Tool Ren'Py Extended Variable Viewer 3.00.04 - For walkthrough authors, game authors and modders

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anne O'nymous

I'm not grumpy, I'm just coded that way.
Respected User
Jun 10, 2017
Alright, I feel like a fool right now...

When I added the "shadow update" thing, I had to change the format of the list where were stored the previous values... and forget to report this change. In consequence, after some times (which explain why I didn't see it before), the value where marked as "changed" even if they haven't changed since a long time :(
Like I said, I feel like a fool, and I'm sorry for this inconvenient. But don't worry, if you had to deal with more changed value that you should have, you still don't missed a single change.

So, please, download the new version, the problem is corrected.
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Jul 28, 2017
The Mod is unstable in game called Innocent Witches object are overlapping and cant see anything

anne O'nymous

I'm not grumpy, I'm just coded that way.
Respected User
Jun 10, 2017
The Mod is unstable in game called Innocent Witches object are overlapping and cant see anything
Technically it's not the mod's cause. Both the configuration interface and the variable viewer are opened as menu (like save/load, preference or even the main menu). This mean that Ren'py create a new graphical context and remove overlay, so, basically said, it completely clean the screen before anything else... which clearly don't happen here.
I'll look at it and correct the problem. But I don't know how many time it will take, because I don't want to just correct it for "this" game. If it's a change in Ren'py itself (since the game use one of the 6.99.14 pre-release), it would be simple. But if it's a flaw in the way Ren'py works with its menu, I'll have to make a generic patch which will works whatever how this flaw is used. This way it will never happen again, even with other games using this flaw in another way.

Edit: Alright, the game is trashy and in top of that I can't access all it's source code... I'll try to make some assumptions and find a way to resolve the problem :/
Does anyone know an advanced (both in term of coding, screen usage and advancement of the content) game made with 6.99.14 ? To help me find if it's really a problem with the way the game is done or a problem with some change in Ren'py.

anne O'nymous

I'm not grumpy, I'm just coded that way.
Respected User
Jun 10, 2017
So, I don't really understood how they achieved to mess this much with the menu. Raising the zorder of my screens permit them to be over the objects, but it's the lesser evil solution since it don't really correct the problem, just hide it.
I'll now work on the "search" option, then update the tool.

EDIT: Search option done. I'll pass one/two days testing everything since I made some deep change and Ren'py had 2 versions since the last time I did a deep test. So, I'll probably upload the next version Wednesday.

anne O'nymous

I'm not grumpy, I'm just coded that way.
Respected User
Jun 10, 2017
How to change value for example level of megan = 3 ?
Er... completely wrong thread. You search the thread for the game corruption, so .


New Member
May 5, 2017
If you're still looking for a game made in 6.99.14 Haramase Simulator was just updated to version and it uses 6.99.14.

Also, I found a bug. If you reload a game with the option from the developer menu, the variable viewer and configuration menu keybindings stop working.

anne O'nymous

I'm not grumpy, I'm just coded that way.
Respected User
Jun 10, 2017
Also, I found a bug. If you reload a game with the option from the developer menu, the variable viewer and configuration menu keybindings stop working.
You mean the "reload game" option ? I'll look at it but don't know if it's avoidable due to the way it works. Thanks.

This said, why do you use this option ? It's meant to be used by the developer to reload all the source code of the game, so it's pretty useless unless you're the developer. In fact, even it you're the developer is not really useful.


New Member
May 5, 2017
You're right. Even if it's unavoidable, the reload game option isn't something most people would bother with. I just like decompiling games so that I can see how they're put together and sometimes I'll even fix any bugs or typos that are annoying me. With renpy games the reload game option is simply the fastest way to apply any changes I've made.

anne O'nymous

I'm not grumpy, I'm just coded that way.
Respected User
Jun 10, 2017
With renpy games the reload game option is simply the fastest way to apply any changes I've made.
Fastest, but not necessarily safer and most reliable. Anyway, I don't know yet if it's really unavoidable or not. I think so, but I'll still look if there's a way to do it.
Even if it don't work, it will teach me a lot :D

anne O'nymous

I'm not grumpy, I'm just coded that way.
Respected User
Jun 10, 2017
any future for an 'export to text' option ?
Er... Never thought about it, but there's nothing preventing it to be done.
This said, it's a really big thing ; way bigger than the three words used to describe it. Exporting what ? All the data ? just the variables names ? Just the result of a search ? Just the favorites, or just the changed value ?
Exporting when ? When the user ask for it ? Each time it open the screen ? Every x seconds ?
Exporting how ? In plain text or in CVS format ?
And there's probably other possibilities which don't cross my mind right now.


Nov 17, 2017
Er... Never thought about it, but there's nothing preventing it to be done.
This said, it's a really big thing ; way bigger than the three words used to describe it. Exporting what ? All the data ? just the variables names ? Just the result of a search ? Just the favorites, or just the changed value ?
Exporting when ? When the user ask for it ? Each time it open the screen ? Every x seconds ?
Exporting how ? In plain text or in CVS format ?
And there's probably other possibilities which don't cross my mind right now., ok. exactly! :)

anne O'nymous

I'm not grumpy, I'm just coded that way.
Respected User
Jun 10, 2017
altho.. a form of how whats represented on screen; a bakup on open or "last get" values from open screen at the least....
I Still don't really know which form it will take. Probably something like the actual "search" option. A dialog box letting you choose the format and if it should be the favorites, the changed value, all the values, or the values actually seen on the screen (so, letter filter, search result, and whatever filter can come in the future). And probably also the way multiple saves are handled (update of the file, creation of another one, or addition to the actual file).
So, it will take some times, but it will be implemented for sure.
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New Member
Mar 10, 2018
Your mod looks amazing! But... I tried all the combinations of keys and it doesn't open the variable viewer or the configuration screen. Tried to change the keys in the file you mencioned but it was full of rare symbols.

anne O'nymous

I'm not grumpy, I'm just coded that way.
Respected User
Jun 10, 2017
Your mod looks amazing! But... I tried all the combinations of keys and it doesn't open the variable viewer or the configuration screen. Tried to change the keys in the file you mencioned but it was full of rare symbols.
Er... Well, two things :

Firstly, my bad. Like said in the first line of the top message, the activation key have changed because Ren'py now use the same keys... But I was so upset by this change (I past two days to find keys combinations which aren't too weird to replace them) that I forgot to report this change. To open the extended variable viewer, you need to press ALT + E. Will edit OP to correct this.

Secondly, it's absolutely not normal that you can't open the configuration screen. The keys haven't changed, its still SHIFT + HOME, with SHIFT + * (the one on the keypad) as alternate combination. What's less normal is the fact that you can anyway open the configuration screen by simply clicking on a button when you start a game. And doing this, you find by yourself that the keys have changed since the mod itself is up to date for this.
So, with what version of Ren'py do you have the problem, or if you don't know it, which game ?


New Member
Mar 10, 2018
It opened! I don't know why on the morning it didn't appear. Thank you for the info of the keys~
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