhere. You have to complete pointless repetitive tasks like cleaning. You even have to eat everyday. And you have to get money by either doing repetitive prostitutions tasks for literal cents on the dollar or other tasks like handing out fliers or working at a bar. And yes, at the bar you have to manually take orders for the patrons.

    None of that is enjoyable. None of it is necessary. And it's a shame, because as I said firstly, it didn't have to be this way. The game was really good in Ch1.

    I made it through maybe...halfway through Ch2? I just couldn't take the repetition anymore. Even the events that should be fun aren't fun because of the repetition. Like the photoshoots. It's not possible to complete a shoot in one go as far as I can tell, you have to do it over 2 weeks. And you can only do it on certain days, since your boss won't let you during the weekdays.

    You have to jump through so many hoops and obstacles just to advance a little. It drags out gameplay so much that when you finally get somewhere, you're exhausted and bored.

    Monica is meant to be a servant. But in the end, the player feels like a servant too. So it's not worth it. 2/5 stars.