So its finally out ?

I like what I saw, thought the slime girl in the beginning would have been
Ivi, but as I saw she arrives at the end. Sadly its ends right there

I will agree that corruption/romance with the girls and MC would be best since its kinda suits the Nox-thing substance. Kinda needs to build up the whole setting for the juicy action. I wanna see how the relationship will shift between MC and Sis and the other girls.
And it seems this infestation is not a world wide catastrophy, but a smaller one located in a City with some small surrounding environments, like in Tarkov ?
Also a question came to my mind when I saw the infected. Do they, at least the Slime Girls share the same thought but have their own individual take on things like some sort of Hivemind ?
Because if they do, they could have a interesting dynamic when it comes to romantic and interesting infighting between them about MC like in the Light novel "Neural Wraith" by K.D. Robertson. ( Tho its Androids Waifus haha).
That makes me curious how far the slime girls are developed mentaly.
Now, im not saying I want it to happend, but I would hearthly welcome it when we also could have a 2,4m (7,8 feet) tall slime girl keke. I blame Barghest from FGO and The Hive Mother from Desert Stalker

And will you look at that, she kinda looks like it, just gonna need to get taller:
Big Domi Mommy who needs MC cummi to grow bigger but realises she wants the attention more then the cummi the longer the story goes 
PipPoad You HAVE to release the next update with the laboratory assistant girl from the science research team. I wont accept a no!
But in all, I CANT wait for the next update! And I hope I still get the notifications ASAP as it still seems not to work on the
Development thread. Missed some juicy pictures there

4 hands waifu ALL the way keke
