VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Enslaver - Dark Path [v1.0.0] [MiloHaze FetishFactory]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    A dated game, with a lot of glitch during lewd scenes, and the faces that li makes makes all thoise scenes very offputting. This game have virtually no story and trtansition takes a loyt of time. The bodily proportions of Lis are out pf control and mind control aspect while vwell hand;ed have nothing to write home about. The only good thing that can be said about this novel is that it commits to its premise, but other than that this game fails in every aspect on what makes games like these worth playing,
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    Look while the fetishes are hot and the hardcore taboo theme is appealing and rare, the writing, story, and graphics are just total ass. I really don't know who decided it was a good idea to write a story or dialogue when their understanding of the English language is so bad. There are grammatical errors, spelling mistakes, and broken sentences constantly. The choices you make are literally broken because you can make choices that literally loop back on themselves and reset the whole scenario. This clearly wasn't even playtested let alone proof read. There is nothing redeemable here, not even if you are hardcore into this taboo idea. Nothing in the game makes sense story wise, writing wise, plot wise, or even graphics wise. Why do the girls make such freakishly ugly monster faces? Why do the choices make no difference? Why is the game almost 10gb? Why is the game written like an edgy teenage? I'm sorry but the game is simply bad and cannot be redeemed. Move on if you thought this might be a unique experience worth trying.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    V.: 1.0
    The dev saying "this is ADULT game for real men, if you don't like those fetishes gtfo" does not absolve him of writing a coherent story.
    Yes, MC is a rapist/molester/sex pest.

    But it is never adressed how or why he doensn't face any consequences, and there is a distinct lack of any buildup. There is no mind control, for the most part no drugging that explains why they let them do it, barely any coercion:
    In any situation, he goes "haha, I rape you now!" and that is it.
    It also makes the MC pretty onedimensional, he doesn't seem to have any deeper motivations than going around raping people for funsies.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    Enslaver is a very bad game. Not because of the fetishes, but because of all the rest. The story is senseless, the characters have no interest nor development, and it loses all interest in less than 5 minutes. There are no significant decisions to make, you just "choose" things that matter little, just which girls you're going to rape first. And that's it, there is no enslavement, nor play, nor seduction nor anything, just progressive rapes with little else to give it tension or interest.

    Character models are all very horrible. Not only are most of them ugly, but their facial expressions are so forced they become completely hilarious in a bad way. Animations are mostly alternation between set still images, repetitive and some of them quite long, with zero quality or appeal. At least it had no bugs in my experience.

    Any way, this is a really bad game, quick skip if you can.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    [Completed] - Enslaver - Dark Path [v1.0.0]
    Dark Story
    Evil MC
    A wide variety of fetishes

    Character Models:
    This is the biggest issue I have with this game. I don´t remember that i´ve ever seen a game with so many ugly and unattractive models in them.
    Most of them have ugly faces and facial expressions, which makes them look like Gollum from Lord of the Rings.
    It also doesn´t help that one of the girls is hairy all over her body.
    Although there are girls that have "realistic" Body types, you´ll see a lot of women in this game with weird shaped and unrealistically huge breasts or asses which just looks odd. The MC looks like a 40yo Dwarf and it´s really hard to take him seriously. Especially when you have sex with larger women like your teachers or the principal, it can look like Danny DeVito trying to fuck Andre The Giant.

    The Animations don´t look good and are mostly two images put together that go back and forth way too long, which wouldn´t be a problem from a gameplay perspective if you use the Auto or Skip function on high speed, but it´s a pain in the ass if you have to rollback. Using too few images makes the scene look lifeless and too robotic and the crazy facial expressions don´t help either.

    The Story isn´t bad, but also not that good. It´s not the most important thing in this game, but the Story seems random and rushed at times.
    Blackmail and Drugs helps you win over women, but it feels too easy and rushed.
    The World feels so bland with only being in two locations, if you don´t count Cara Delevigne´s hotel room.
    The writing is really hit-and-miss and the dialogues between the MC and the girls are really boring and unrealistic.

    This game is not that bad and it has an interesting theme, but is riddled with issues that make the experience unenjoyable.
    The awful Render, Models, and Animations are the biggest issues this game has and are the things that can make or break a game and should be completely overhauled.
    The writing needs some fine tuning to make it feel more immersive and the world needs to feel more lively and shouldn´t revolve only around two locations and the odd side character here and there.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    Good unusual corruption game who deserves a try(y)
    Story : 3/5 : only one path, the intrigue with a bad girl and risk feeling with drugs and thugs feels close to reality. It's not just sex and corruption. Bad surprise : The story stops brutally and is not finished!
    Dialogues : 3/5 average, but adult and correct English.
    Characters : 1/5 : very unrealistic reactions. You bully everyone and nobody stops you!
    graphisms : 2/5 It tries to be realistic, but the characters face become ugly when they suffer and sometimes, there is some weird effects out of nowhere (zombi skin, ...) the hairy girl is disgusting! But most of the time, the bodies are nice enough to be "fappable" and far from the usual perfect models without soul. the animations are 2 images repeated a million times!
    Duration : Between 1 and 3 hours, depending if you read or not the dialogs.
    Note : 4/5 because I liked it a lot and I was near to miss it because some of the commentaries! This game is very unusual. It's a BDSM game who don't take himself seriously and it's fun. I don't like dark games where torture are real and people suffers and depress. Here at the opposite, it's so surreal that you don't care and the ambiance is good mood. If you like corruption, give it a try!
  7. 5.00 star(s)

    Time Killer1981

    It's not a game for everyone. These words can already scare away most players. But when an unprepared person who doesn't pay attention to the tags launches the game and doesn't find the love and harem that so many people love, gets scared and runs away in horror, I just wish such people to avoid such games. The main thing is that he did not write a negative review, just because the game did not meet his expectations. This game is really the dark way, it glorifies violence, including domestic violence, humiliation and the desire to dominate. Give the game a chance and maybe you can vent your negativity by playing it without carrying it over into real life.

    So back to the gameplay.
    Over the course of the game we see the author's skill grow, he improves in scripting and adding variation. He adds choices with pictures, buttons. Again, the game is not completely linear, you're bound to miss some of the content in one playthrough. It's not as bad as it sounds, linearity is evil. Make choices and, if you wish, dive into this dystopian story a second time, for new discoveries.

    And the pluses I can safely call unusual game, responsiveness of the author, who always answers questions and goes to the contact, non-linearity of the game, a great story with drugs and criminals, violence without going into overdrive.

    As for the minuses of the game, there are. To these I can refer the visuals, no, not the characters themselves or the surrounding world, but their post-processing... it is difficult to describe, but the author himself knows, the program that draws makes thousands of mistakes, piled clothing, cracks in the faces, and to fix them, you need a lot of time and desire. Without this processing, there will always be picky people like me who will be distracted and angry.
    The second disadvantage is mistakes in language, English is not my native language, even now I write through a translator, because otherwise I will write slowly and erroneously. And not the author's native language, which he honestly warns about, but still, mistakes in the game are mistakes in the game.

    Even so, I give the game my best grade. It is worth it, and I thank the author for his hard work and wish him creative success.
    If you haven't played it yet, give the game a chance and who knows, maybe Path of Darkness won't be so bad for you.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    a very good game indeed

    render been imporving, still i dunno why dev make their expression looks weird :unsure:
    char lovely, i love plum, melissa, n lidia , also chemistry between mc n cooper
    storytelling been improve too,
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    Second game in this series.

    ~ The protagonist is still a violent psychopathic rapey bastard.
    ~ The girls are not pretty, but strangely very expressive. I kind of appreciate that, considering in a lot of other games the girls have dead face expression.
    ~ The story is still going nowhere. In this installment he goes to school and I guess is kind of in a gang now. The game ends with a "To be continued"
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    Funny dark game with good potential, but unfortunately the renders are atrocious and for some reason every character has Gollum face all the time. It would be 5 starts from me otherwise

  11. 4.00 star(s)


    It is average, strangely good game. I don't know how to describe it but i never dreamed for get erected for ugly girls. I liked your humour and style. I didn't like the first game, but this game is another level. I'm waiting for Part 2. Sorry for the poor English.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    I like games that are not vanilla, in which you can't predict what will happen. If you want a story that isn't linear, isn't what every other game tells you, and that just "lets loose", this is the game for you.
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    I do enjoy darker content but this game was just a cringefest.
    The dialogue looks like it was written by an edgy teenager, it was just embarrassing at times. The facial expressions are hilariously bad, especially the shocked/fearful faces during rape scenes, they are so over the top and distorted you cant help but laugh.
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    This is a hard one to rate.
    I'll start with the good.
    • You are a rapey pervert. I like that in games, since most games on here the MC is a beta soy boy and you get no say in the matter.
    • It has some good scenes. I've played a couple times just firing the past the dialog and some of the choices actually do matter and change the content which I like. You even get some water sport content.
    The bad:
    • You appear to be a 40yo midget that is in High School still.
    • The story is nonsensical. It's something like you have dark thoughts so to cure you your mom, aunt and teachers let you rape them?? Like you rape them and they are like Oh, that Jason... he's a real scamp.
    • The animations are way way to long. Like 2 frames repeated 1000 times.
    • The characters all look weird. I think it's style choice. I don't mind the younger characters. If they fixed the facial expressions it would be pretty good.
    • It has bad Engrish. The dev posts on the forum often, and his English seems pretty good. But then in the game it looks like MTL from Russian to English.
    Even though the bad outweighs the good, I like the content that is there and I like that it has choices that seem to do something.
  15. 1.00 star(s)


    I have been looking for a VN with Non-con to tickle that itch. If you are looking for a VN with non con that is what you will get. However, that is the only positives I have found with the game. The character faces look like awful. I understand developers want to have unique characters, but they look disproportioned and plain ugly. Multiple females with torso size breasts that just don't make sense or look pleasing to the eye at all. There is no character building at all, the MC is just an ass from start and is an ass to all. The dialogue is just crap. I believe all LI have the same 2-3 expressions used throughout the entire story.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Milohaze has done it. Great story telling, girls, world building, animation, and rendering with so far great regular updates and nothing but improvement to look forward too.

    We have a well-made and unique art style with pretty good visual quality.

    We have animations for lewd scenes and they are not just one-second loops, which is quite good but I can't say the same thing for their FPS value or physics. I mean they are hot that's for sure and choices of positions/angles are looking good but physics and FPS values need to improve.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Wow... what a ride.

    A leading title among games dealing with dark fetishes and heavy rape. MC is a complete psychopath the likes of whom we rarely meet in a fetish VN.

    Art aesthetic is in the eye of the beholder, but personally I liked it. A lot. As pointed out by other reviewers, grotesque/unusual face expressions are clearly an artistic choice, plus they're quite fitting for this particular setting.

    If you get off on forceful powerplay you'll definitely find scenes in here, that are hotter than the sun.

    Only problem I found was the occasional typo that couldn't possible warrant the deduction of score points.

    All in all, a five star game within its niche.
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    The concept is great. But the execution, holy fuck. The whole story comes across like it's written by a 13-year old who has been watching far too much bad porn. Rendering - both faces and body parts - alternates between okay and downright scary. This is not the VN you're looking for.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    some excellent games with psycho MC's are being produced lately. this is definitely one of the best out there. if you're into themes of male domination, humiliation, blackmailing, involuntary corruption etc you will find a lot to enjoy here. renders are very much ok and they are plenty, not just a few static renders per scene. the use of exaggerated, deformed face expressions is clearly an artistic choice. very often they fit the scene, even if one may think they are overdone a bit (again, artistic choice). there is no sound or music. except the ass slapping scenes i didn't really miss sound effects and music is usally crappy in these games anyway. humor is naturally sick and twisted to fit the MC's 'character'. i laughed out loud a lot and that's always a big bonus for me in any type of game. the main story is dark and criminal and makes you wonder how everything will develop. highly recommended game if you know there is a dark side to your mind and psyche.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    It is commendable that the developer touches these rather controversial themes and hasn't fallen prey to the "vanillazation" of porn games. If you are into this kind of hardcore stuff, this game is for you.

    One star is removed however, because of the janky facial expressions, body postures and body part proportions. Others have already commented on this, there there is not much to add here.

    It must be mentioned however, that I feel like dev has improved his renders over the last few months and gotten somewhat more realistic with the drawings. Also, the low amount of quality at least lead to a decent amount of quantity.
    Likes: Degro