Can someone who has seen the latest version on steam tell me how it compares to the animation of 0.34 (VR)? I don't mean the "gameplay", but how many more animation are there? What is their focus? In 0.34 a lot of them are with monsters and quite a few are rough / forced / choking, which I enjoy. Given that's on steam, are they still going that direction or has it become more vanilla, the girls always being into it etc?
There are 374 animations at the moment. Few have been removed, but they have promised to bring them back - I don't know if they did. Gallery is not updated and full of bugs - Harem Mode is the only option to view new scenes. Other players are no longer so disruptive, and a private map has been added.
As for the rough scenes, I was also worried that they would become more vanilla, but fortunately they are fine. Operator Juzi is a robot, so you can dissasemble her legs and/or arms and have an amputee experience

Latest operator Talon has mostly rough scenes. However, I feel that the base game girls have been somewhat forgotten, and their scenes are ordinary.
Pig-looking and horse-looking monsters have been added, but their appearance is fictional, ethereal even.
Here are all the monsters. Note, that last five of them have only 1-3 animations.