RPGM - Abandoned - Eromancer [0.0.002][MasterOfTheTemplar]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    v0.0.002 (just so that you know when I played it)
    Alright, great idea but definetly needs more work
    My review is only for people who already have some time in RPGM games, so others... propably won't like the game
    - at the begin there is mentioned zoom with +- keys, I guess it only works on numeric, cause for me it didn't work, I guess you should
    + it's not like other RPGM H-games that just give you image of scene, in rare cases but the scene is
    + pretty interesting combat system, but you have to get used to it
    - ends at room without any doors? maybe just a bug but would be better to at least add there typical message ends here, continuing in future or something