- Jan 31, 2023
- 185
- 507
No clue then, all I do is compress the raw export from Unity and then upload it to mega so I can't see how it would've picked up anything badmega
The train should take you to the village where Alex is, what does the quest log say? have you done the event with alex where you join her in a trip to the village? It should be in the morning or afternoon at the train station I think.I tried everything and I somehow can't get the Alex beach event to fire, I went to look for her at the park in the morning and she isn't there, the train take you nowhere, how am I suppose to get the event?
I appreciate your feedback.The writing feels like you are following thirteen-year-olds. Probably the worst age to aim for, not only is that the phase where they are a combination of still being child and teenager but mostly because it feels icky in a pr0n game. A bit to self-aware and the jokes aren’t good. The MC feels bad, he doesn’t really show any positive attributes. He is a brat.
“[...] ,well have you at least gotten more uses to the powers.” That is question and needs a question mark. The MC has at last some sort of idea how to help her with her problem and she answers with “Boring..”? Bratty b*tch. Then came the dialogue with Azalea and I’ve decided that I give up with the game. The writing is bad to average at it’s best. No character so far is likeable or intriguing. Everyone besides Alex and the teacher are some level of asshole. The hook of the plot that someone is doing something, and the “mystery” around MC’s teleport power are simply not interesting enough like this. Maybe show us some flash backs what is happening. The game looks nice at last. I would give it two and a half star rating.
Spying on Kit in the Bathroom, the back and forth with the camera is a bit nauseating. Wandering around in Last Beacon tells me that I must do Tiks first quest, then throws me in some sort of character menu. I would simply disable the travel to Last Beacon if there weren’t anything to do or see before said first quest.
I think what doesn't come through clearly is this is my first game and not only that, my first time writing for a game like this.
I'm slowly learning and practicing writing, and after my Masters of creative writing is done maybe the dialogue in the game will be better, who knows?
You can't really hold me to the standards of a full game with a budget and years of development, I only started this project in february and I have about 10 or so hours every week to work on it.
And I wrote most of the female characters as assholes on purpose because that's just the type of character I like.
I appreciate you giving my game a try but if you don't like the tone, then I'm not going to force you to play it.
Also that last bit might be a bug, I'll make sure to fix it.