Oh you may have not understood what I said maybe I lacked precision in the way I said it. Or I just misunderstood you (feel free to correct me if that's the case).
I'm not saying each player should be able to "customize" or choose what style we play with.
My idea was more like you make different presets , and for let's say this arc Mc will have this style (maybe make a pool of the different styles).
Idk how you work, but sandbox games like those often have a point where you can't progress side characters questlines unless you progress the main story. It's kind of a checkpoint, my idea was just that each time such a checkpoint happens. Propose a style change for MC, it'd be mainly just his hair and beard, I mean I don't want to change the character just change his style for fun.
Honestly most games don't do that and stick with 1 to 2 hairstyles the whole game with the 1st one often bein b4 a big change and the 2nd after that change. We rarely, id not almost never see characters switching back and forth between different styles (atleast in renpy AVNs). Although smt I admit it's for the best lol. I'm honestly just being stingy bc I kinda grew to like the some features the old one had especially that viking vibe it gave.
Or is that not possible too? I'm sry if I seem arrogant in my way of saying things, that's not my intent.
Ig the only thing you'd need to change are the repeatable scenes since it wouldn't make sense if he still had the old style for this scene lol. But then, again Most wouldn't care, atleast I wouldn't, it'd just be there to have everything "under wraps" lol.
Maybe propose the idea to the community, see what they think of it.
All in all, I stil like the game and it won't make me hate it. Plus it's not like I hate the new look or it's giving me the ick, I just liked the vibe the old look gave lol
Anyway, it's a super pleasant surprise to see that you're still keeping up with the community and how responsive you're.
I also appreciate that you didn't slow donw your rythm. I mean you added so much content (kinda took a nap after writing the last com so didn't have the chance to finish the game yet). Anyway, it seems I have a lot to go through.
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