Hey man, just some support here. I really like the game mechanics and how you balanced most of cons during 0.8 update, just keep doing what you doing, everything is pretty well.I am programmer and many time ago was also trying to make my own game. it also took a helly ton of time, so i know how its hard.
btw, watching on what a trash people writing in reviews makind me sad, pretty seems like they havnt spent even a half of hour to the game and havnt tried even a 5% of in-game mechanics.
This game is free and still several hundred times better than MOST of salable shit on dl. give some respect, that developer deserves.
I agree with you that we need to provide support and point out few things that the developer could tweak/corrects. What I read that this developer also have someone help translate the game from foreign language to English. We do see that it occurs from the goblin quest and later. I didnt complete the current update yet. Those who are struggling to kill the dogs, goblins, and others, there is a "cheat", called MV Cheat, that could help move forward.
Here are a few things that the developer could look into
1. spawning enemies are set a little aggressive, it could be tuned down a bit. Number of comments i see that it may be too aggressive at this moment
2. Translation issue from goblin event and later will need corrected, when the translator has the time to help this developer to complete it.
Overall, I cannot complain much about this RPGM. Also it was a good process with this developer for doing it on their own for (assumed) their first time or first few attempts. I am aware that it is not completed so I cannot say any more additional things that may need tweaked/modified or addition to this RPGM.
Have a great day and be safe...