
Oct 29, 2018
Idea for game balancing- after male orgasm, enemy will wait 1 turn after 1st orgasm, then after 2 orgasims he will wait 2 turns, and so on. this can be considered as time he takes to recover, like dudes do Irl

It may even be introduced in the form of a trait of our character, like orgasm queen or smth, if she makes cum an enemy type while she doesn't, after a while that trait come up and could debuff the enemy.

There is indeed a need for traits "in favor" of the character to be implemented / found out. Which could buff character, debuff enemies or even add some interactions before / during fight, it would be great.

I thought about "molester" and thought that it may be interesting if when he tryed to "fk" the mc, there were a chance he used a vibrator to get her "on hook".

The same could be applied to the thug and other encounter. They could use smth to emprove the efficiency of the pleasure they give during the act while the MC have less than a certain amount of lust for them in example, or if the mc has a certain amount of pussy sensibility, or a mix of both.

Molester could use some drug on his D before going in, doggos may make some liquid run up their tool, goblins may use herbs, for the examples.

BTW, the 2nd goddess is fun aswell, but most of dial aren't translated, from goblins forest up to the 2nd goddess dogs encounters (h attacks essentialy).
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Game Developer
Dec 14, 2023
enemy will wait 1 turn after 1st orgasm, then after 2 orgasims he will wait 2 turns, and so on.
Thanks! Will be considered.

also would you put birthing and breastfeeding in the next update too
Probably not.

1. There is indeed a need for traits "in favor" of the character to be implemented / found out.
2. doggos may make some liquid run up their tool, goblins may use herbs, for the examples.
3. the 2nd goddess is fun aswell, but most of dial aren't translated
1. Thanks for the suggestion! Will think about this.
2. Some tricks from the enemy like body fluid already did that job.
3. SilentJack, a pro writer, a hero, offered help for the translation. So the remaining untranslated texts will be translated gradually. And the previous translations will be reworked to be more erotic.



Sep 9, 2017
oki so what i have to say about this update is that there are way to many enemys on the map and you have even added day advancements to scenes like defeat against the dealer, massage and the interogation after she is corrupted. adding more enemys aint a solution !!!!

having 5dogs would be alright and adding 5 more if you dont cleare the map oki but 10 and whit a limit of 80 is to much.

also why the daily rent. weekly is already pushing it but can be accepted.
and it starts on the first day whitout you informing the player that he has to pay rent that day and whit no information on where to do it. if it hadnt been for playing the previus version where the player was told where to do it i would be lost.

the permit to leave the city is just wierd why would a dealer have one and a cop wouldnt. we should be able to get that from the police station aswell.

annyway i think the combat should be made better since atm its oki but it could be better like i was thinking that it would probly be cool whit the mental and acton phase thing from karryn's prison where you in the mental phase use skills that changes how she reacts in the acton phase like putting up defence against being jumped by a dog and maybe strengthen her mind against being affected by estrus and stuff like that. have her focuse herself on being acurate so that she gets a higher hit chance (could be ofset by arousal), faster so that she gets first hit. but also make her use mind power on focus inorder to defend but that would also make her more easly affected by stuff like the molesters talking and stuff like that.

also making a way to get saved by the 2nd goddess instead of game over during the maps and add a way to acualy lose battle's whitout admiting defeat.


New Member
Jan 4, 2018
Is there a way to see all the pictures from the game files? I dont know much about rpgmv games so I have been turning the rpgmv images to png using petschko, works 99% of the time but here all the images i am getting are giving me errors, except the first 5 and a few other random images but they are not any of game scenes, please help a poor guy :cry:


Active Member
Jun 10, 2018
I'm really enjoying this game, especially with the first two bosses. I don't like the look of the doggos, so I have to force myself through those battles. The goblins are OK, and I'm looking forward to the next level.

I love that the player has to fight against the temptation to let her get molested / raped during battle to see the lewds vs keeping her pure enough to be able to win the battles. Great stuff, keep it up!
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Feb 5, 2022
I wish the enemies had a chance to miss an attack just like the mc. I also hope the game overs go away against enemies, unless you are pregnant with the drug dealer's or property owner's kid.
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Sep 12, 2023
Will there ever be a pregnancy system, as in where you can give birth without dire consequences or...?


Aug 8, 2017
The game looks interesting, the combat sort of reminds me of Karryn's prison which I loved. Still I believe the game itself needs some balancing and changes to become truly amazing. I compiled a list of my problems that I think needs to be addressed.

1. The game is in a big need of some sort of tutorial or way to explain mechanics and stats. Right from the start the player is absolutely clueless of what is going on. No real direction on where to go or what to do. Luckily it is not really big enough to be impossible to figure out, but for many this could make them drop the game. It also needs a better explanation of the combat system and stats. For example what does Strength do? I see it go down as I do my daily things, but I couldn't see any proper explanation as of what it does. Same with the combat. What does desire do? What is my defeat condition? What does the body icon in combat represents and how does it change things? There is no health bar so I can't even guess on that. These things needs to be told to the player so they can try make the best of it.

2. The UI needs some work. As other than desire nothing else has numbers. So it is difficult to see how my current stats are. Especially annoying with the MP as you can try to use a skill only to be told you don't have enough, but the bar itself doesn't tell me how much I have exactly nor do the skills tell me how much they cost. On that note, in combat you can't see the description of skills and items so if people haven't checked them beforehand, they will have 0 idea of what they do. Would be nice to have those visible during combat.

3. Probably my biggest pet peeve was that each day I have to get a new pass from the drug dealer to be able to deal with the dogs. I think after the first time, I should be able to travel there without the need of fighting the drug dealer. Maybe after finishing with him, you can add a note that you can go and fight him again and maybe add some extra money if people fight against him afterwards to incentivize fighting him again. It is mostly a problem because each day I have to go through at least 2 sets of fights just so I can clear enough dogs that they don't become a problem.

4. This is not much of an issue, more of a suggestion. I think it would be nice in the future if you could add some extra stuff on the maps. Side-quests, jobs that don't include combat or it is some kind of different minigame, things to find and collect. I believe one of the biggest strong point of RPGM is exploration, allowing the player to find new stuff, run into different kinds of events and through them build up an interesting gameplay loop. Right now, the maps are empty, they don't really have much to do or find other than following the "main quest" which in the long term can make a game very linear and boring.

5. Not sure if it is a bug or something, but after I got a massage and he made her cum on the table, I got the message that I need to pay rent even though I have paid rent (with her body) earlier.

All that being said, don't take it these the wrong way. I think the game is very interesting and have a a lot of potential. All the things listed above, are suggestions that I believe could make the game better. I wish you could luck on the development of this game.
3.40 star(s) 30 Votes