Thanks for reporting that graphical glitch. I'll fix it right away!
As for the splash screen, using a stopwatch when I run the game, it takes 12 seconds to reach the title screen (6 seconds for each screen). I know time is very valuable, but considering that the game is free, has no ads, and I'm just asking for support, I don't think that it's an excessive amount. I've seen longer ads on YouTube

Remember that there is a built-in speed hack, you can just press 9 when you run the game and it will take 2 seconds instead, then you can press 1 to use the normal speed again. It is explained when you start a new game.
In any case, I do listen to the player's feedback, so I'll consider decreasing the time if needed.
Please let me know if you find any more bugs, glitches, or weird behavior in the game!
Whoa, how many bugs did I find in the new version?
Here's the deal: I finished the game on the last version, transferred "save" folder to the new one and now started trying the "return to school with consequences" route.
First entry went without any problems, got the esther kiara event followed by esther slapping and raping, good no problems so far.
escaped again and went back at afternoon. Got caught, repeated the scene with esther got escorted through the hallway, this time there being two students next to the toilet, when I entered the cell in classroom, I immediately turned to leave. went through the bars, but couldn't leave the room because it was morning and invisible kiara told me to sit down. Returning to spend time is impossible because "Why would I return, i have quest to fullfil" This is softlock of a game as even with hacks to noclip towards the bed, the protagonist complains that he'll get caught if he sleeps here.
Second major bug happened when I entered the school 50 hunger and intenitonally wandered around until I passed out. Standard bathroom event happened, with me having a collar now. However, for some reason leaving the school on foot was possible even with the collar, thus I left with the collar on. (just to make it funnier, i got in the fight with citizen that specifically states I'm outlaw for not having collar, it is unreasonable for dev to add this check but I still add this as a minor bug)
Third overlooked thing is: During all my escapes, or nighttime invasions of the school, the lunchlady was chill about me wandering without a collar, she even recognizes me in cat form. I still wonder why is lunchlady at work at midnight though.
Truth to be told, everyone recognizes me in cat form inside the school so I presume it is untested
Minor thing: on my day 11, after I spent morning in bed in refuge and thus entering afternoon, the "rest until" button just closed the box without offering anything else.
another minor thing: when being chased by citizen it is possible to softlock the locked transormation by getting the citizen stuck in the corner between daiyu supermarkert and the road on the left of it. (it also may be the fact that two citizens were chasing me, and both of them lost sight of me at the same time)
Hope this helps