Hey, great to see another breeding game, especially one similer to a certain "e'mon" game. You'd think there'd be more folks making their own version...instead of just dirty copy/pasting Hinorashi's project...
Anyway, glad that you're coding hard at this, and interacting with folks here.
It seems there's some grumbling about the game-over setting; only compromise I can suggest is having a difficulty setting: one-hand mode(easy) & a two-hand mode(hard).
I'm not sure about this push from some for inflation, once again suggesting that it'd be a good option setting; but hey it's your project after all up to you.
Are you going to add any shiny monster varients? That'd give a reason for multiple consecutive breedings.
What about a genetic treeline in the monster's info? There were a few lewd "e'mon" games that did that, didn't always work; they got abandoned pretty quick though, so no idea how hard that was to code & implement...
If genetics are a future/possible factor, does that mean there'll be unique mon's/mon-types only available from cross-breedng scouts/mons?
EX: Having a GrandSire/Sire being fire type, makes a monster partialy fire or/and resistant to fire? ETC.
That's a bit agressive. Dev is still figuring things out where to go with this, screeching doesn't help.
If dev wants to have both or switch to only males, that's up to them and any paying supporters; as long as it's clear in the Game Definition what protag options there are.
At least Dev isn't mocking us over preferences, like the BoN Dev.
Game over setting isn't even finished I am currently overhauling it since you are supposed to lose scouts as lives and they permanently become broodmares in a monster stable. I might do Shiny variants, wouldn't be too hard actually, but it's a FAR future luxury goal.
OH I LIKE THAT IDEA actually, monsters that are bred should keep track of every element they can trace their ancestry back to, and maybe I can spice up the genetic calculus based on that.
Here is what I am thinking atm.
For the first pass of the genetic data, monsters will JUST become better as they are bred more and more, along predictable paths. This is going to be handled by a series of bools (true/valse variables (think as if they are switches since you might not program)). Basically, a sire monster will hand down to its offspring ALL of its triggered genetic advantage variables, and then the birthed monster will check to see if its mother has flipped any new ones. The born monster will be looking to see if, at any point in its ancestry, it has: A scout as an ancestor, a semi-unique (recolor) boss monster as an ancestor, a totally unique legendary monster as an ancestor (spoilers), if IT was just born from a human mother with a matching element type, if it has any unique character you have recruited as an ancestor, and finally it just MIGHT have good genetics. Now, it will also will remember the element of everyone in its ancestry.
After it is born it runs its genetic calculation on itself ONCE (also controlled by a bool), and for each bool that is true adds a bit of stats bonuses for each genetic trait that is true. THEN when THIS monster breeds, if it has good genetics (determined randomly), it will always sire monsters with good genetics BUT there is a chance it will sire a monster who ALSO has exceptional genetics, who acts similarly and then might sire a monster with PERFECT genetics. The GOOD genetics, EXCEPTIONAL genetics, and PERFECT genetics traits are probably going to be hard to get (poor scouts will have to birth hard) but are the most significant stat bonuses. All that other ancestry shit conveys smaller bonuses.
Basically, all these genetic switches can only be flipped ON. Your gonna have a fucking PROJECT on your hands breeding a totally finished monster with ancestry from basically everyone, and inbreeding is a waste of time. But you'll need to do this since this game allows enemy monster parties to be any size I want.
Now if you'll excuse me, I must go back to all 20 monsters and make sure they keep track of the resource path to their own scene, because I realize I will need that to continue the STABLES coding. Also this is not coming in the STABLES v1 update, in that Scouts will just be sent to the stables to birth, breed and be pregnant with the monster sire that bests them. The resulting monster will certainly be scout bred and possibly element bred, and might have good genetics. I set up the variables early so I can remember what I wanted later and plan for that.
That is the point. I am aggressive, cause that is how i am when i genuinely like something and want it to be enjoyable. At least I'm not trying to be an absolute asshole and bitch at the Dev he MUST implement MY interests. Fetishes/Kinks, setting and so on. I only said i don't want Males. Don't want doesn't mean "You mustn't". There's a clear difference in my choice of words. That is why i'm trying to be extremely picky about what i say and do, so that i am not misunderstood. But it seems people forces them to misunderstand me, on purpose or not. Annoying.
But i will respect the Dev's decision. But that also means i'm jumping ship. Just to make it clear. I'll wish the Dev good luck and hope he finds his Customer base, if i am not in it. Again. I'm not some complete asshole. I have some doubt the Dev is unclear about the Game Definition of what Protag Options there are, if any of the Pictures of the Scouts is anything to go by. I am liking his approach to the Scouts to, making them specifically unique in design.
Aye. Mocking us cause we got some tastes. That also goes for other people, whether you are paying Customer or not. Just distance yourself from people like that or bully them, cause they deserve one or both.
Peace and take care.
PS: I fucked up my Quote. Apologies if it got confusing who i am replying to, it is to "gruntlord?".
I have thick skin, and my tolerance is exceptional for people I believe are giving me money. But let's all agree not to curse. Peace and love, since humanity is going extinct and the monsters want to drag what's left off to their nests and make them snuggle-wife broodmares.
The world is a post-post apocalypse (ongoing apocalypse?) setting and all of the (human) men are (assumed) dead, after a plague. Women are breeding human daughters by either relying on a dwindling supply of stored sperm, or with monster partners, IF they can get a dose of a rare medicine made with the scares element called GLOW. GLOW is what scouts venture out into the wilderness to collect, and it why they have come to the Gaian crater. The story is dark, but mostly unobtrusive. Also rip men

. This lore is already hinted at in some of the monster lore bits. As for men being all dead, this is a very bad thing for obvious reasons. It is also bad for a whole bunch of social reasons that the game will actually touch upon. My belief is that a society of all men or all women would go fucking crazy and get weird, and no, not just because people want sex, but because there are positive and negatives to masculine AND feminine energies/traits/psychologies and they need one another to balance out. One sex existing without the other on an individual level
can get loopy, on a societal level shit probably goes insane. But this lore will be unobtrusive (soon I will start publishing chapters of my unrelated pokemon written work which is totally not a prequel to the game).
There are going to be male monster-men eventually though? I think I stated that. Also there's already male beast monsters. Like I'm thinking there will be a more humanoid crocodile guy I wanna do, and maybe a cute rabbit-man. There will definitely be a couple androgynous, slightly feminine Cosmic and Spirit types. It's mostly gonna be futa monster-girls. I can add a repellant to the game eventually that mostly dissuades male-monsters from grabbing. I feel I need to say this because I don't want a supporter to feel cheated later.