VN - Ren'Py - Dreamland [v0.4.0p] [Dokiden]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    The render quality is second to none. Even some of the stills are animated. Plus, an original plot that doesn't resort to landladies and roommates. The animated scenes are great as well. All in all, already one of the best.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    Story isent that bad but i am just so tierd of having shit forced on you like LIs and kinks and fake choices like you can say you dont want the two bitches along at the start but then your friend goes against you and the girls and against the promiss of the 4 having a trip together alone, i found that extremly idiotic and just makes it a kinetic story.

    And for what to show the new girls off as lesbians/BI and push the idea that Summer is BI as well? i always found it idiotic to make all girls BI in a game, and also to force MC into getting a BJ by a bitch i wouldent even touch with a 10 ft pole and to force a footjob fetish on you as well and as the player you get 0 choices to tell her to fuck off so again kinetic shit, shes clearly a whore of some kind which also shows to be true in dialogs later and what did she do after giving MC a BJ she ends up fucking MCs friend? lol

    If anything they should have let the idiot friend leave with the 2 random girls on hes own and then go on with their trip without him since he dosent seem to be worth having around if he goes against all of them anyway which is also idiotic when 3 out of 4 votes is no to bring them along, the only thing that would make sense is to leave hes ass behind or not take the random bitches with them.

    Also dont know why devs think everyone is into big tits and make MC the same way its annoying to play when you as the player hate them...MC is even considering cheating on hes new girlfriend just because of some huge tits i mean gimme a break, yet another brainless, cringy and childish MC with a mindset of a 12 year old, its just to boring.

    The only thing thats really good in the game is the quality of renders and animations they are very nice but those alone wont be able to carry a game, story simply has to be there as well or you might as well look at a porn site, and same goes for choices dont make fake choices, make it kinetic if you dont want to put in the work with choices.

    Virgin scene is shit as well, girl has a ton of pain and you even see MCs dick go in and take it out and 0 blood, dont know why so many games cant even that right.

    As for content there is surprisingly very little and i expect this will take alot of years to ever get finished since story has barely even started after more then 1½ years in the makings.

    If it can become good i really dont think so, it would take to big of a change, like a new brain for MC, no forced shit, no fake choices, not turning all girls to lesbians/BIs...i mean its just to much to fix.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    With some pain I must agree with the other negative reviews.
    The graphics are good but that's all.

    The story seemed promising and having some mysterious twist. But as it happens in many erotic games, the actual story is too watered-down with people babbling about nothing .

    The game also begins with some toilet humour about farting which is just bad taste.

    You don't come to the porn for a story, you may say. But you'll be wrong, there are people who actually are after good story with some erotic content, call it porn or not.

    At some moment I started skipping the dialogues and a moment later the game hanged. My computer is quite old but I don't have such problems with 95% of Renpy games so it must be something wrong with the game.

    I just cannot rate it higher, altough it looks quite pretty as I said.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    I am really impressed with this game. The women are beautiful, the GUI is clean, the story is interesting, the renders are amazing, the styling is really cool(love the panning and 3D effects of every shot) and the choices really seem to have a strong impact on how things play out. One of the best "vanilla" VN's I've played so far.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Love the graphics and therefore love the girls! The scale between dialogue and lewd action is imo perfect. I like that through the story you get teased a lot and i get more excited what will come next. Cant wait for more and hopefully it will be soon!
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    This review is as of v0.2.7.

    I enjoy this game. There is definitely too much cock blocking and the writing isn't amazing, but I can live with that. The models are quite attractive and the story is interesting enough.

    The busty redhead and busty tattooed girl are just what the doctor ordered. I suppose I'll have to wait another year or so to see how it goes with them.

    This game really needs the ability to save names. There are too many branches for that not to be part of it.
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    The only thing this game has is the renders, the rest is mediocre.
    Because of all the personalized stuff, transitions and stuff this game runs veery slow, never had this kind of problem with other games on f95, even the AAA ones.
    Most of the chicks are pure sluts, seems to have a inclination to be one or are just unlikeable.
    MCs friend is insufferable.
    MC could be better in personality
    Laughable writing
    Cockblock fest.
    Most of the chicks seems to have no problem of being nude in front of other guys...exhibicionists in the making.
    Weak plot and dumb characters.
    Some forced sexual interactions and kink (footjob)
    Small amount of content for the time the game is being developed.
    Sad to see this level of renders in this kind of game.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    Pretty overrated and mediocre. The game looks quite amazing, no doubt about that. Great looking renders and the girls are hot. However, just because it looks great doesn't mean it plays great. Having these super fancy menus but also having them be slow and unresponsive is not awesome. Not a fan of all of the fade in and fade outs, all it does is slow down the game. When i want to save my game, I expect to be able to hit ESC and go right to the save screen to save quickly, doesn't happen here. As for the gameplay, it's generic. It's just another cliched college love story. Beta MC who is sad about his ex, virgin girl who is overly attached to MC, clowny male best friend and the hot model girl who also has a crush on MC. Also, I can just tell this game is going to be FILLED with drama. The other girls that are brought along with your group of friends are also completely unlikeable, they are just sluts and are literally asking to be fucked. There is literally no reason to pick them because you know they are going to just cause more drama. Overall, pretty dissapointing.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    Good Points
    + Art style and render quality (for pictures) look pretty good.
    + We have well-made animation physics with different angles/positions, but they sometimes look a bit blurry.
    + Most of our choices matter and most of the time it's a good thing.

    Bad Points & Suggestions
    - Unlike most Renpy games our game doesn't open the save menu when we press the right mouse or ESC button, which is something pretty useful and makes saving easier, the feature should be added with the next updates.
    - Save page numbers should be bottom of the save slots, not above, it's another time-wasting thing to have since you gonna save at the last save slot (which is positioned at the bottom right) for changing pages you gotta waste some time to save page, a small but time-wasting UI problem, should be changed with next updates.
    - Lastly, save numbers are not visible after page number 9, so that needs update as well.
    - The writing is not that great, like how Summer and Lea suspect MC peeping on them instead of Alex should make any sense? Or is Lea's path supposed to make any sense at all with all that bullshit going on with Alex? She is hot, but her character (She is basically an egoist slut with no positive character trait) and her whole path are terrible and literally there is no reason to choose at all. The whole path and her character need rework for sure.
    - Most (Some sex scenes are unavoidable) choices being impacted on actions is good, but having too much impact and forcing you to have 3-5 different saves for different girls is annoying and time-wasting.
    - Alex is a very annoying, egoistic, and selfish character and his existence in the game is good enough to count as a bad point. He literally cockblocked his best friend (MC), rule out somewhere with a bullshit excuse, punched out cold because of a slutty girl, and left the middle of nowhere.
    - Girls don't have unique characters, most of them have basic slutty characters and only Mei is different, but she is too prude it's kind of annoying, so can't say the love interests of MC are actually ''interesting'' at all.
    - Nearly every damn scene ends up with MC getting cockblocked. He got cockblocked by Mei being a virgin and can't handle the pain, got cockblocked by Alex, then got cockblocked while watching porn... Like seriously? What's next? Getting cockblocked while dreaming? SMH...

    For The End
    With all due to my respect for the current state of the game, the only good thing going with the game is render quality and well-made animations, other than that there is nothing and even most of those sex animations end up with MC getting cockblocked... So not sure I can even count them as good points for real.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    -Render are wonderful
    -Scene are top tier!
    -Story are looking good but still too short for amount of time that take for one update but hoping for more
    -Character looking very good!

    -The disgusting alex toilet scene sound
    -Will be 5 stars without alex
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    As of v0.2.6.
    Woah, let me just say I enjoyed playing Dreamland! Well, not exactly all of it, but I would still give it 5 stars.
    First off, I was blown away by the beautiful visuals and character design. I can't decide which girl is my favourite! Danielle and Lea are both hot, but there's something so sexy about Mei, I can't put my finger on it.

    -The game features top-tier renders and animations.
    -I would love it if the animations were a bit longer.
    -The female characters are insanely hot, and there are many of them even up to this update.
    -The story is fine, with a little bit of mystery involved.
    -I'm still not sure how much impact the decisions will have, but it's certain that you can go back and choose other options to get different scenes.
    -You cannot change some things because they are pre-determined. Example: Lea and Danielle go with you even if you disagree, however, I guess it's important for the further development of the story.

    I would love it if this continues, so I recommend you play it, but those were some issues that I found a bit unappealing.
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    TL/DR: Dreamlands is undeniably pretty and undeniably...PRETTY GENERIC! It is another one of these college fuck games where you play as a reedy college age kid who looks like a 5'8" 15 year old on a 1600 calorie diet. It is porny and boring. If high quality renders and scene content with 4 to 8 short animation loops, a small protagonist, and a mediocre story appeal to you go wild.

    + Renders are gorgeous and high detailed.
    + Scene writing is passable. But I'd prefer more positions ect over short animations. [personal tastes on that one.]
    + Environments and backgrounds are really beautiful. Goddamed trees and water looking really sexy in this shit.
    +I like nice girl crush romances so Mei is pretty charming.
    + The premise of going on a big party trip with your close friends and bumping into all sorts of different character as you progress through is somewhat interesting.
    + The gal with braids is mega hot.

    - The pacing is hot garbage. Path build up is not very organic and relies on meaningless libertine fuckin.
    - Watching this protag fuck stuff is not hot.
    - All the fart jokes are not funny, I guess I left that part of my humor back in like 7th grade or something.
    -MC is annoying.
    -I dislike playing as small wimpy protagonists.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    This is great game, in future it will definitely become one of most popular ones here. Story, characters and renders are awesome quality. I am really curious about mystery/ horror elements we will get in the future.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Nice visuals, beautiful models, a very good plot and a really damn good UI. It's just great. What else can I say. Just hope it doesn't get abandoned.

    Things that can be improved:

    1. Let's not jump on the kinky stuff right away. Let things go slowly and let the relationships build.

    2. Add a few scenes where you have to click around a bit to progress further. Doesn't sound like a huge improvement but some interaction adds to the immersion.

    3. Add an older character model (maybe a milf... or two) that actually look their age. Hot yet at the same time, visibly a little mature.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Version: [v0.2.6]

    Renders: 5/5
    Renders are of great quality, paired with 'perfect' angles and lighting which makes for sexy scenes that are pure eye candy.

    Story & Dialogue: 4/5
    The plot is coherent and flows naturally. The dialogue between the characters are also good although there are some conversations that seem too verbose when it only calls for casual words.

    Animations: 5/5
    Animations are 'well choreographed' and paired with great angles which is absolutely important and other creators/animators out there tend to forget about it.

    Sound & Music: 5/5
    The game has fitting music that doesn't ruin the vibe of the scene which is already a plus compared to a game with no music at all or having mismatched music. Could it have better music? Subjectively, yes but to me it's already great.
  16. 1.00 star(s)


    Unbiased Review of DreamLand

    -Amazing renders, decent animation
    -Nice character designs.
    -decent amount of tease.
    -Classic cabin in the woods vibes. Slasher/horror type.

    -Li's sometimes look too similar with their body types. They're all gymshark sponsored models or something.
    -Milfs should look like Milfs

    -Forced paths. You get blueballed if you pick any other girl.

    -Stereotypical Childhood best friend that loves you type thing needs to die.

    -2 years already and its slowed to a crawl. One year since the last update.

    Overall a 1/5 for me, because the first release is wayyy too short. You can't draw in a crowd with that much and expect it to trend. Update is taking over a year now, as of this edit.

    Writing feels like you're meant to care for certain characters when there's absolutely no reason to. The fanboys and white knights will defend games to their deaths but this one is only headed for one place and that's where Lefrench and yunogasai is.
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    Hocked me with great renders and lost me with everything else.

    Playing games regardless of what type is relaxation for me, but how about "lockdowns and pandamic"... yeah f*** off dev!

    So we get to know the four main characters via an emberassing facetime: one on the toilet, two just masturbated and the last one who called them.

    The make a deal to go to "DREAMLAND" in four months... when the lockdown is over.

    While on the trip there they meet two girls, one of them the MC and his buddy saw on a dating app, buddy decides "his car, his rules" and against the protestation of the group the girls are in.

    Some dryhumping later they arrive at the campingsite in a forest.

    Girls change get peeped on think it is mc, going for a swim, blueball him and steal his trunks as punishment. Just before the nice family (dad, older daughter and younger son) arrive.

    And now to the point that pisses me off the most, you are now faced with the decision who you want to fuck: Mia, Lea or Daniella.
    BUT WAIT: Dev thought it would be fun to push his choice, meaning only one is right the others to get you punished...

    Choice Mia: Stargazing followed by her painful first just the tip and you wanking.
    Choice Lea: Drop some horny pills, some here some there and before it gets good your buddy lies about Daniella lures you into the forest, suckerpunshes you and leaves you. Because he likes Lea.
    Choice Daniella: Dad from the neighbor tent interrupts you in the action just to threaten you about his daughter.

    So you are forces into a romance, because Dev said so. If you don't take it you also get guittripped by Mias thoughts.

    Just WTF Dev sit down 6 (or f) and try again.
  18. 1.00 star(s)


    Renders are top-tier but holy shit is the writing in this game a trashfire.
    Alex needs a brick to the face, fart jokes and toilet humour in general are the least funny thing I can think of, the fact that Summer suspects the MC of being a peeper despite Alex being the one who's been a creep the entire trip is beyond ridiculous, it's clear Mei's in love with the MC but somehow none of her best friends have been able to pick up on it (even though she's been quite obvious about it), then when she has sex with the MC suddenly all he can think of is his ex which we've been told nothing about aside from her name.

    No idea what Dokiden was smoking when he wrote this trainwreck of a game but he needs to seriously start over from scratch.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Review for 0.2.3
    WhenI saw lea's t*ts bouncing in the car scene I already knew that this was a five star game. Because that sh*t is effort right there, just going that extra mile to make the game stand out from a really good game to an absolute masterpiece. The girls in general are absolutely smoking hot by the way, I dont know a lot of games which reach this kind of level.

    Storyline seems mysterious and kind of creepy (which is the intent it seems) so well done. The story is not very far yet so cant really review that but good beginnings. All in all, highly recommended.
  20. 3.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 2093814

    I played this for around half an hour and completely lost interest.

    The reason?

    Okay, after playing a mass of games on here over the years I've learned that the ones I tend to like the most have not only good renders, but likeable characters and a half decent story. Unfortunately this only ticked the renders box for me.

    The story and characters are just so shallow.

    *** SPOILERS***

    So a group of close friends get together for a spring vacation. Right from the start you just know that MC's best bud is going to be one of these typical selfish, moronic types that only has bobs and vag in the brain.

    When the friends meet a pair of weird, edgy girls at a gas station asking for a lift, Alex the dumbass bro basically says "My car, so we take them, end of"...despite them all agreeing earlier to not pick up anyone and the girls who are his friends saying don't take this sketchy pair.

    Yeah, great start! good friend...not.

    Oh, and one also has her ex's drugs with them...*slow clap*

    Alex sure is smart huh?

    The 2 new girls I just found unlikable pretty much. The main one that everyone seems to be simping over, Lea, is a Megan Fox lookalike that looks perpetually pissed off.

    As soon as they all stop at a lake, Lea starts groping Summer (yep), one of MC's friends...then tells Summer that MC must have been spying on them and so talks her into doing some sexual stuff with the MC as part of a faux threesome in revenge. Summer just goes happily along with this and doesn't think to ask her friend she's known a lot longer than the Fox clone, "Hey did you spy on us?"

    She is obviously as retarded as Alex.

    No amount of great renders could change that Lea is just a manipulative, selfish, druggy skank. Actually both the new girls were skanks. Yeah, pass.
    But yeah these 2 dodgy girls come along and literally start taking over this supposed close knit group of friends who just dance to their tune.

    Really? the plot is just dumb.

    Yes the renders are pretty good but Lea/Danielle forced into the group of friends just killed it for me totally. It could have been great with a bunch of good friends, instead we got a brainless dickhead Alex along with Summer suddenly becoming a slut in the making.

    The only thing that could have saved this for me is Mei being an expert in Martial Arts and knocking the shit out of these 2 skanks before they all end up in deep shit...then taking off with MC.

    I am only giving 3 stars and that's purely down to the renders.
    The fact that the *cough* story or characters did not keep me interested in the first half an hour made me reluctant to spend any more time on this.

    Good renders but very poor story and characters in my view.