Thanks for listening the complain.

It's just couple of weeks it's hard for me to come in this site n enjoy the content I love. The reason of this Trollers n bullies. Because of these people I'm suffering mental harassment.
Please Moderator I have a request can you please give us the ability or upgrade the site to have block option. Not this time but next year instead.
Specially people like theses who harassed & bully some people for their sick benefits.
I know that it's just not me but there are more people like me who also report n submit their complains to this discussion thread but doesn't work.
I know that you guys are busy and how many complains n reports you guys reads It just never ending. I mean this amount of complains/reports must be thousands a day. And I understand the fustration n the pain that you guys have. Especially solving n taking decisions this kind of problems.
So That's why I'm requesting please Moderator give us the Block Option.
It's just not only for me but for everyone in this site as well, every user/person who are victim of this oppressors. Specially those people who come in this site not enjoy or share but spread toxicity among the community n the threads as well.
And also there should be rule that,
If the number of blocks a person receives more than 5 time than any other individual person or users then that blocked user or person will be banned from the site permanently.
Please Sir or Mam take our complain/report humbly we will await your decision.
Thank you.