a bunch of fake choices , forced relationships/sex/lewd
there wasnt a single choice that counted in the end
forced in a relationship with that old hag "landlady"
want to ignore that one girl? - nah , lets go on a date
dont care about that other girl? - nah , get after her and try to solve her problems
after a forced sex scene with even another girl, get asked about 5 other girls and dont be able to say "none" on a decision who you like? even if you dont know any of them
the whole story is one inconsistency after another?
why would the mc not just sell the house to the old hag?
why would he go to college there if he was just visiting before his "sabatical" year , the more after getting a large amount of money?
getting a tutor forced on him - for what again?
and everyone seems to be connected somehow , knows about the mc - but the mc is this dumb simp who always agree to anything
nothing makes sense
there wasnt a single choice that counted in the end
forced in a relationship with that old hag "landlady"
want to ignore that one girl? - nah , lets go on a date
dont care about that other girl? - nah , get after her and try to solve her problems
after a forced sex scene with even another girl, get asked about 5 other girls and dont be able to say "none" on a decision who you like? even if you dont know any of them
the whole story is one inconsistency after another?
why would the mc not just sell the house to the old hag?
why would he go to college there if he was just visiting before his "sabatical" year , the more after getting a large amount of money?
getting a tutor forced on him - for what again?
and everyone seems to be connected somehow , knows about the mc - but the mc is this dumb simp who always agree to anything
nothing makes sense