HTML - Abandoned - Easy Life [v1.2] [PetrolStationRatfuck]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    Version 1.2 (?!) has a whopping 2gigs of images, but since they're gifs, the actual content is very limited - and what is there is pretty cookie cutter, i.e. mediocre writing with short and low quality porn gifs.

    There's a lot of games of this particular genre and scenario, and almost all of them do what they're doing better than this.
    I'll drop by in a year or so, maybe then it'll be worth downloading.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    I'm playing v1.0a and the game is 1.2GB but its just nothing! there is no content there. every passage I click i see the message Not implemented yet, sorry! I think its just a poor compression and nothing is there!
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    Massive download for very very little content. Lots of dead ends, and no real choices at all, bar work jumps from basic working to sucking dick at the first sign of a raise. Maybe in a few months, but right now not worth it at all sadly.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    A gig and change on first release with only three places to go to. I fear the downloads of the future.

    As a first release there is bound to be bugs and sure enough there were. No game breaking bugs that a back arrow couldn't fix.

    For straight playthrough content there isn't much to be seen with the RNG GODS. There is things I missed , but there is only about two weeks of real content so far.

    It is written legibly and there weren't that many goofs for a none English writer so good job.