- Jun 16, 2017
- 540
- 749
wow, i review this demo on wednesday and its already saturday and we already have a 0.2.0? wow, you should be hard working or i dont know what to expect. lets take a look on what we got this time shall we?
I undersetood that, sorry if my post was confusing. I hate first person, floating dicks and transparent bodies. SO I picked C as first and B as second. I ment that as an additional list of unliked options in these game styles.i think he more mean " you see through the eyes, soo if you look down you can see your whole body, like in reality. and not just get invisible body or transparent.
its perfectly possible to do.
As for the point of view, I think C is by far the most appropriate. Given that we have a pre-defined main character retelling his experience, the camera focus should mimic that of a movie--where the focus shifts between points of interest following the main character's gaze and pulling back to show the main character's actions and interactions with others where appropriate.Right now during alpha, most of images and renders are just place holders for storyboarding. When we hit beta we intend to reshoot a lot of the images to improve composition, lighting, expressions, modeling, etc.
So the question I'd like to pose to the forum is this.
When reading a story that takes place in the first person, which do you prefer:
A. Visuals that are shot completely from the first person, you see only what the character would see.
B. Visuals shot from the third person, the main character has a face and expressions of his own.
C. Visuals that are more dynamic and move throughout the scene drawing the readers attention to things of interest.
Maybe we'll throw together some renders for comparison and do a poll later. But at the end of the day we are still deciding on our final visual style, and I'm just curious what some of the opinions are.
Since we are just storyboarding and laying out the foundations for the decision trees and variables, we are just dumping out completed scenes as we do them. We rotate with each other the tasks of scripting, coding, modeling, rendering, etc. So we are moving at a pretty fair pace. When we hit beta we'll go back and actually polish the renders and fine tune the flow of the dialogue and story.wow, i review this demo on wednesday and its already saturday and we already have a 0.2.0? wow, you should be hard working or i dont know what to expect. lets take a look on what we got this time shall we?
As one of the writers I agree with this 100%. The dialogue between Roger and his therapist is a little clunky right now because none of us have ever actually spoken to a therapist (but we could all probably benefit from it.). If you have suggestions or resources we could study to make the psychology dialogue more genuine, we'd be happy to put in the effort. We want the story to have a strong element of believability and we want the dialogue to drive the action, not magic talismans or date rape drugs.I think the writer could benefit from learning a bit about how therapists actually interact with paitents during sessions (ofc keeping in mind this a porn game with its attendent limitations).
WOW, pretty good work, keep working on it mate. i didnt know that you where working so hard on it :eazyHype:Since we are just storyboarding and laying out the foundations for the decision trees and variables, we are just dumping out completed scenes as we do them. We rotate with each other the tasks of scripting, coding, modeling, rendering, etc. So we are moving at a pretty fair pace. When we hit beta we'll go back and actually polish the renders and fine tune the flow of the dialogue and story.
We know some people will want to wait until we have more substance before trying it, others expressed an interest in playing what we got as we got it. So we're throwing it out there and letting you decide what to do with it.
We are on track to do v0.3.0 before the weekend is up, but it may be a middle to end of next week before we get to v0.4.0 just because the render times are atrociously slow.
Our pleasure. Be sure to let us know what you think!Thank you for download!
Considering this will be your first game as a team, why not actually start from something that you guys actually know about? No offense intended, but if you want to make things believable (which looks like what you want to do because you seem to set the bar high), it might be better to start from something you're comfortable with.As one of the writers I agree with this 100%. The dialogue between Roger and his therapist is a little clunky right now because none of us have ever actually spoken to a therapist (but we could all probably benefit from it.)
A very fair question, and no offense was taken. To answer the question, 90% of the therapeutic dialogue is going to take place in the first ten minutes of the game. The therapist really just provides the catalyst for telling the story. The sessions with the Dr. are more or less just the one element that knots together 11 different and over-lapping plot lines being told in parallel.Considering this will be your first game as a team, why not actually start from something that you guys actually know about? No offense intended, but if you want to make things believable (which looks like what you want to do because you seem to set the bar high), it might be better to start from something you're comfortable with.
I failed to add that this model has also inspired additional characters. We want this to be the first of a series of stories with the same doctor. Our first story is about Roger and his sexual addictions.So the story is less about the therapist, and more about the therapist as an excuse to tell these other stories in a parallel and non-linear fashion.
While I completely understand the reasoning and purpose of taking this direction, I'm just going to stay on the fence for now and see how it goes after more content is available.Then the therapist idea came up. It was a method of liberating the story in several ways. The first, is that each story could now have an independent plot with overlapping and intermingling elements with other storylines. The second, is that players won't have to slog through love stories with characters they aren't interested in. We are writing scenes with what we call "short-circuits". It's a way out of the story line of characters you don't care to experience. Don't like the Japanese business woman dominatrix stuff? Then shut her down and short-circuit that story. Go back to enjoying the plot lines you do like.
Hey @RomanHume , I quite like the concept of the novel and kinda want to see more about the direction you are heading with the novel, but also, those tier ranks on Patreon are really confusing me. For example, if I were to pledge 10$, is that only Julia and Samantha that are in the reward or are the other below in it as well?
So we've opted for a binary decision tree in each story. We have what we call the "nice guy" route, which is the gentlemen's gentleman. These decisions will lead to more romantic, passionate seductive type stories. Then we have what we call the "hard guy" route. He's more dominant, manipulative, and doesn't take shit off of anyone. As the story progresses, you make conversation choices that rack up points in either of the two play styles. These points will be used to determine the outcomes of particular scenes. (Our coding style thus far has been, the top choice is nice guy, the bottom choice is hard guy. We make no effort to hide that.)Hey @RomanHume And since I like playing a more dominant route in games if I can, is this only if you play the seduction/romantic route or is it also if you are playing the more dominant route? A little clarification is needed (at least for me) on those tiers, they look to fishy for me at first glance.
But please, keep up the good work you are doing so far.
I appreciate you taking the time to share your thoughts on the matter. Since this is our first foray into the AIF/VN/etc world, we are very interested in gathering as many opinions as possible. Market data on this segment is hard to come by, and getting feedback from writers, fans and participants in this genre is very valuable!While I completely understand the reasoning and purpose of taking this direction, I'm just going to stay on the fence for now and see how it goes after more content is available.
I'm more of a fan of the single linear plot-line that moved through the main character's life. The beauty of that is the balance between love interests (interesting characters with their personalities), the timing of the scenes (pacing of the storyline), and the interaction between the characters (world-building that is coherent and not segmented). It's obviously very difficult to do, but at the same time, it's exactly why a game/story can be masterpiece when they managed to pull those off.
All the best though, I'm looking forward to see how this game goes in the future.
sounds like my life :FeelsBadMan:The story is pretty bare bones at the moment and development has only been underway for about two weeks.
But updates are being added about every two to three weeks, so things should be moving along at a fair clip.
Not sure what this game is about yet?