All 18 Girls Attractiveness & Personality
Combining the E1 and E2 surveys, this is how attractive every girl was rated on average:
1) Ella - 9.25
2) Ashley - 8.71
3) Taylor - 8.70
4) Dr. Riley - 8.68
5) Tasha- 8.61 (TIED)
5 ) Chelsea - 8.61 (TIED)
7) Katie - 8.59
8) Lydia - 8.46
9) Violet - 7.81
10) Chloe - 7.77
11) Paris - 7.76
12) Molly - 7.66
13) Saki - 7.56
14) Naomi - 7.55
15) Jordan - 7.52
16 Dr. Novotná - 7.47
17) Selina - 7.28*
18) Nina 6.72
*E1 Selina, likely higher after change
And then here are the combined personality rankings:
1) Ashley - 8.54
2) Florence - 8.53 (TIED)
2) Chelsea - 8.53 (TIED)
4) Tasha - 8.49 (TIED)
4) Katie - 8.49 (TIED)
6) Lydia - 8.46
7) Ella - 8.42
8) Violet - 8.09
9) Saki - 8.04
10) Paris - 7.78
11) Chloe - 7.58
12) Taylor - 7.44
13) Naomi - 7.37
14) Jordan - 6.54
15) Molly - 6.47
16) Dr. Novotná - 6.28
17) Selina - 5.97
18) Nina - 5.70
Firstly, darkrapunzel you were very close in your guess yesterday but you didn't get the order quite right. As you'll see the results here are incredibly close in places. I have everything to 2 decimel points and yet there are still THREE ties in total. That's crazy. To put this in perespective... there are TWO girls that separate literal twins... Ashley and Tasha are separated by just 0.1/10 and yet that's enough for two girls, arguably 3 with the Chelsea tie to fit in between them. It's wild how competitive those top spots are.
You'll notice there's quite a correlation between attractiveness and personality. Is that a coincidence? Maybe. Maybe we're observing the Halo effect which is a psych phenommenon you might learn about at Elmwood.
Unfortunately Nina is the loser here. She's the only girl to be rated less than a 7 on looks so that's sad :/ Might have to ask you guys some more questions about her at some stage because this really doesn't look good for her as she's really struggling to keep up.
I've plotted all this data on the graph above. On that graph, the hotter a girl is, the more to the right she is. The better her personality, the higher up she is. We have a lot of grouping on that graph, the most notable is this super tight region of girls rated around 8.5 on both attractiveness and personality. Feel free to let me know your thoughts on any of this data, and especially any thoughts on Nina