- Dec 8, 2020
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hmm, maybe it was. i just remember seeing it on TV or movie format a LONG time ago and thinking it was stupid as shit. however the smugglers in the recent dune spice wars has their gas ship thing in it. so i at least know i didn't dream it up. lol (or at least not all of it)I have genuinely zero idea what you are talking about. Maybe that happened in the mini-series?
hmm, i wonder if it's possible to make merging special to military or nobility class personal shielding or something. like the shield generator also has a attuner or something to it that would still protect the user from external forces (physical or energy) but allow the user to 'penetrate' or bypass their target's shielding upon contact.... but that could be weaponized too on bullets or something right? maybe that could be what a modified stunner used to kill would do.I don't think it was ever mentioned how shields interact with each other and I'm pretty certain that they don't merge, but that's a really good idea! It wouldn't just explain the use of melee weapons but also the use of short weapons specifically.
hell yeah i say so!If you say so, tough guy.
hmm... how annoying.THIS
If anything like that was ever mentioned it would completely explain the lack of armor. But alas, no. All the blades are just normal blades, as far as we know.
to me that's distasteful. it speaks a lot about the character of paul, and jessicia if she accepts those advances without consulting duke leto it at all. from porn perspective it's nitori which is a form of NTR. which is subjective and a gray area. to people that 'self insert' as paul in a (duke leto's not me) only i can have the wamenz, it works fine most people are fine with this in porn. (i can do this though i like not needing to) however to a character oriented paul that has his own thoughts morals etc, you'd have to make him a bit of a scum bag having no empathy for his father. (could still work seeing as pual still weaponizes fremen religion, thus prone to greed/need than staying firm on his morals)What are your thoughts on the Jessica situation, being a love interest of the MC (her son Paul), while at the same time being married (to Duke Leto, father of the MC)? Honest question.
i have an idea. probably a bad one. paul could be a flirt. not intentionally romantically flirting with jessica, but he decided his mom would be a good casual practice partner. his hot momma who paul wouldn't mind sharing a bed with if she were single... even though she's his mother. this leads to jessica somewhat misunderstanding and possibly believing he's serious about her. and she goes to leto for advice. leto thinks his 'virgin' (maybe game never specifies and it's left to player imagination, or he went to a brothel and after sex was advised by the hooker to learn to flirt) son suddenly becoming a flirt with his own mother is indeed concerning... but not nearly as so as the family line possibly ending with paul due to hang ups on sex and romance. so he encourages jessica to go as far as she's comfortable with and give him sex ed and romance lessons. but he forgot to say he would not be comfortable with being hole brothers with his own son, and left it to common sense that she wouldn't go THAT far... right?
this effectively enables paul to become a sexual deviant, alia to (player choice) be paul's daughter, quashes most of the scumbag like issues so that paul can stay as his own character, and lastly tones down a lot of the nitori elements that could impact people self inserting as paul.
that being said. one of the biggest things about behind the dune i liked in the early versions was actions and consequences. paul being a porno perv making moves on jessica early was being set up to actually have repercussions with leto. and i kinda wish that idea was kept tbh. it should be player choice to be a perv, romantic womanizer, etc.
last point, some people are into the swinging aspect of it. my probably bad idea, would also enable that. from what i know swingers want sex and no problems afterwords. so a form of father son 'bonding' though sharing jessica would intrest them. (i swear swinging seems to be more about the relationship between men than it does the men with the woman... though you could say simiarly with women in harems often times.)