Considering the beginning of the game I thought that the statistics and mechanics would help us to diversify the routes, like in the part where we can choose between using IP or EP to get the promotion at work, it would be great to use the PP to subdue Bonta from the beginning or to use the IP to negotiate with Eva's boss instead of just submitting.
Yeah, but it takes a lot of extra work on dev's side.
EA was way lighter than that - you either could play smart or play sexy.
In here, I'm just afraid that at some point all the subroutes will be too hard for Gilga to figure out, unless it will be something minor like 1 scene is different or a few different lines.
Also, I hope that there will be somewhat of an inbetween sub and dom route if these subpaths won't end up being minor. Like, what if I don't want the redhead to dominate and vice versa?
I'd love if all the points that you get could be used further down the way. Like, take Bonta's rapey thingie. Why not place a check with Eva's Physicality points there, where she may end up overpowering the kid and gets the upper hand? That way, you reward player for going to the gym and avoid rape scenario which is a turn-off for a lot of us.
Or the subbranch with the boss where Eva gets screwed by him. Why not make a check with intelligence points where she films him doing abusive things and gets him over her finger. And then player gets to choose what to do with it: like, the redhead could secretly love to be dominated or dominate the boss herself. Or just tell him to fuck off. One could say: oh, but then you lose the possible secretary quest in the future. No, the boss is still a jerk to women, just not to Eva. The hook may still be there.
In perfect world, points would've been tied up with subbranches. The examples are above., like Paragon/Renegade choices in Mass Effect. If you have 3 PP - you get this option. If you have 3 LP - you get this option. Therefore, different options and outcomes which could present different combinations and an option for Eva to be a switcher.
In one scene, she gets throatfucked because she had LP and sub preference. In next scene with the character, if she has X amounts of points and is not too far down the sub line, she can be the one to sit on the dudes face as a payback.
But once again, it would require a lot of work on Gilga's side.
Overall, I'm afraid that points mechanics may end up just being used in main quest on a few occasions and that's it.
Physicality Points may end up just being cosmetic choice for abs.
Therefore, my biggest concern that the core mechanic of this game may end up being neglected.
And am I the only one who thinks that the names for LP is a bit too much?
Like, Level 3 is already a slut)
She used her fingers a few times and read some books and she's already a slut? Come on