Complete honesty, I don't fully understand the first half.
Quite possible it isn't rational. I'm working off fuzzy memory here - I had to reread my earlier, year old comment draft and go from there. At this point this exchange is fresher in my memory than either the game or my thoughts back then.
It may be just, there is such a thing as trying too hard.
Perhaps that is on me; I value control and clarity, and I don't think I've ever been seriously drunk in my life.
As means of an analogy: If you'd only ever have sex while on drugs, can you really tell if it's good? Which I believe is kind of the case here, as exemplified by my likening her to a dealer using her own product.*
It's compounded by the obvious lack of conscious selfcontrol, seeing how the temple scene plays out.
And there's no way to ever bring that up, no way to say "you're a bit much, but it's ok".
failed to explain something properly and gave a darker impression than intended.
Charm magic mostly accentuates what the target is already feeling.
Maybe that isn't communicated sufficiently, or probably I just overlooked it or forgot (been months between updates in the past, after all, and I didn't get that feeling when first playing).
But, once that trust wasn't there, she kind of creeped me out.
In a way, Sarah reminded me of other game's Yandere characters in her momentary obsessiveness - minus the jealousy, if that even makes any sense.
Which most likely wasn't what you were going for. Just as I really wasn't going for criticising your direction;
It sounds like something I thought was harmless
It probably was.
I am aware the whole camp is basically a therapy circle, and behavior that raises warning flags for me is probably the point.
I mostly answered this now while gathering my thoughts about (before there's a year of distance again and I'm not sure
why I had an opinion^^), but I should probably get back to it - it's literally been >10 months. Your explanation of intent is already influencing my outlook, so I'm not sure if could even still advocate my own past position if that was my intent. I appologize if it's a bit of a mess.
Maybe I could start over to get a fresher feel for it;
I do remember that back when I thought I should have started with Earth magic, as there wasn't a teacher for that around at the time, and it promised more interesting interactions.
Edit: I consider it quite fascinating how your intention may diverge from my interpretation, but knowing your intention might change my interpretation, in the same way that the solution to a problem can be "obvious" in hindsight.
*Also, to adress my earlier analogy, I'm aware that there's people, good friends or in a relationship, that meet up and get wasted on the regular - that doesn't mean there's anything wrong with that, just that I can plainly not relate.