3.90 star(s) 94 Votes


Twins Basil! Twins!
Jul 26, 2023
I wiped out my persistent file to redo all my paths now the branching is getting spread out. I forgot that would wipe out all my cards and now I can't find two of them. I've searched the thread, but the spots for these 2 are not listed anywhere.

I know they were a long time ago for most of you, but can anyone remember, I can't.

Alice 2 (g_a_2) - Two Moons
Lea/Alice 1 (g_al_1) - Flower Shower
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Nov 2, 2020
Reminds me of something that was on the updates page a few years ago where the beginning starts out with like witnessing a cult murder then getting some drain bamage and the whole 'town' (one city block with a few beach POIs) was free to roam like even the cemetery where the prologue starts. This premise sounds like that. Finna give it a watch.

Mementos Mori

Jul 13, 2022
I played this when the initial release dropped and vaguely remembered it being a little too style over substance but pretty decent overall. Playing the latest release tho... I tell ya, I've gotta get checked for early onset alzheimer's or something. It's so much worse. It's like the writer for this decided to write in a way to piss me of specifically. Like he watched L O S T and decided- "You know, I can do worse than that." and then proceeded to speedrun Damon Lindelof's entire movie catalog so he could use it as his major influence.

Some random thoughts on the characters:

1)Alex, the class dipshit and scatological humour provider and amateur vomiteur... who's also an obsessed murderer at worst or a pervert woodsman at best, gets caught with his hand in the cookie jar and MURDERS THE GIRL THAT CAUGHT HIM! well, no. We just bait and switch and tell the viewer that despite being a shit-for-brains, he manages to convince a girl that a) doesn't like him and; b) doesn't trust him that there's nothing weird afoot, really. Nothing at all. No sir. And not only that, she's both going to keep this information from her friend (with whom she's "scamming" the group) AND she's now going to help him take down posters of a missing girl because... DUNNO! And that would normally not be a problem if it weren't for the fact that I doubt the writer knows either.

2)Danielle, best friends with Lea with whom she shares everything, apart from information that could probably save her life in the future. Why doesn't she share this information? Whatever, don't worry about it.

3)Summer, finally found after being Gone for like 8 years, now she's up to going partying with her friends and her friends alone, absolutely no outsiders allowed. Until 5 minutes later when she decides the clearly sketchy girl that hitchhiked with them is totally okay to not only grope her but also have a threesome with; a threesome with a guy with whom she's been friends with for like 2+ years at that point, a guy that SHE SHOULD KNOW her best friend has the hots for. Why? So the porno can happen! And let's completely ignore her finding a bloody knife in the backseat of a car and instead of handing it to the MC so he can defend them or keeping it so she can show it to the cops... nah. It just disappears, just like the knife in The Last Jedi. Now watch as the cafe guy turns out to be a just hunter who had a half dead deer in the back of hist truck. True Rian Johnson moment. Expectations subverted, fuck yeah!

4)Lea, the girl with the drugs; the drugs the police search for once they're close to town. Really, let me mention it again, the police will search for those. But don't worry about it, she can totally hide them. No problem. Why isn't it a problem? Because it never comes up again even though it's mentioned twice. Hell, the police even let Willie "Nelson" McSnoopdawg and his 7 bongs get to the town with no problem. But seriously, they're looking for drugs.

5)And then there's Keyser fucking Soze. AKA Mei. Mei, the girl who's too embarrassed to have people know she's a virgin even though she's been planning to have sex with this one guy she has a crush on for months. If it's him she wants and no one else, then why's she so fucking mortified? DUNNO! Mei, the girl who's the nicest person in the world, who's so insecure and timid... but who's also a party girl who dumps her friends so she can get to the place they're going to early so she can... throw a party? And then gets surprised when they show up even though she knows they were heading there?? Maybe it was her plan to clean it up before they arrived and she ruined the car on purpose to stall them (even though Lea tells you the car was sabotaged AFTER she had left the group) but then did she never think that they might get a cab? OR FUCKING HITCH-HIKED??? Besides, what was the point to all of that? She's secretly a drug dealer and all that nice and nervous thing was just an act and the party is just cover for a deal?? Did the writer forget that we had access to her inner monologue and that if she -really- was like that, that we should have known? Or maybe she has multiple personality disorder that her friends never caught a hint of for years. Or a twin. Or she's actually an alien. Or, most likely, the writer has no fucking idea.

6)I'm far too fed up to even mention the MC but how disinterested he is when his girlfriend's phone is blowing up out of nowhere or that he doesn't bother to check with his girl when he gets invited on a LINGERIE PHOTO SHOOT or, even worse, when she goes missing and he decides "eh, fuck it" because apparently going to Dreamland is more important than his girlfriend who he said he loved suddenly vanishing while leaving all her shit behind and telling him not to call the cops. Because that's not sketch at all. And then you DO run into the cops and say... nothing. And then he thinks he's going to get murdered and runs into the cops AGAIN and STILL he says nothing even though he hasn't been able to contact her again. Absolute fucking shitheel retard. I hope he dies. Violently.

I read a few pages back and some of the reviews and a common complaint was people not liking the characters. You want to know why? 3 reasons: 1) They're amoral or outright immoral, as in, they don't know or don't care about the difference between right and wrong, which is usually a trait common with villains, not with girls the MC is supposed to want to get with; 2) They're terribly inconsistent. Say one thing now; say the exact opposite 5 minutes later; 3) They're mere vessels for what the writer thinks is coolest. Which in the case of this game is the bait and switch.

And if only it were just the bait and switch. But it's not. It's also JuJu Abrams' patented Mystery Box (tm) AKA confuse the viewer with a multitude of unrelated plot points most of which are never going to be resolved in any way approaching reasonable, if they're not outright forgotten about.

"But hey, it's just a porno. Most of the ones on this site are kinda incompetently written, is this one REALLY that bad?"
Well, most of them are also earnest and aren't presuming to give you something they're incapable of delivering. Not this one. Think of every plotline that's deliberately been left hanging (as teases) and try to figure out how many justifications that are reasonable within the context and world of the story do you have to properly resolve them. You'll quickly find out that few of them can be justified and most can barely be excused. Some can't, even. Not without yet more idiotic bait and switches. And this is because this writer clearly knows a few narrative tricks, just not the basics. And they're just the absolute fucking worst tricks he could've picked, in my personal opinion. So when you combine the bait and switch AND the mystery box, you get the narrative equivalent of someone pissing on your head and telling you it's raining. And when you tell them this isn't rain they keep piddling and telling you "no, wait I got more". Now I'm wet and smelly and in dire need of a shower.

Apologies if certain sensibilities were harmed. I needed the rant.
I can say that i like the mystery and all, it has a charm but yeah it confuses me that the characters change so much, like i don't know if it's a writing problem or it's supposed to be like that like why the fuck Mei is there all serious in a party after abandoning his friends and her crush? dafuq


Twins Basil! Twins!
Jul 26, 2023
  • Yay, update!
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Steam Fanboy
Feb 25, 2024
Thanks Buddy, you're a lifesaver. It was driving me insane. I remembered Lea's pocket, and thought I'd gone and got that one. Obviously not. I'd completely forgotten that one on Mei's route. (y)
I deleted the messages because they had gotten huge, did you manage to get them?


Engaged Member
May 14, 2023
I have a theory about Mei's behavior. Apparently she sobatage their trip so she could spend the night at their house throwing a party with a lot of people - but why?
The serial killer-salesman mentioned her and that she was buying a pack of condoms, but none of her friends know about this.
She is clearly a virgin and i thought that she bought condoms for sex with MC, but in the first scene we see that she is not ready, she’s afraid of something, maybe she’s afraid that MC won’t like sex with her so much that he won’t be with her anymore and she decided with someone (someone writes a message to her phone) sobatage their trip for 1 day so that at the party she will get drunk, pretend to be someone else and fucks, so that when they have the first time with MC she already had experience/.
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Active Member
Sep 27, 2018
I have a theory about Mei's behavior. Apparently she sobatage their trip so she could spend the night at their house throwing a party with a lot of people - but why?
The serial killer-salesman mentioned her and that she was buying a pack of condoms, but none of her friends know about this.
She is clearly a virgin and i thought that she bought condoms for sex with MC, but in the first scene we see that she is not ready, she’s afraid of something, maybe she’s afraid that MC won’t like sex with her so much that he won’t be with her anymore and she decided with someone (someone writes a message to her phone) sobatage their trip for 1 day so that at the party she will get drunk, pretend to be someone else and fucks, so that when they have the first time with MC she already had experience/.
Nope, would be classified as NTR.
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Active Member
Nov 19, 2021
I have a theory about Mei's behavior. Apparently she sobatage their trip so she could spend the night at their house throwing a party with a lot of people - but why?
The serial killer-salesman mentioned her and that she was buying a pack of condoms, but none of her friends know about this.
She is clearly a virgin and i thought that she bought condoms for sex with MC, but in the first scene we see that she is not ready, she’s afraid of something, maybe she’s afraid that MC won’t like sex with her so much that he won’t be with her anymore and she decided with someone (someone writes a message to her phone) sobatage their trip for 1 day so that at the party she will get drunk, pretend to be someone else and fucks, so that when they have the first time with MC she already had experience/.
I don't think so, I think the big secret and her behavior has to do with her being the reason the ex left and disappeared. She is in love with MC, so I think she did something in my opinion.
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Engaged Member
May 14, 2023
Nope, would be classified as NTR.
I don't think so, I think the big secret and her behavior has to do with her being the reason the ex left and disappeared. She always loved MC, so she did something in my opinion.
She met MС only at the uni, she didn’t know him! She saw that he was very sad and came to console him after she saw something in her room! Maybe she saw in her room, where she was supposed to live with MC’s girlfriend, like she cheated on him!
Cheating its not NTR!
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Oct 7, 2020
Just played through this for the first time, gotta say its a pretty good VN with potential and story twists. Sex scenes are good, not the best ever but solid. I'll be back for more.

Of course its incomplete but still worth it.


Oct 17, 2022
I read everything and I still stopped understanding what is going on in this game. I feel like it all bounces between sex scenes and plot points without directly connecting anything. Dev has a talent for great renders but they should hire a writer. First two chapters went well but there's something off with this one.
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simply BEN

Active Member
Aug 22, 2017
The sex scene with Summer could be more explicit.
It doesn't show anything :(
I approve, finally penetration is happening with summer and we can´t even see it... and why have she has closed her eyes the whole time is beyond my understanding, as if she is asleep, drugged or unconscious.


Engaged Member
May 14, 2023
I read everything and I still stopped understanding what is going on in this game. I feel like it all bounces between sex scenes and plot points without directly connecting anything. Dev has a talent for great renders but they should hire a writer. First two chapters went well but there's something off with this one.
Apparently you didn’t read well or didn’t understand something! What don't you understand?

A game about teenage students who, due to the pandemic, haven’t seen each other for a year. After the pandemic, they decided to all get together and go on spring break to DreamLand. Where, according to the game's lore, the craziest parties, drugs and a lot of unbridled sex take place! Before arriving, a group of friends decide to spend the night on the lake, before they meet two girls who left their boyfriends. Then sex-teasing flares up among MC and potential LIs, "love" story with Mei, in one of the "first endings" we learn about the missing girl and it seems to us that Alex did it, but then everything falls into place and the mushrooms are to blame for everything. Mei disappears for an unknown reason, friends drive on and stop at an amusement park where several sex scenes take place. Yes, after this update with the park, it seemed that the game had lost its charm, but in the new one it returned it with double interest!

In the new update, the sex scene with Summer, is boring, although the photo shoot was great. Again a hint of a horor moment, we find out with who Leah and Daniella were with, find out about MC past, his girlfrien Jacklyn, we unexpectedly meet Mei at the end of the update - this is some kind of cliffhanger!

This story has a hint of a thriller-horror on teenage setting.
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Apr 15, 2019
Okay so, slasher? friend mentally unstable, maybe killed someone?, 2 random girls who want to bone constantly? "main love interest" goes missing, but is at main destination out of nowhere, seemingly chilling, throwing a party?

Follow through with one thought please, some answers need to be given or something. because right now, to me Mei was the one that sabotaged the car, hell, Mei could also be the one who killed the old gf or that other girl (I dunno, I'm confused), but red herrings have been thrown out so often that I don't know what's going on.

I'm going to be honest, this isn't fun to read.
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Oct 6, 2024
Wasn't there supposed to be a card here? I formatted the PC and apparently the scenes and cards disappeared, I had to replay but I noticed that this card didn't appear.

3.90 star(s) 94 Votes