You didn't like the DP scene Johnny? I thought it was pretty hot. It's a shame that Patrick always seems to blow his load early though. She seemed to be loving it.
Oh no, that was definitely a high point, always up for a spitroast or DP scene.
I was more thinking of how there was a consistent theme of Patrick being afk for events, every time I thought to myself "here we go again, he has to work late, or the invite is only for her zzzzz"
Even the way that threesome started out was kinda cucky/ntrish for my tastes - like how she basically wants to start with Martin alone while Patrick runs around the block...not the end of the world, not gonna die on that hill, but id much more enjoy the scene if they all started their fuckfest together.
It becomes more apparent if you turn her down at the first scene, and her narration is something like "I thought we were more sexually open and free, but I guess not

" like bish just because i dont want you hopping on cock while my mc's not there doesn't make me a quaker.