Nah, sorry. I don't work with lolis, neither, in the case of Sylas, anything that resemble a loli. And the Premium version? Mostly quality improvement and easy access to the gallery. It's my ultimate "fix everything" before releasing it on Steam.
Stay tunned to toss a wishlist to your dungeon master when the game page is up.
Nah, sorry. I don't work with lolis, neither, in the case of Sylas, anything that resemble a loli. And the Premium version? Mostly quality improvement and easy access to the gallery. It's my ultimate "fix everything" before releasing it on Steam.
Stay tunned to toss a wishlist to your dungeon master when the game page is up.
Game has potential but needs some work. These are some notes so far that I made before getting the 3rd party member:
What does the luck stat actually do in this game?
It's a bad idea to let enemies move around during dialogue. It leads to situation like one of them running up to me while I'm reading then starting the first battle right after the game tells me to equip a weapon and allocate points. (thus before I get a chance to do any of that)
Because I chose Saint I quickly noticed that the Taunt skill is a stat debuff. Isn't the whole point of a taunt skill supposed to be to make enemies target a tanky character instead of the squishy ones? And to make skills like Counter and Evasion Mastery actually worth getting?
Poison indicator should show in the main menu screen. Clicking through different menus to check each character individually shouldn't be necessary. (also doesn't show when selecting which character to use purify/herb on)
Do you still get a game over when you die? Some of the games like this, instead of having a game over, you just end up in an infirmary and have to go back and keep trying again.