Hello again! Another work week ends soon, and it is the time for game progress report

In terms of screenshots I don't have much to show as I was focused on writing, however I made this gif, so...
As it was expected, I did some work on level design, but it was not a priority this week. In the teaser video on my Patreon page there was one more rocky location, different from the one I have finished last week. It is in its early stages now, and there is a lot of work to be done, so I keep chipping away at it when I have some spare time.
The player will be required to gather resources to help him / her advance the story. Different resources will be available in different locations. I don't want the players to visit the same place too many times for resources, because at some point it kills any sense of exploration. This is why I am planning on making multiple locations for each "biome".
For gameplay scripting in UE4 I use Blueprints, which is visual node-based programming tool. Not as powerful as C++, obviously, but it gets work done for smaller projects like my game. This week I have started working on the world map and timed missions. If you have played "Dragon Age: Inquisition", you might remember the War Table where you could send your troops to gather some loot for you. Hours later they return and bring you the riches!
I will be working on this mechanic for a few weeks on and off. It isn't the priority now, but I want to slowly build it from the ground up.
Things are going smooth. The sculpt is getting sculpted, and is looking pretty

But I am not going to show it until much later to not to spoil the surprise.
The game is based on complex lore I've spent a lot of time developing. Creative ideas can come to you anywhere any time. I have various notes on my phone, on my work PC and on my home PC. I even have simple paper notebook I like to write at some days, because there is just something cool in the feeling of writing on paper instead of mashing buttons and staring at the screen of your computer.
This week I finally took my time to collect everything in one Scrivener app project. I have started editing and structuring stuff, but to be honest I have overestimated how much lore I have written, and I didn't have enough time to sort and edit all of THAT. My document is almost 40k words. For comparison anything over 50,000 words is considered a novel. Crazy, huh?
When writing comics you always have to think about how stuff will look when the artist draws it. It's like you have written this cool dialogue, and then you realize your characters and just standing there, talking, and basically nothing happens. Boring! Sometimes it is hard to keep this in mind when you are in the flow of writing
Anyway, I've spent quite a bit of time on this during last couple of days, and written one new script for a "side quest" comic. My story contains many "side quests", which are not really optional, but still feel like glorified side quests, so, yeah, I just call them side quests.
It seems to me we will start drawing comics sometime near the end of the year simply because all my funds now go towards making new 3d models, and I can't afford doing so much different stuff at the same time, since I pay the artists from my own salary.
Next week I think I will balance 50/50 level design and animation. I have animation rig ready for the first girl, it is time to make some animations for her!