Disturbed by lolicon and bestiality.


Respected User
Former Staff
Aug 6, 2016
It's true that only the younger kids are "desensitized" by violent/gory/sexual content since they are so impressionable. But we are talking repeated exposure during a very young age range so it would be the parent's fault for that. Now, if an older teen or an adult comes across that content, they generally don't act on it. The reason for that is their brain gets the difference between reality and fantasy. So that's true, too.
But remember... most criminals who had access to cellphones, computers, and tablets have been found to have content related to their crimes on their digital media. It's not reported on anymore since it's no longer shocking and is to be expected. At the most, I might have seen a sentence or 2 like "authorities seized the computer and found videos with violent content" or "authorities found sexual images on his/her computer during a search of the laptop."
And oftentimes, when loli content is found, they will search all of that person's computers, phones, hard drives, usb drives, etc. Unfortunately for some of you, loli content is viewed as the "gateway" to harder content which in some cases is true. It's like a numbers or betting game and the law won't take any chances.
They are looking for child content and in some cases where actual child content is found, there is a chance they have victimized a child. Based on various studies, the rate of those possessing that material who have already hurt a child range from 4-24% and only 1-4% of those who have not hurt a child eventually become a molester. The reasoning behind this to is get those who have not touched a child some help and therapy and to put those who have molested a child behind bars. The law's true motivation is that "no child should ever be molested".
The numbers may seem low but according to some estimates, only 1-10% of child sex crimes are reported. But child molesters have a much higher recidivism (re-offense) rate then rapists. It may seem like overkill but stopping one child from being a victim is worth all this.


Apr 27, 2017
I`ve heard more than one time before "of course it`s true, i saw it on tv" but never heard before "It can`t be true. I haven`t seen it on tv yet". There`s always a first time.

And i thought the very reason of the famous 7th rule was exactly "we don`t need that kind of attention".


Respected User
Former Staff
Aug 6, 2016
@Crusoe Yes it's the general idea.. we don't want the attention that young loli content brings.
We have to rent servers from a business and find a host for the site. I bet you that neither one of those would accept underage loli content being hosted or on their hard drives. If they say "No!", then there's no more F95zone.
For those of you trying to defend or push young or extreme loli content.. do you get it now? If you don't, then we don't want you here.
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Apr 27, 2017
@Crusoe Yes it's the general idea.. we don't want the attention that young loli content brings.
We have to rent servers from a business and find a host for the site. I bet you that neither one of those would accept underage loli content being hosted or on their hard drives. If they say "No!", then there's no more F95zone.
For those of you trying to defend or push young or extreme loli content.. do you get it now? If you don't, then we don't want you here.
I was replying to the "i`ve not seen it on the tv yet" guy. That`s why i mentioned the reason why that rule exists.


Respected User
Former Staff
Aug 6, 2016
@Crusoe Yup. I was agreeing with your point. Hopefully mr "i didn't see it on tv" reads the post. :D


Active Member
Aug 8, 2016
If you can't jack off to it then play another game, Jesus.

I really can't wrap my head around these posts. Do you struggle to jack off to normal porn as well knowing that ********** exists? The answer is likely a big fat "No", because you don't go looking for that shit.

So why do people get so triggered by games that have some fucked up fetishes? Just avoid them if they repulse you just like I avoid loli/futa/NTR and all of those fetishes.

I'll never understand why there's so many people who want to ruin games just because they don't like the fetishes involved. Don't like NTR? Find another game. Don't like Loli? Find another game. Don't like [insert fetish here], FIND ANOTHER GAME.

P.S - To the guy implying that Shota/Loli can lead to real life child abuse and then citing "law enforcement targeting it" as evidence, all I can say is lol. Since when is that an argument? Either provide a study showing any sort of correlation (never mind causation) or else back off that crappy argument.

TL;DR - Find another game that gets you off and stop the obnoxious whining. All it does is completely fucks up projects because it makes game creators think that the vocal minority who whine about everything, are actually a majority.
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silver surfer
May 30, 2017
we can debate about this nonstop...

i will finish this :)

1. the nickname loli is from Vladimir Nabokov book Lolita and the real meaning is not little girl child but young girl who his looking and react and is provocative like adult women
2. it is exaggerated saying that people which playing games or read comics with loli are pedophiles, like everybody who is reading a comic book or playing a game with graphic violence is potential killer - and they cant charge somebody because he hurt some draw or cartoon person.
3. people are hypocrites, something is art, something not, what about Nabokov, or Kubrick, or David Hamilton or artist, writers, sculptors, movie makers, in one word - art from ancient times until now?
4. in every one of us are inner borders, if we have emotions and conscience, we know what we are, we don't need ask anothers for answer, i can say from myself i have borders, in loli theme too.
5. that i (or something other) upload game or comics with some sensitive tematic (and sometime with mistake) is only because (i or something other) is trying add diferent fetishes, for most everyone, this forum is something like supermarket
6. but i won't break the current law or rules, i know is paradox telling about law in this forum, but thats it....not only because me but because others people too

thats all, have a nice day or night
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May 26, 2017
This thread is so much fun to read and personally the last rule doesn't bother me at all , it's even flexible lol
For example "Life with a slave" don't tell me the girl is legal , shes a minor and you literally have an option called "Molest" playing that would make me a pedobear or a rapist ?
Take a look at "Girl Knight Milk [Shoku]"(haven't tried this game) this heroine doesn't seem to be legal either not even close to puberty..just slapping in some cow tits or horse dick can make a difference it seems , tell that to the feds , just a prank bro:test: this is pretty close to a ~8-9 years from seeing the thumbnail...
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Now don't get me wrong when i frist posted here about a few tags that may have been taken wrong by the righteous fanaticism , those are the things i don't even stand in fictional work be it games , movies , novels or whatever the fk but i don't go and make a fuss to others who have no issues with it if it's purely fictional
-I am a gamer and i have an open mind but still that does not make me a murderer , rapist or anything else just for consuming fictional work , theres a obvious line between fiction and reality
And regarding those mentally ill criminals found with minor pornographic do you guys really thinks it's fiction or the real fking deal ? i bet it's the later , rotten "souvenirs"
Final words on lolis/lolicon , Japan tried to ban it but it ended in failure ... :test3: ?
We should all abolish the pornographic content alltogheter and even violence fictional works , live in a bubble for the rest of humanity
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Sorry for the potato English tho
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Bob The Bot

Mar 18, 2018
The fact that I like that shit is what scares me. I do not care about what other people enjoy watching, as long as the shit does not contain real people.


Engaged Member
Aug 9, 2017
I really don't get it how this topic already got 6 pages because all you need to know is:

1. F95zone has really clear rules
2. you don't like a certain fetish - you don't download certain games

Mind-blowing, I know.


Sep 6, 2018
Well I'm kind of disturbed by all the incest games even if some can make good story around it.

I like some bestiality but I haven't seen a lot of 3gcd vn with it.

As already said it's all about fantasy.


Co-Writer: Retrieving The Past
Game Developer
Jul 10, 2018
Do you think we are getting insensitised to this type of abuse as we are now to graphic violence in movies and games?
Just curious to know if anybody else feels the same way.
I always worry more about the fact that it seems we have very different standards for physical violence than for sexual violence. A story where a young girl has her entire life taken away in violence is fine, and the scene may be treated as mere background, but if it is even implied that she had her virginity taken away without consent (do you think she consented to being run over, blown up, or shot, etc?) it's treated not as just a little more severe, but can cause absolute outrage.

I worry far more that we are not just desensitised to violence, but 'trained' by social values to applaud it and seek it out, to view those who inflict it as 'role models', and those who recoil from it as cowardly or childish.

Do you really feel that a little girl who's father is killed violently is somehow less traumatised by that than by sexual activity she was an active party to?

Okay, so perhaps that issue is a little too complex, and beastiality will be easier? Surely an animal can't consent and thus it is always abuse? Well, all domestication of animals runs into that same territory. A police dog is put into greater risk of harm, isn't it, when set on a potentially armed criminal? The trainers and handlers will of course reassure you that they are only training it to do what it does anyway, but better, whether that's police with that dog, or animal handlers turning that dog that used to hump guest's legs into a money-maker.

I'm not saying these things are not abuse. I'm saying that they are no more abusive than things that raise no questions or complaints, simply over the involvement of sex. A racehorse is put under significant risk of harm and injury for even less meaningful pleasures, isn't it?


The Hentai Witcher
Jun 2, 2018
Porn can be pretty intense for some people I guess. Personally I don't think a form of media is responsible for ones actions which is why im not that big on censorship bc it comes across as a scapegoat. Also I'd say theres way more emotions going on in a real situation than something that will always be fake so it definitely influences the potential outcomes. I considered exploring the dark web for information on being a better hacker but I hesitate whenever I think of it bc there r real consequences unlike say shooting up 30 some people in a gta game or raping a loli for days on end in some hentai flash game. Even if there were no consequences, I still don't feel inclined to go out of my way to do terrible things to people bc whether for better or worse, I have some level of morality. What I'm saying is theres a big difference to pulling a gun on something fake like an npc that has no actual feelings and is incapable of real suffering that causes other people suffering and pulling a gun on a real person whos probably begging for their life, theres no restarts, and the damage is permanent. I think why some people do terrible things to others is either bc they lack empathy if not sociopathic, r in a really desperate situation like a theft or a mugger, or it's all they know like the contract killers I saw in a summary of the dark web. Best we can do is try to help these people but realize crime will always exist.
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Active Member
Sep 5, 2017
Are we getting desensitized? I'd say yes. When I was a boy and some of my classmates brought a discovery from parents' stash for unofficial show & tell, mostly just images of ladies showing tits, it was enough for me. When pre-internet computers came and shitty porn gifs slowly started to spread on floppies, with ladies showing not much more than tits either, it still worked for me. Now thanks to internet, I have millions of videos just few mouse clicks away, any fetish imaginable is there. And it takes a lot of time to find something interesting. "Hmm, brutal anal gangbang with midgets, horses and V-twin engine powered monster dildo? Gimme a break, boring..." If I saw only a tiny fraction of that back in shitty gifs times, it would have blown my mind. Now it's just "meh". And ladies showing tits? Actually, sometimes it's nice when they do just that. But otherwise, who cares? Tits are harmless enough to see even for kids (I guess some Americans and religious nuts would not agree).

What should or should not be allowed in fantasy land, that's just beyond me. You can't limit fantasy. What would be the point anyway? Fantasy and reality are two completely distinct worlds, they are not directly connected. It's up to everyone how much they want them connected. Any sane person must see the difference, right? Or maybe not. I sometimes feel like in world full of color blind people. I see red and green, I know for sure it's two colors, but they see only one. Or maybe they just pretend? I don't know. But tough luck for them, the cat is out of the bag and it's not going back. If technology allows to create some content, it will exist, no matter how fucked up it might be. Instead of trying to ban virtual things, put that effort into educating people about the difference between real and non-real.
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Mar 3, 2018
I feel like there should be something for every one... Restricting lolicon Beastiality and others should not be accepted.
To be hones i my self like to watch some of those from time to time and they do the trick.

Id rather have 400 pedophiles playing lolicon games then have even 1 of them run around the city trying to play with a little girl.

As a person with a degree in Economics i have learned that unless you can kill the demand there will always be supply (so even if the site stops allowing such content it will thrive else where)

Its not right just fucking the mother!!! You need to fuck her 1300 yo daughter as well.

And if you want examples of adult woman looking like a loli i got plenty for you.

Before you think your morals are worth any thing please consider that they are changing with time.
For example 300 years ago it was moral and legal to marry at the age of 14-15.
You will disagree what is wright and what is wrong even with the people closest to you. Most people in society repress those things because they feel like its not normal and every one else does the same and its a big loop of people giving up on them selves. If you ask a friend of yours who you know watches lolicon hentai but he does not know that you know and you ask him what gets him off he will say anything else but that (but you know and you accept him as he is but he does not know so he thinks this will change your opinion of him and he keeps it hidden).
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Joshua Tree

Conversation Conqueror
Jul 10, 2017
A pity OP didn't list necromancy as one of those "disturbing" fetishes ;)
"Necromancy is a practice of magic involving communication with the dead – either by summoning their spirits as apparitions or raising them bodily – for the purpose of divination, imparting the means to foretell future events, discover hidden knowledge, to bring someone back from the dead, or to use the dead as a weapon. Sometimes referred to as "Death Magic", the term may also sometimes be used in a more general sense to refer to black magic or witchcraft."

Sure you didn't mean necrophilia?
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